Hide And Seek With Bugs, or 8 Most Common Issues In Magento Website

9 years ago

Magento, as one of the leading eCommerce platforms, is used to create the most successful and high-quality online stores. The…

QA and Testing News: Double Secret Life Of Superheroes, Who Are They?

9 years ago

What is your association with term "superhero"? For many of you, the image of superhero will remind you about the…

12 Most Favorite Software Testing Tools

9 years ago

Software testing is the process of evaluation a software item to detect differences between given input and expected output. Software…

Breaking Bad in your code or how software bug can make fun of you?

9 years ago

First of all, what is “software bug”? Everyone understands that it isn’t an insect ( well, not anymore, anyway :-)…

Why The IT World Wouldn’t Be Evolved Without Girls In It?

10 years ago

In honor of Women's Day, we would like to pay tribute to the women in Information Technology. Modern IT world…