QA Madness Blog   How To Automate Mobile App Testing: The Definitive Guide for Your Team

How To Automate Mobile App Testing: The Definitive Guide for Your Team

Do you think automated testing (AT) plays the main role in achieving a highly productive SLDC? This may be the reason you’re not seeing the results you want from mobile automation. And the reality is that AT is the supporting character. Not the protagonist that drives everything forward.

So, in this article, we’ll discuss:

  • How to make your mobile app automation testing an incredible heavy hitter.
  • Why AT itself isn’t the heal-all for every development hardship.
  • What really makes mobile app testing profitable.

Understanding Mobile App Test Automation

A good testing strategy always begins with an understanding of your product. Since we can’t really take your exact project to explain everything, we’ll begin with the next best thing – the app type.

The main take away from this section would be that the kind of your application impacts how you test it.

Mobile Automation for Native, Hybrid, and Web Apps

A native app is developed specifically for a particular OS using the platform’s native programming languages (PLs). This allows the app to fully utilize a device’s integral resources. In other words, such a software has:

  • Complete access to all features, like the camera or GPS.
  • Optimized performance tailored precisely to its environment.
  • Rich user experience due to native UI components, etc.

Hence, in terms of testing, a native app would focus on:

  • Performance testing.
  • UI/UX testing.
  • Integration testing with device features.
  • Security testing.

A hybrid app relies on a single codebase that can be run on multiple OSs. This type of application uses web technologies that are widely understood by most devices, regardless of the operating system. When it comes to development, hybrids are more cost-effective. But they also come with some limitations:

  • Slower performance due to the lack of fine-tuning to a particular platform.
  • Access to device features only via plugins.
  • Extra work that’s needed to secure proper compatibility.

And in this case, such an application would need:

  • Extensive cross-platform testing.
  • Checking plugin interactions.
  • Ensuring responsiveness.
  • Providing consistency in UI/UX across platforms.

Last but not least, web apps. They’re essentially mobile-optimized websites that run in a browser. Users don’t have to install such projects, which is good for exposure. But these apps mostly rely on internet connectivity to function. Plus, they a few other quirks about them:

  • Very limited access to device features.
  • Complete platform-independence.
  • Simpler update and maintenance procedures.

Given these peculiarities, your tests would center on:

  • Cross-browser compatibility.
  • Responsiveness.
  • Performance on different network conditions.
  • Security testing.

If we take a look at the difference between web testing and mobile testing, we’ll see that these two often overlap, in fact. It’s quite similar to the above trio. Native, hybrid, and web apps don’t require strikingly distinct mobile test automation. They don’t call for outlandish mobile testing types to work well, either.

But paying attention to their deviations is the difference between a “good” app and a “why non one else did it like this?” app. People say “the devil is in the details.” We say, “the quality is in the details.”

That’s why the first component of rewarding mobile automation testing is project knowledge. Allow your team to learn as much as possible about your app. Then, they can give each detail the care they need.

Mobile Testing Automation Strategy

First, you need to build an all-encompassing automation testing strategy. This is your holy grail. This is the one document that will tell everyone what to do, how to do it, and what the result will be. And the contents of this Bible of software development have to define everything about your project:

  1. What you want to achieve with automated mobile app testing and how you’ll do it.
  2. Precisely what cases you’ll automate and why.
  3. What tools and technologies you’ll use.
  4. How you’ll set up test environments and configurations.
  5. Which test design and development practices you’ll rely on.
  6. How you’ll integrate AT with the present development workflow.
  7. How you’ll update and maintain your testing suite.
  8. How you’ll monitor and evaluate your AT efforts.
  9. What experts will be responsible for what and how they’ll collaborate.
  10. How the budget and resources will be allocated throughout the SDLC.

A test automation strategy would be one impressive file. And you can’t afford not to have it. Yet, it also means that you need to put quite a lot of work into it.

Test Automation Strategy: A Step-by-Step Guideline for Your Team

Tool Selection for Mobile Automation

Tool selection is another ever-present conundrum for many companies. The primary reason for that is underestimation. Underestimation of how tricky it is to choose a tool.

You’d think that picking assistance software is straightforward:

  1. You look at the features.
  2. Compare the prices.
  3. And just take what fits best.

But there’s more subtlety to it. And you have to consider a lot more.

#1 Compatibility and Functionality

The priority should always be what a tool can do for mobile testing automation:

  • Does it support the platforms you target?
  • Can it work with your preferred PLs?
  • Do the tool’s functionalities align with the testing types you need?
  • Does it offer reliable reporting features?
  • Can it work with basic and complex testing scenarios?

This first category of questions you should ask yourself will tell you whether a tool is worth investing your money in. And, of course, you’ll know what portion of tasks it can handle.

#2 Commercial and Open-Source Options

Depending on your budget, you might sway between open-source and commercial mobile automation tools. Here, too, there’s lots to think about.

Open-source variants are free. They’re cost-effective for startups or small teams. They also often have large communities behind them. So, you’ll have a wealth of support resources and potential collaboration opportunities. And, since you have access to the source code, you can modify a tool to fit specific testing needs.

Yet, at the same time, open-source tools need more tech expertise to set up and use. They may not offer all the advanced features and functionalities. Plus, troubleshooting with no official support can get tricky.

Commercial software is always catered towards its users. It means that it has intuitive interfaces and pre-built functionalities. Paid options will also offer more features. And you can turn to professional customer support with any issue.

But commercial tools come with drawbacks as well. Licensing fees can be expensive, especially for larger enterprises. You’ll have less flexibility to modify the tool. And this reliance on a specific vendor can limit your options if you decide to switch tools in the future.

When it comes to choosing between these two, there’s no beautifully wrapped answer. You have to evaluate what you have (time, money, expertise) and pick what fits your situation. Also, a side note: it’s absolutely normal to use a combination of tools. You can mix free and paid options, select a few commercial or open-source variants, or juggle between both.

#3 Integration and Scalability

With tools, it’s always a good idea to keep an eye on your product’s future. You ought to consider what might change when your app grows.

  • Will the tool be able to handle an increasing workload?
  • Can it scale to accommodate evolving testing needs?
  • Can it provide you with functionalities you might need as your project matures?

You also can’t forget about how well a tool can integrate with your present workflow. If a software hits all checkboxes but can’t exist as a part of your processes, it’s not your tool.

  1. Make a list of the development tools, frameworks, and CI/CD platforms you currently use.
  2. See if your tool offers documented integrations with your specific development environment and CI/CD pipeline. Many testing tools provide plugins or connectors for popular platforms.
  3. If your system uses APIs, investigate whether the testing tool offers compatible APIs for data exchange and automation.
  4. Most testing tool vendors offer trial periods. Utilize this time to test the integration with your existing systems.

#4 Ease of Use and Learning Curve

  1. A software’s capabilities aren’t what makes it a clear-cut pick. Selecting a tool is challenging because you have to find a nearly ideal candidate that fits quite a few criteria. And the next one on the list is your team’s comfort. Specifically, you ought to review the following:

    Does your team know how to work this option, or will they have to learn it?

  2. If the team has no choice but to use a tool they don’t really know, do you have the time and resources to allow for training?
  3. Is the tool user-friendly at all?
  4. When your QA engineers rely on it for daily routine, can they do so easily or do they struggle to operate the tool?
  5. Does the tool have proper security measures, or will you have to supplement it with something else?

When a QA team applies a tool for automated mobile testing that they’ve never used before or that’s frustrating to work with, they will get discontent. That’s a big dent in the crew’s productivity. And here’s another one – they will spend more time on understanding and dealing with tough software rather than actually testing.

So, before you settle on a feature-rich, hitting-all-the-checks option, go talk to your team. Find out if they can indeed work with your selection.

Team Expertise

That brings us to another point, arguably the most important one – people.

Imagine you have a group of QA engineers. But they’re all on a spectrum. At the start of it, there are complete testing newbies. At the end of it are gods, gurus, and masters of mobile application testing services. Which would you choose for your project?

You definitely wouldn’t go for inexperienced people. And let’s face it, you wouldn’t pick someone in the middle. After all, there are those specialists at the end of the spectrum that you’re already thinking about. Everyone wants the best. It’s natural. But that “best” comes after a lot of work.

If you have a crew that you need to upskill, there’s the matter of resources. Plus, you shouldn’t forget about progress evaluation and tracking. That’s how you’ll know that what you’re doing in terms of team education is working. It’ll also help you decide who you want to keep working with.

If you want to build a team from scratch, you’ve got to consider whether you have the time, budget, and expertise to pick proper talent. You need to know where to find them and how to make them want to stay. Also, you can’t forget about the effort that’ll go into managing your squad.

IT Recruitment Insights from a QA Outsource Company

If you’re thinking about QA outsource, you’ll get what you need. You can partner with a QA company to help you find strong specialists. A testing vendor already knows where to look for them or has a vetted pool of candidates. You can also request an outside team to join your project. And those will be people entirely fitted to your product.

The last option seems ideal. But as outsourced testing providers ourselves, we know that it’s not easy. It’s not easy to let, well, strangers work on your app. It’s not easy to entrust so much to someone else. Will they deliver what they promised? Are their QA experts actual experts? Will there be disagreements or misunderstandings? How do we deal with that?

We understand that you might have questions like that roaming around your head. Frankly, the only advice we can give is to carry out full-scale research.

  1. Look at the reviews, ratings, and testimonials.
  2. Ask around and consider recommendations from people with projects similar to yours.
  3. Pay attention to online presence and a company’s main page.
  4. Look for legitimate case studies.
  5. Seek feedback from people who worked with the QA vendor you’re considering.
  6. Never dismiss booking a call. You can enquire a lot about a company from how they speak, answer your questions, etc. Even if a provider can’t help you, sometimes, the right kind of no is better than the wrong kind yes.
  7. You just have to keep looking for someone you can trust.

To this, there are no shortcuts. To get the best, you have to do your best. So, do your investigation and find someone you’re confident in.

Test Coverage

Having proper test coverage doesn’t mean checking every nook and cranny of your product. It doesn’t mean writing thousands of tests to analyze everything. And, surprise, it doesn’t mean catching all the bugs.

If we drop the technicalities, a good test coverage translates to a functional, pleasant product that may have some imperfections. Here, you need to keep your eyes on the prize. And that’s satisfied users. Your app doesn’t have to be flawless to impress.

  • Focus on automating tests for critical user journeys first. These are the paths that users frequently take within your app and are essential to the core functionality.
  • Tend to high-risk areas as well.
  • Automate a variety of test scenarios, including typical usage patterns, edge cases, and negative scenarios.
  • Test on a variety of devices with different screen sizes, resolutions, and hardware capabilities.
  • Include tests for multiple versions of OSs to account for users who may not have the latest updates.
  • Use a mix of emulators/simulators for broad coverage and real devices for accurate performance and usability testing.
  • Maintain and regularly run a suite of regression tests to catch bugs introduced by changes.
  • Test how your app performs under different conditions, especially under load.
  • Integrate automated testing into your CI/CD pipeline to ensure that tests are run automatically with every code change.
  • Utilize code coverage metrics to measure the extent of your test coverage and identify areas that need more attention.
  • Write modular and reusable test scripts to simplify updates and maintenance.
  • Periodically review and refactor test scripts to improve efficiency and readability.
  • Maintain thorough documentation of test scripts to facilitate easier updates and onboarding of new team members.

Overall, you just have to test enough of your app for it to work nicely. It’s like the Colosseum in Rome. It’s not complete or perfectly symmetrical. It’s not state-of-the-art architecture. But it’s a safe structure that carries out its main function. Also, the way it looks and feels is exactly what makes it so memorable.

Perfection doesn’t equal greatness.

Maintenance and Support

Now, the last aspect on our list of considerations for mobile application automation testing is maintenance. With software development, you need to think ahead. And maintenance is what secures your project’s long-term success. It’s what makes any AT effort pay off.

To create and keep your automation suites healthy and productive, you’ll need a few things.

#1 Comprehensive Documentation

  • Document the purpose and scope of each test script, including the specific functionalities and scenarios it covers.
  • Clearly list any dependencies, such as external libraries, data files, or configurations, required for the test scripts to run.
  • Provide step-by-step instructions on how to execute the test scripts and interpret the results.

#2 Test Data Management

  • Use data-driven testing approaches to separate test data from test scripts. This allows for easy updates and modifications to test data without altering the scripts.
  • Regularly refresh test data to reflect the latest app state and scenarios.

#3 Modular Test Scripts

  • Write reusable functions and components that can be shared across multiple test cases. This reduces redundancy and makes it easier to update scripts when changes are required.
  • Organize test scripts logically, separating setup, execution, and teardown phases.
  • Use descriptive names and comments to make scripts understandable and maintainable.

#4 Version Control

  • Implement a branching strategy that aligns with your development workflow, enabling safe experimentation and integration of new tests.
  • Keep a detailed change history for test scripts to track modifications, identify the source of issues, and facilitate rollback if necessary.

#5 Regular Reviews and Refactoring

  • Conduct code reviews for test scripts to ensure quality and adherence to best practices.
  • Peer reviews can help identify potential issues and areas for improvement.
  • Periodically refactor test scripts to remove obsolete code, improve performance, and enhance readability. Refactoring helps keep the test suite manageable and reduces the risk of test debt.

Your main goal is to avoid test debt and keep your app as incredible as it is now.

And in case you need a brief refresher, test debt is the accumulation of suboptimal, incomplete, or outdated test scripts, processes, and practices. The blend of these “lovely” things will degrade your testing efforts. It can lead to:

  • Increased maintenance effort.
  • Reduced test effectiveness.
  • Slower development cycles.
  • Higher risk of failures.
  • Lower team morale.

So, polish and shine your mobile app automated testing routinely. Promote a culture of quality to keep your team motivated. And encourage continuous learning for your crew to grow with your project.

Challenges and Solutions in Mobile App Automation Testing

Mobile automation testing is a journey. And there’s no proper journey without a few dragons to slay. Yes, there are dragons to worry about. But with preparation and the right equipment, so to speak, you shouldn’t have trouble, only reminders of what you’ve overcome.

Device Fragmentation

Did you know the number of card combinations in a standard deck is as much as 8×1067? That’s eight with 67 zeros. And there are definitely more than 52 unique mobile devices. They come in all shapes and sizes. They also have a myriad of OSs, their versions, and hardware capabilities. And testing every combination isn’t just difficult. It’s barely possible.

  • Prioritize testing on popular devices and OSs based on your target audience.
  • Utilize cloud-based testing platforms that offer access to a virtual device lab with a wide range of devices and configurations.
  • Implement device emulation or simulators to cover a broader range of devices without physical hardware.
  • Implement responsive design principles and use adaptive testing techniques.

Flaky Tests

Test scripts can lie to you sometimes. Specifically, they may produce inconsistent results (sometimes pass, sometimes fail). This can happen for a number of reasons:

  • UI element change. Mobile apps frequently undergo updates and changes. If your test script relies on identifying specific UI elements by their location or name, those elements might change position or name in a new version, causing the script to fail.
  • Network fluctuations. If your test relies on specific data coming back from a server, any network delays or inconsistencies can cause the test to fail, even though the app itself is functioning correctly.
  • Timing issues. In some cases, the timing of actions within the test script might be critical. If the app takes slightly longer to load a specific page or element than usual, the test script might interact with the wrong element or fail due to timing delays.
  • Accidental recourse drainage. Mobile devices have limited memory and processing power. If your test script involves complex calculations or data manipulation, it might occasionally run into resource limitations on certain devices, leading to test failures.
  • Third-party dependencies. Some apps rely on external services or libraries. If these dependencies update or have temporary issues, it could impact the functionality of your app and cause your test script to fail.

To avoid such events, you need to monitor your mobile app testing automation. You also need to know how to amend such issues.

  • Implement robust test automation frameworks and test design practices that handle unexpected conditions gracefully.
  • Identify and address the root cause of flakiness, such as unreliable network connections, UI element changes, or timing issues.
  • Employ tools for test self-healing that can automatically fix minor issues within the test script.
  • Isolate tests to ensure they do not depend on each other, use reliable locators, and apply dynamic waits. Regularly review and refactor test scripts.

Security Testing

Cyber security is among our favorite subjects. It’s so simple in its concept – protecting an app. But it’s so intricate in practice. In the context of test automation for mobile apps, the main riddle is implementing security testing with AT.

  • Leverage mobile app security testing frameworks for automated penetration testing and vulnerability scanning.
  • Integrate security tests into the CI/CD pipeline to identify and address vulnerabilities early in the development process.
  • Consider partnering with security testing experts to establish a comprehensive automated security testing strategy.
  • Hold regular security audits and penetration testing to complement automated tests. And remember not to over-rely on AT when it comes to security.

Performance Testing

If your app is too slow, a user will delete it. If your app eats up all the battery, a user will delete it. If your app isn’t stable in certain (normal for this consumer) conditions, a user will delete it. Your product’s performance is about an insanely intricate balance.

  • Utilize performance testing tools to simulate different network speeds, memory usage, and user load scenarios.
  • Integrate performance tests into the automated testing suite to identify bottlenecks and optimize app performance.
  • Conduct real-device testing under various network conditions to validate performance in real-world scenarios.
  • Monitoring real user metrics and feedback.

Usability Testing

Lastly, the biggest challenge in automation testing for mobile apps is accepting that you won’t do without manual QA. The whole point of AT is to reduce manual effort. And that’s the point – you should strive to reduce it, not eradicate it. Manual software testing can do something automation could never. It can analyze your product from a genuine user perspective.

  • Incorporate usability testing into the early stages of development.
  • Implement a combination of automated and manual UX testing.
  • Utilize user recording tools to capture user interactions and identify usability issues.
  • Conduct user acceptance testing (UAT) with real people to gather feedback on the overall user experience.

When to Apply Automated Mobile App Testing

When we think about how to automate mobile app testing, we mostly think about the hows. But, from our experience, the whens and whys are arguably more impactful. So, let’s focus on:

  1. What tests you should automate first.
  2. What state your project should be in to get the most out of mobile test automation.
  3. When’s the ideal moment to implement AT in your development.

What Tests You Should Automate

A good automated test isn’t the one that works. It’s the one that brings value. And yes, these two are very different things. For example, you can have a well-written script that’s also completely useless. Here are a few such scenarios:

  • Automating the verification of specific button colors can be brittle and break easily with minor UI changes that don’t affect functionality.
  • Over-reliance on tests that only follow successful user flows can miss edge cases or error-handling scenarios.
  • Running performance tests only on a single high-end device doesn’t reflect real-world user experience.

Such tests may be of some use. But the time and effort needed to create and maintain them outweigh it. So, for productive automated mobile testing, begin by focusing on the following.

Repetitive tests that need to be executed frequently, such as daily or with every new build.

  • Login/logout functionality.
  • User registration process.
  • Form submissions.

Regression tests that ensure new code changes have not affected existing functionality.

  • Core feature verification like search and checkout processes.
  • Data integrity checks after updates.

Smoke tests to verify that the major functionalities of an application are working as expected.

  • Application launch.
  • Basic navigation.
  • Major feature access.

Data-driven tests that require running the same set of actions with multiple sets of data.

  • Input validation for forms.
  • Testing with different user roles.
  • Checking various input combinations.

Performance tests to measure the app’s responsiveness, stability, and speed under different conditions.

  • Load testing.
  • Stress testing.
  • Scalability testing.

Cross-browser and cross-device tests to ensure the application works across different environments.

  • UI consistency.
  • Functionality verification across different screen sizes and resolutions.

API tests to validate the correctness, performance, and security of application programming interfaces.

  • Endpoint validation.
  • Response time checks.
  • Data integrity between client and server.

Basic security tests to locate common vulnerabilities and security loopholes.

  • SQL injection.
  • Cross-Site Scripting (XSS).
  • Authentication/authorization checks.

End-to-end tests that cover the entire workflow of an application from start to finish.

  • User journey scenarios like placing an order.
  • A consumer making a payment.
  • The app generating a report.

Unit tests that validate the functionality of individual components or units of code.

  • Functions.
  • Methods.
  • Classes (all in isolation from the rest of the app).

Integration tests that verify the interaction between different modules or services within the application.

  • Database interactions.
  • Third-party service integrations.
  • Inter-module communication.

Configuration tests to verify different configurations of the application.

  • Running the app with various settings.
  • Checking how it works with environment variables.
  • Evaluating how it responds to user preferences.

Remember that you don’t have to automate everything at once. You can start small by applying AT to highly critical, error-prone, and tedious tasks. See how it all works out for you, adapt your mobile test automation strategy as needed, and never stop refining your processes.

How to Know If You’re Ready for Mobile Automation

We can’t tell you whether your project “merits” automation. It’s your decision. But we’ve worked on enough projects to share some practical insights with you. We’ve seen companies struggle with AT because they went all in with it and unattainable expectations. And we’ve seen companies struggle because they didn’t apply mobile automation in time or properly.

So, here are the aspects of your product that might make it much more welcoming to AT.

Project Size and Update Frequency

Larger projects often involve more extensive codebases and numerous features. Here, automation helps manage the complexity and volume of testing required, ensuring comprehensive coverage without overwhelming the testing team.

App Complexity

Applications with intricate features and interactions can be challenging to test manually, especially as they grow in complexity. Automated tests can handle complex scenarios and edge cases more efficiently. They will also reduce the likelihood of human error and ensure thorough validation of the app’s behavior.

User Base

Apps with a substantial or rapidly expanding user base need to maintain high reliability and performance to meet user expectations. AT will aid in keeping the app stable and well-performing under various conditions, providing consistent UX even as the user base grows.

Release Frequency

Projects with CI or frequent release cycles require rapid and reliable testing to keep up with the development pace. Automation accelerates the testing process, allowing for faster release cycles without compromising quality. It enables continuous testing, where tests are run automatically with each code change, providing immediate feedback to developers.

The one thing to take away from this is that you should apply automation only when and where it’s beneficial. AT is a long-term solution that calls for considerable investment or time, money, and talent. So, before implementing mobile testing automation, consider whether you genuinely need it and if it’ll be worth it.

The Right Time to Start Automated Mobile App Testing

Implementing mobile automation is like baking a pie. Put it for too long in the oven, and it might lose its shape and shine. Put it in for too little, and you’ll end up with a useless tray of goo. So, you need to pick the right moment and strategy for letting your AT efforts bake into a productivity booster.

Early in the Development Process

When you apply automation early, you go about your processes with AT at the core. You’ll find it easier to organize and run it. It won’t be an add-on or an afterthought. It’ll be a valuable part of your project.

And with automation executed well, you’ll get quicker feedback, better quality, reduced risk of errors, spider deployments, and more.

Before Major Feature Implementations

Starting automation before implementing major features ensures that foundational tests are in place to validate new additions. This strategy helps prevent new features from introducing bugs into existing functionality. And it allows for comprehensive testing of the new stuff.

After Establishing a Clear Scope and Stable Requirements

If you’re not very sure where or how to place AT within your project, you’re not ready. Automation needs a clear-cut path to take. It also needs stable requirements so that your team knows exactly how to apply its advantages.

With no clear vision of what you want to achieve with automated mobile testing, it’ll be constantly changing shape. And your crew will spend extra time on trying to maintain and organize a process that no one’s confident in.

When Manual Testing Becomes Inefficient

If manual testing starts to become a bottleneck, it’s high time to give it a friend. Automation can handle repetitive and time-consuming tests, freeing up QA engineers to focus on more complex and exploratory testing activities.

Just don’t outright bench manual QA. Both automated and manual testing work best when they’re together, each helping out with the tasks they’re valuable for.

Types of Automated Mobile Testing to Prioritize and Those to Skip

There are certain types of testing that companies often automate first. Why? Because they secure core, quality-defining aspects of your app. So, if you’re doubtful about where to start mobile testing automation, consider this baseline.

  • Functional testing validates that each feature of the app operates correctly according to the specified requirements.
  • Regression testing confirms that the existing functionality remains intact after code changes.
  • Performance testing keeps the app stable and responsive under different levels of usage and stress.
  • User interface testing validates the user interfaces across different devices to ensure consistent and pleasant UX.
  • Compatibility testing ensures the app’s fine behavior on various devices and operating systems.

Here are a few scenarios to give you a better idea of what you should definitely automate.

  • Verify new user registration process.
  • Ensure users can add products to the shopping cart.
  • Confirm users can reset their passwords.
  • Ensure existing users can log in after app updates.
  • Verify search functionality remains intact.
  • Confirm users can update their profiles without issues.
  • Measure app performance under increasing user loads.
  • Assess app stability under extreme usage scenarios.
  • Evaluate app responsiveness under varying network speeds.
  • Validate visibility and functionality of UI buttons.
  • Ensure UI elements display correctly across different resolutions.
  • Verify smooth navigation between app screens.
  • Ensure app functions properly on various devices.
  • Verify app behavior across different OS versions.
  • Test app functionality on different mobile browsers.

If your project is aiming to delight ample audiences, we’d also recommend adding accessibility and localization to your mobile automation as soon as possible.

Both of these testing types are very intricate. By including them in your AT strategy early, you’ll be able to adapt your scripts to include aspects that verify scenarios related to them. The other option would be closer to retrofitting such checks. And localization as well as accessibility don’t take kindly to making them an afterthought.

You’ll be surprised how difficult their negligence can make your testing process.

Now, we also should talk about the other end of the scale. There are tests ideally suited to automation. And there are those who shouldn’t even hear such a word.

  • Exploratory testing. Here, human intuition and creativity are crucial for uncovering unexpected issues.
  • Usability testing. Evaluation of user experience aspects requires direct feedback and interpretation from users.
  • Ad hoc testing. This is random testing performed without a predefined plan, often used for uncovering spontaneous issues.
  • Visual aspects. Testing complex UI elements that may change frequently or require subjective evaluation is no match for AT.
  • Highly dynamic interfaces. Elements with recurring alterations or complex animations are challenging to simulate programmatically.
  • Voice recognition. Testing voice commands and responses calls for nuanced human evaluation and context understanding.
  • Gestures. Complex gestures are difficult to replicate accurately through automated scripts.

These types of testing rely heavily on human judgment, intuition, and real-world interaction. And for these rascals, you should never use AT. This might seem counterintuitive. But nearly in every article about automation we create, we mention manual QA.

Manual testing isn’t the opposite or rival of automation. They should always go hand in hand, not replace one another.

Best Practices For Mobile App Automation Testing

For every project comes a time when the team thinks about taking a product to a new level. But we believe in aiming high from the beginning. To achieve your ambitious goals, it’s helpful to know what practical tips can be used to make your way to the top more pleasant.

Plus, it’s better to learn from the mistakes and experiences of others. So, you might want to add these insights to your save file.

Start Testing Early

We won’t get tired of saying it. That’s how important it is. When you test early, you find issues early. And your product becomes more stable and productive quicker. You avoid reworks, unnecessary checks, and overworked teams. Plus, the cost of fixing bugs in later stages is 10 to 30 times higher.

Create Reusable Tests and Components

You should develop a library of common functions and utilities to use across test cases. It allows you to reduce redundancy and maintenance effort. By building modular test scripts, you can easily update individual components without affecting the entire test suite. That’s how you make your testing more robust and scalable.

Run Parallel Testing

Parallel testing is something you shouldn’t even think about. If you can apply it – do it. Executing multiple tests simultaneously drastically reduces the overall test run time. This is especially beneficial when dealing with large test suites or testing on multiple devices and platforms. So, try to take advantage of cloud-based testing services or tools that support this practice.

Strategize Cross-Platform Testing

Every mobile device can have a unique set of characteristics, from its OS to hardware powers. To reach more people and offer them equally exciting experiences, your cross-platform testing is to be on point. Try tools like Appium, which supports both Android and iOS. Make use of device farms or emulators for comprehensive test coverage. And don’t forget to consider the unique aspects of each platform.

Make Use of Data-Driven Testing

Separate test data from test scripts to modify and expand test cases without altering the code. This approach enables the testing of various input combinations and edge cases, ensuring that your app can handle a wide range of real-world scenarios. Also, it simplifies your team’s workflow and test maintenance.

Keep the Updates Systematic and Continuous

Update your scripts to reflect any changes in the app: a small addition, a whole new feature, a fixed issue, etc. You need to keep your tests relevant to keep them useful. So, strive to regularly review and refactor your tests to preserve their productivity.

Keep in mind that you aren’t obliged to take action on this advice. You might be just okay skipping a few of them. For instance, maybe you’re already in the advanced stages of development. Maybe your testing pace is all right without parallel testing. Maybe your project is designed to be short-term.

Use these tips when you’re ready for them and when they’re actually helpful for your situation.

Mobile Automation in Practice

Let’s take a little break from the realm of this article and jump to the real world for a moment. Specifically, let’s take a look at what companies who use test automation services say about its effects. It’ll serve as a hands-on reminder of why proper automation set up is literally vital for a product.

For over 50% of organizations, AT allows to hit two (many more actually) targets with one shot, particularly:

  • Considerable risk reduction.
  • Improved test efficiency.
  • Minimization of live defects.
  • Decrease in testing efforts.
  • Enhanced customer experience.
  • Reduced time to market.

We can’t really say whether the percentage of firms benefiting from automated mobile app testing will rise, as for 30% of companies, the biggest challenge to implementing AT is lack of skills. And we all know that there’s currently lots of issues with IT talent shortage.

Many are now trying out low-, no-code, and AI solutions as an alternative. But these efforts are in the experimental stage. So, it’ll be a while until we see an established, reliable workflow for this trio.

For now, the most stable way out of the skill gap is QA outsourcing. A few years back, nearly 60% of G2000 companies used outsourcing. The spending on it increased by 22% from 2019, so you can be sure it’s working.

Mobile App Tessting: Case Study Example

We were a part of making it possible for a healthcare platform. The client had no in-house QA specialists. They found it tricky to set up the testing process and support the constant flow of tasks and reached out to QA Madness.

Our experts, as always, began with an all-inclusive research of the product to learn its architecture, functionalities, user base, etc. This would allow us to organize fitting procedures and tests. Initially, manual testing covered all functionalities, while regression became automated.

Our long-term partnership saw the testing process adapt alongside the evolving product.

  • The QA engineers tested across six devices with over 500 test cases, uncovering roughly 100 critical issues.
  • Resolving these defects significantly improved app stability, user experience, and business performance.
  • And automating repetitive tasks enhanced testing accuracy and speed, accelerating releases and reducing costs.

That’s one of many examples that proves the efficiency of automated testing for mobile apps.

Getting Started with Mobile App Automation Testing

Mobile testing automation is often perceived one-sidedly. It’s about testing, right? What else is there? In practice, it’s the pre-game that’ll give direction to your efforts. It’ll set the stage and decide the end result. So, let’s turn our heads to the more business side of things – creating the backbone for your AT.

Research and Planning

This is sometimes called the “boring” stage of testing. But boring stuff is important, too. Washing your hands, resting properly, and reading a book from time to time is important. It’s what keeps you healthy and engaged.

The studying phase lets you better know your project. You’ll be able to precisely understand what you want and what you can do. Basically, this is the period of setting yourself up for success.

  • Begin by understanding the requirements of your application, including the platforms you need to support and the types of tests you need.
  • Identify the areas of your mobile app that would benefit most from automation. Consider factors like complexity, critical features, and frequency of updates.
  • Research different mobile app testing frameworks (Appium, Espresso, XCUITest) and their functionalities to see which best aligns with your project and team expertise.
  • Develop a detailed test strategy that outlines the scope of automation, the test environments, and the testing schedule.

Have a well-defined scope for automation. Focus on automating critical functionalities first, then gradually expand your test suite over time.

Building a Team

From jar openers to rocket jets, none would be possible without great minds and hard work. Your project, whatever innovative technologies or cutting-edge practices you might use, also won’t be possible without a decent team.

After all, automation is, in its essence, a program. And the program is built, sustained, and improved by people. So, before setting your eyes on the prize (a terrific product), set your eyes on what makes it attainable (the bright minds).

  • Hire QA engineers with experience in mobile app testing and familiarity with automated testing frameworks.
  • Make sure they’re well-versed in programming concepts.
  • Involve members familiar with your app’s functionalities in as many processes as possible. Their insights will help guide and advance your product.
  • Consider what roles you need for a gainful testing process.

Based on crew and project size (and complexity, too), you might need additional specialists to cover everything properly. For example, a QA automation lead is great for larger ventures. And performance engineers are beyond useful for fine-tuning your app’s operations.

What Is the Role of a QA Engineer In the Team?


Now, a bit about the sad stuff – spending money. You need to be mindful of what your AT investment will actually go towards. It’s not just hiring people and making scripts. For a stress-free and more profitable venture, consider these aspects, too (spend money to make money, right?).

  • Factor in potential costs associated with automated testing tools or cloud-based device testing services.
  • Consider the costs of training your team or hiring personnel with automation expertise.
  • Remember that your budget might need adjusting as your app evolves.
  • Do keep a “safety cushion” fund if possible. It’ll help you bounce back and return to making revenue quicker.

Tools and Frameworks

We’ve talked about this before. So, let’s sum up the main points.

  • Pick tools and frameworks not just based on the glowing reviews. Select those that suit your project needs and team skills.
  • Ensure the tools support the platforms and devices you need to test.
  • Tools with active communities and strong support can help resolve issues quickly.
  • Choose tools that integrate with your existing development and CI/CD workflows.
  • Consider the learning curve for your team and choose a framework with a user-friendly interface and documentation.

The Secrets and Pitfalls of Free Mobile App Testing

Active Work

Finally comes the fun part. Well, maybe we as QA engineers consider it fun. Most likely because that’s where we make the most impact. So, take a few of these insights from our practice.

  • Develop test scripts following best practices like modularity, reusability, and clear documentation.
  • Run automated tests regularly, analyze results, and identify areas for improvement.
  • Mobile app development is a continuous process. Routinely update your test scripts to reflect changes in the app and ensure comprehensive coverage.

Success isn’t a straight line. It’s the hills and valleys of learning and becoming better. Don’t worry too much if something doesn’t work out. It’s just a part of the process. And if you feel like you need some help – our blog and team are always here.

Setting Up Your Mobile Automation Testing Environment

A testing environment is like a garden. For each plant to take root and give fruit, you need to pick good grounds, fertilize the soil, and trim the weeds.

For your testing efforts to blossom, such a space looks a bit different (it’s definitely less green). But the essence is the same. It’s a controlled and isolated system where developers and QA specialists can work on your app without impacting the live production environment.

Here’s how to prepare it well.


For comprehensive testing, invest in a variety of real mobile devices with different OSs, screen sizes, and hardware specifications. This allows you to simulate real-world user scenarios and identify potential compatibility issues that might not be apparent on emulators or simulators. Consider factors like market share of target devices and the specific needs of your app’s user base when choosing a selection of physical devices.

As for emulators and simulators, they’re a cost-effective way to test on a wider range of configurations. But they’re also less precise.

  • Emulators mimic mobile devices on your computer. They are ideal for testing on various Android versions and configurations. However, emulators can be slower than physical devices and might not perfectly capture all device nuances.
  • Simulators provide a more realistic environment specific to a particular platform. For instance, Xcode provides iOS simulators that closely resemble actual iPhones and iPads. While faster than emulators, simulators might still have limitations compared to real devices.

The best approach often involves a combination of virtual and physical devices. Utilize real devices for critical testing and edge cases while leveraging emulators and simulators for broader configuration coverage and faster test execution.

CI/CD Integration

Continuous integration involves automating the process of building, testing, and integrating your app’s code with every change committed to the version control system (VCS). This allows for early detection of regressions introduced by new code, preventing bugs from creeping into later development stages.

Continuous delivery automates the deployment process, allowing for faster releases of new features or bug fixes. By integrating your automated test suite into your CI/CD pipeline, you can ensure tests are run automatically with every build. This provides immediate feedback on the impact of code changes and helps maintain a high-quality codebase.

Here’s how CI/CD integration works in mobile app testing:

  1. A developer commits code changes to the VCS.
  2. The CI server automatically triggers the build process, which builds the app.
  3. The automated test suite is then executed on the chosen devices or emulators.
  4. Test results are reported back to the CI server and developers.
  5. If tests fail, developers can investigate and fix the issues before merging the code changes.
  6. Upon successful testing, the CD pipeline can be triggered to automatically deploy the new app version to a staging environment or even the production environment (depending on your workflow).

Test Data Management

The quality of your test data directly impacts the reliability of your automated tests. To better understand this, think of AI. If it’s fed low-quality data, it’ll produce low-quality results. The process here is similar. You need to have clean data and keep it organized and secure.

  • Generate diverse and comprehensive test data that covers different use cases and edge cases.
  • Store test data (usernames, passwords, product details) in a secure and reliable location, such as databases or encrypted external files. This helps prevent unauthorized access and protects sensitive information.
  • Implement version control for test data alongside your test scripts. This allows you to roll back to previous versions if needed and ensures consistency across test runs.
  • Use anonymized data whenever possible to protect user privacy during testing. This involves replacing real user information with fictitious data that retains the necessary characteristics for testing purposes.
  • Consider using external data sources (CSV files, databases) to store and manage test data. This promotes separation of concerns, making test scripts more maintainable and easier to update with new data sets.
  • Implement strategies for data cleanup and reset to ensure tests are repeatable and independent.

Version Control

Use a VCS like Git to track changes made to your automated test scripts over time. This facilitates collaboration among testers, enables easy rollback to previous versions if needed, and helps maintain a history of your testing efforts.

  • Multiple testers can work on test scripts simultaneously without worrying about conflicts.
  • You can see exactly who made changes to a script, when, and why.
  • If a change to a test script introduces an issue, you can easily revert to a previous version.

When you keep your testing environment high-quality, you’ll end up with only high-quality deployments. But there are cases where testing in production is inevitable or is actually a part of the strategy. To know more and be prepared for such an event, you’re welcome to check the article below.

Testing in Production: Risks, Benefits, and Best Practices

Why Running Mobile Automation With Pros Is Better

So, what do you think so far: is mobile automation the MVP, or is it all the work that goes into it? You see, AT, in a way, is more like a finished product. It’s a mechanism that you need to prepare, organize, and upkeep. Only then can this mechanism work and bring the results you envision.

And all the heavy lifting is done by people. Every specialist involved in your project is the real MVP. That’s why we’d like to focus on the value of genuine expertise here.

  • Experts understand the nuances of mobile app development and testing. They can identify potential issues specific to mobile devices and platforms, ensuring your tests target critical areas.
  • They go beyond basic scripting, crafting well-structured, maintainable, and reusable test suites that evolve alongside your app.
  • With their knowledge of various automation tools and frameworks, they can select the optimal solution for your app’s technology stack and testing needs.
  • Professionals can tackle intricate testing scenarios like API interactions, accessibility testing, and performance testing. These areas require specialized skills beyond basic functionality checks.
  • They seamlessly integrate automated testing into your CI/CD pipeline, ensuring tests are triggered automatically for faster feedback and a smoother development cycle.
  • The team keeps you updated on the latest advancements in mobile automation tools and best practices. They constantly refine your testing strategy to ensure it remains effective as your app grows.
  • And their directed effort leads to a product with a quality that delights users and surprises competitors.

On the same note, there are benefits to outsourced expertise, too. In fact, it inherits the perks discussed above and adds an extra layer of advantages.


Building an in-house team of mobile automation experts requires recruitment, onboarding, and ongoing training. Outsourcing eliminates these costs, allowing you to access expertise without a significant upfront investment.

Your testing needs can fluctuate based on the project stage and development cycles. Outsourcing allows you to scale your testing resources up or down as needed, paying only for the services you require.

Access to Unique Expertise

QA outsource companies employ dedicated mobile automation engineers with in-depth knowledge of automation tools, frameworks, and best practices. You gain access to a pool of skills that might be difficult or expensive to build internally.

Outsourcing providers work on various mobile app projects, exposing their professionals to a wide range of technologies and testing scenarios. This diverse experience can benefit your project by identifying potential issues you might not have anticipated.

Improved Efficiency and Speed

Experienced teams can develop efficient and reusable test scripts quickly, saving you valuable time and resources compared to building an in-house team from scratch.

Outsourcing providers have established workflows and processes for automated mobile testing. This can lead to quicker setup and faster test execution compared to setting up your own infrastructure.

By outsourcing testing, your internal team can focus on core competencies like app development, user experience design, and product strategy.

Extra Perks

Outsourcing companies often have access to the latest testing tools and infrastructure, ensuring your project benefits from cutting-edge solutions.

Some providers offer geographically distributed testing teams. This allows you to test your app across different time zones and devices, providing a more comprehensive picture of its global functionality.

Partnering with a reputable QA company can mitigate the risk of human error or knowledge gaps within an internal team. Their expertise helps ensure a more thorough and reliable testing process.

These merits aren’t just music to your ears. We stand behind each and every one of them. We’re part of the vanguard that drives businesses towards being a true gem on the market.

In the span of 11 years, we’ve completed over 4,000 projects. Our team of 150+ specialists has collaborated with clients from 20 countries and worked on products ranging from healthcare software to AI-powered solutions.

After seeing the value we brought to companies, we expanded our services to help them in more ways. We offer:

  • Quality assurance.
  • Security services.
  • Business analysis.
  • IT project management.
  • Team augmentation and more.

We stay with our partners from the planning to maintenance stages to help them build a solid product foundation, keep it profitable, and advance it non-stop. And we’re proud to say that for all these years our experts have never said “oh, that’s exactly what we did last time.” We treat each project like a child seeing a rainbow for the first time: a unique phenomenon full of opportunities.

If you handle a product like yet another job, it’ll end up like yet another, unexciting option on the market. We tailor every of our processes to your needs and goals, from expert selection to solution development.

That’s the only way greatness is made: with care, dedication, and a bit of a healthy obsession.

To Sum Up

Mobile app test automation isn’t some miracle that just happens. Most things we call wonders come after lots of diligent work, out-of-the-box ideas, and seemingly unattainable expectations. And to make your product a hit, you need a strategy, pure expertise, and people who value what they do. So, arm yourself up with veteran specialists and watch your project turn into a marvel.

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