Desktop Testing

Automated Testing for a Desktop Application: Benefits, Particularities, and Actionable Tips

Reading Time: 16 minutes

There’s no good without the bad. So, if you’re contemplating automation for your desktop app, wanting to enjoy all its benefits – think twice. Because it comes with quite a few struggles. That is if you don’t implement it the right way.

And that’s why we’re here. Let’s discuss everything you need to know to turn automated desktop application testing into an endeavor that amplifies your project’s value.

Desktop Apps Are Special, Their Automation Should Be Too

The core principles of automation testing services are immutable. But (!) to achieve superior results for your project, you’ll need to shift your approach to it. It’s like carving a sculpture. First, you need a good base. Yet, it’s how you work on the details that affects the outcome.

So, let’s figure out some of the details for desktop automation testing. As compared to, say, web apps, desktop applications:

  • Might use native UI components specific to the operating system (OS). This can affect how automation scripts interact with and manipulate these elements.
  • May not have a direct equivalent to the DOM (Document Object Model). Hence, scripts may need to rely on UI automation frameworks, screen scraping, or image recognition.
  • Are often developed for specific OSs. As a result, automation scripts should be tailored to specific platforms.
  • Are installed locally on the user’s machine. So, automation may require access to the local machine where the application is installed.
  • May have different security considerations. And automated testing may call for additional permissions or configurations to interact with the app’s UI and data.

Overall, every testing effort should start with product understanding. As the better you know something, the better you can apply it. And before you begin working on your app, make it your best friend. That is, know its behavior, how it tends to react to negative scenarios, what it’s scared of, and what it aspires to be.

Then, you’ll be able to create an ideal environment in which it can prosper.

Why You Should Use Automation Testing for Desktop Applications

Automated testing has proven itself as the MVP for leading software companies. In the IT industry, lots of trends come and go. But AT outgrew this “trial and error” stage and became a staple among high-quality products.

Consistency & Repeatability in Test Execution

Desktop automation testing grants you the ability to run tests whenever you need. And since the scripts work via a predefined algorithm, each result is consistent. That means that your tests are void of human error, presenting reliable outcomes every time.

Cost-Effectiveness in the Long Term

Investing in automation testing for desktop applications leads to cost savings in the long term. You can locate and address issues early. Let your team focus on value-adding tasks. And center on product refinement fully.

So, you avoid costly rework and potential revenue loss due to software failures. Allow your QA engineers and devs to drive your project forward with their expertise. And prioritize quality advancement instead of dealing with potential development issues.

Coverage of a Wider Range of Test Cases

After you’ve created an AT script, you can run it at any time and point. You can also reuse it and carry out many of them in parallel. This translates to a comprehensive coverage of various test cases, as you can perform a ton of them simultaneously. And that leads to a cleaner product, thus beyond “simply satisfied” users.

Increased Testing Speed & Efficiency

Automated tests are much faster in execution. Where a manual QA engineer needs to find this, press that, and download something else, an AT script takes as little as a few milliseconds to finish. Hence, your team gets feedback quicker, the app’s testing phase shrinks, and your time-to-market accelerates.

Reduction of Human Errors & Bias

By removing manual intervention, QA specialists can minimize the risk of overlooking critical defects or inaccurately assessing software quality. AT scripts only do what they’re programmed to. And you don’t need to worry about test interpretability. Automated tests are objective, and they center on one thing only – delivering the result you asked for.

Improved Task Management

Desktop automation testing helps create a particular workflow for your team.

  • QA engineers can prioritize their efforts on more crucial tasks, since some tests are covered by AT.
  • Integration with task management tools lets you trace the progress of test execution, identify bottlenecks, and stick to a schedule.
  • With desktop automation testing tools, you can assign test cases to specific members, track their status, and provide updates.
  • By automating repetitive and time-consuming tasks, QA experts can focus on higher-value activities.
  • Task management tools can be used to capture feedback, document lessons learned, and accumulate improvement initiatives.

Briefly, automation offers a structure. And if you employ AT tools, there’s a specific way of working with them. These aspects are particularly important for teams that don’t yet have enough experience to tackle this on their own accord.

Faster Feedback on Software Quality

Automating testing means continuous change validation. That is, you can run a script ceaselessly. And your team will be notified as soon as anything pops up. So they can identify and amend an issue almost instantly.

Plus, systematic desktop automation testing allows you to see the bigger picture. As the tests run, you note where errors occur frequently. Thus, you can pinpoint problematic areas quicker and adjust them as needed.

Accelerated Releases

With automation testing services, there’s less back and forth.

  • Is our product release-ready?
  • Let’s check.
  • Oh, there’s indeed this thing we missed.

When you execute automated tests consistently, whenever there’s a problem, you’ll know. You don’t have to wait for a QA engineer to manually run a case and report the results. An automation tool does this all at once.

So, when you’re done with one feature, you can be sure you don’t need to come back to it again (for the time being). And if anything turns up somewhere else, your team will find out about it as soon as possible.

This little perk also helps you release new features more frequently, delighting your users with refined functionality.

How Test Automation Helps Optimize SDLC

Automation Testing for Desktop Applications Has Its Own Challenges

As a QA company with over a decade of experience, we realize the value of knowing what you’re getting yourself into. Transparency is what makes a business genuinely successful. And we’re not the kind of team to sugarcoat everything. So, let’s overview the main challenges of desktop automation testing, too.

Initial Investment Can Be High

Automation isn’t as easy as many hope. Because when most companies find out that the initial investment in AT is high, they pause. Setting up test environments, acquiring necessary tools and licenses, and training personnel – not everyone wants to deal with that.

But there’s a big difference between not doing something because you don’t want to and not doing something because you can’t just yet. So, consider whether you’re prepared and able to provide what productive automation needs.

Some Tests Can’t/Shouldn’t Be Automated

You can’t automate everything. Well, you can. But it would be a loss. Some tests, like those requiring human judgment or interaction with physical devices, are best left as is. Thus, here, the real challenge lies in knowing when AT is viable and how to properly substitute it with manual expertise.

Changing Requirements & Processes Can Cause a Mess

There’s never a guarantee that your project will have smooth sailing. Anything can go awry. Changing requirements, frequent updates, tight deadlines… Many things can disrupt testing workflows, leading to confusion, inefficiencies, and potential quality issues.

And you should know how to best handle these trials. Even better, hire specialists who are well-prepared to tackle SDLC “surprises”. Because when you take on a dragon, you better wear some good armor.

Desktop Automation Testing Can Be Hard to Maintain

Maintaining test scripts and environments for desktop applications can get tricky. Especially as your app evolves over time, you might need more and more resources to keep the quality baseline. That means updating your test scripts to accommodate any changes. And potentially even adjusting your entire QA process.

But this “challenge” we like to view as an opportunity. Your project grows – that’s a remarkable thing. And to support its transformation, logically, you need to put in some work. And it’s these extra steps you take that make your product truly stand out.

Lack of Proper Expertise Is Always a Concern

Automation is like a prestigious university. You’ll have an easier time finding success after it. But getting into it in the first place needs quite a bit of effort. To turn desktop testing automation worthy, you’ll need people who can make it such. As inadequate skills among testing teams regarding planning, tool selection, and execution will produce subpar results.

Finding the Right Specialists Is Tricky

To add to the above, it’s extra taxing to find experts who can actually understand and improve your product. It’s particularly tough for niche projects, like software for computational fluid dynamics (CFD). It’s always been a special task to find talent. But with how things have been the last couple of years, well, it’s more like a special ops mission.

Top Software Testing Companies to Work With in 2023

Poor Collaboration Between Teams Will Cause Trouble

You sure know about Agile, DevOps, quality culture, and the like. One aspect that echoes throughout each of them is collaboration. Every new methodology strives to make a team out of employees. Because however cheesy “teamwork is dreamwork” sounds, it has an immense impact on your product.

Alas, cooperation between crews is a work in progress for most. As you can’t get to a point of total trust and support with a pizza party. It needs effort, dedication, and willingness to admit one’s mistakes.

The most remarkable automation testing for desktop applications will come from people who actually work together. And to cultivate a sense of unity between QA engineers, developers, and stakeholders is a Herculean task.

Aligning AT with Business Objectives Is Demanding

Also, when there’s no proper link between testing and business objectives, an abyss of lost potential appears.

  • Development teams may struggle to understand the interplay between business goals and testing priorities.
  • They may face difficulty in translating business objectives into actionable testing strategies.
  • The dynamic nature of business priorities and requirements can further complicate the alignment process.

Such a lack of mutual awareness can lead to a disconnect between your testing objectives and strategic aims. And this conundrum works both ways. When non-tech specialists want something from a product but don’t provide info on how they want it done, dev crews are basically left guessing.

So, achieving harmony between your business’ “front and back end” is another coin in your piggy bank of considerations.

The hurdles of AT we’ve described above are not here to make you chuckle nervously. You just need to know what might go wrong to prepare for any scenario. It’ll allow you to quickly respond to tiny issues and catastrophes. And you’ll be able to promptly bounce back.

From our experience, any problem that might creep up on you during development can be, let’s say, scared away. Your best deterrent is pure expertise. It’s natural to worry about possible AT issues or want everything to go as smoothly as possible.

And your top solution is to work with an automated testing services company that knows not only how to fix an error, but to prevent it from happening altogether.

The Challenges of Creating Automated Test Scripts (And Ways to Overcome Them)

When You Should Implement Desktop Automation Testing

When you’re considering automation testing for your desktop application and questioning whether you need it enough, there’s a trick to settling this.

First, appraise whether you have the resources necessary to set up AT. If there’re some gaps in what you’d have to invest – wait a bit. Don’t rush to implement test automation services without adequate preparation. Skilled manual experts will pull your product through while you accumulate reserves to use during automation introduction.

And when you’re sure you can provide a rich environment for AT to blossom, look for these markers of your project being ready for automated tests.

  • The workload grows, and releases turn sluggish. Maintain product quality and secure change validation.
  • Your software features and architecture are stable. Don’t waste test efforts on rapidly changing components and focus on fixed functionality.
  • You have established clear and solid requirements. Ensure testing is directed at meeting user expectations and business needs.
  • Manual testing becomes repetitive and time-consuming. Streamline testing processes and free up the team from extra tasks.
  • Regression needs to be run frequently and quickly. Verify that new changes don’t introduce unintended side effects.
  • You’ve identified a sufficient number of test cases. Provide comprehensive test coverage and locate areas of improvement.
  • The SDLC allows for automation integration. Safeguard timely and consistent testing throughout the development lifecycle.

Yet, if none of the above rings true for your project, maybe you don’t really need desktop testing automation. It’s absolutely fine. Don’t waste your time and money on something you can do without. If your team gracefully copes with every task and you feel like your software is moving at a good pace – wonderful.

But you might consider preparing for your product’s expansion ahead. That’s when some of the aspects we’ve discussed might start to turn up. So, in any case, be ready.

What Test Cases You Should Automate

Now, that’s something that needs more of your attention than you think. Because you can’t afford to automate at random or not have a precise vision of what automation here will do. You’ll just lose money, time, and your team’s productivity.

Know exactly what you want to automate and why. You’ll be able to better guide your crew’s efforts and get the results you hoped for.

So, begin by automating tests that are:

  • Monotonous and repetitive, such as the process of entering and validating transactions.
  • Prone to human error, like complex pricing algorithms in a desktop retail management application.
  • Using multiple data sets, for example, tests that send and receive emails with different attachments, formats, and sizes.
  • Running in multiple environments, for instance, those that verify compatibility and performance on various versions of OSs.
  • Required to perform on various hardware and software platforms, e.g., Windows, macOS, and Linux.
  • Manually intensive, akin to those simulating the creation, assignment, and tracking of tasks across different projects and team members.
  • High-risk, like those that validate login authentication, transaction processing, and data encryption.

These characteristics usually mean that automation is due. Such tests are also, in a way, customary to automate, as they offer quick and tangible benefits. They will become a backbone for your future AT endeavors. As you can see how the QA process functions with these “basics” and refine and amplify it as needed.

Desktop Automation: A Step-by-Step Guide

If you wonder exactly how to do automation testing for desktop applications, remember one thing. There’s no one perfect way to approach it. There are, however, staple practices that help you establish a good starting point.

To offer you a real-life example, let’s review how we, as a QA company, apply optimized solutions to make desktop automation testing fruitful.

Preparation Stage

Here, your priority is not to rush (as much as it’s possible with software development). The point is – you need to allocate enough time and resources to learn what your product needs. Allow your team to get to know its ins and outs. Study its unique features. And work on a strategy that’ll support its successful realization.

Project Analysis

Begin with a comprehensive analysis of the desktop application project. This means understanding its functionalities and components by studying technical requirements and software architecture. For instance, say you’re developing a desktop application using the Qt framework. If you know the Qt APIs and features in detail, you’ll be able to craft more fitting test cases.

Selection of AT Strategy & Tools

Based on the project analysis, choose an appropriate AT strategy and desktop automation testing tools. Consider factors such as application complexity, technology stack, and team expertise. Regarding the latter, strive to accurately evaluate to what extent your crew can utilize preferred resources.

For instance, if they’re unfamiliar with certain tools, consider modifying them. You don’t want your people to struggle with equipment and spend extra time on learning rather than testing. And if you don’t have time for training – hire QA experts who can deliver what you need right now. It’ll be much faster and better for your app’s quality.

Creation & Approval of Test Documentation

Develop comprehensive test documentation outlining:

  • Test scenarios.
  • Expected outcomes.
  • Edge cases, etc.

Also, seek not just approval from stakeholders, but their involvement in the process. This collaboration will ensure alignment with project goals.

Communication Channels Validation

From our experience, this aspect is vastly overlooked. Imagine that everything is prepared. The dev teams are ready to start. And you’re expecting certain results within X days. But, suddenly, chaos ensues.

  • I need to ask this person a question – but how?
  • Is it okay if I write to them at 3 AM?
  • There’s an urgent issue – who do I turn to!?

To make your specialists most productive, you ought to make their working together easy. And this translates to creating universally-comfortable communication protocols:

  • Deciding on communication channels.
  • Availability schedules.
  • Urgent issue resolution procedures, etc.

Make sure everyone knows who to talk to, when, and how.

Active Stage

Now, you enter the battlefield. That’s where all the “fun” stuff happens. So, be careful and watch closely.

Test Framework Creation

Develop a robust test framework that aligns with the chosen automation strategy and tools. It’ll serve as the foundation for writing and executing automated tests. For example, if your app is built via .NET, consider NUnit or MSTest for test automation.

Test Writing

Ensure your AT scripts line up with approved documentation. And if anything seems divergent, don’t rush to resolve any unexpected additions or misses. Talk to your team to find out why something was done differently – maybe you’ll find that their expertise exceeds your expectations.

But try not to let this happen often. Encourage your team to stick to a plan and prioritize tests modularity and reusability. And if they have any suggestions or concerns, motivate them to express those early on.

Configuration of Test Runs

Define specific parameters and settings for executing suites or individual tests. This includes:

  • Selecting target platforms.
  • Setting up the test environment.
  • Defining data inputs, etc.

Your team will have a steady process in which consistency and reproducibility take precedence. They’ll also be able to provide a thorough app assessment across different conditions and scenarios.

Setting Up Reporting

Implement mechanisms to generate detailed reports on test run results. And incorporate pass/fail statuses and error logs. The more specific these reports are, the better you can amend any issues. Plus, you might use this data to improve your QA processes or specialists’ performance.

Test Execution

And here is where the action happens. Action that will decide your product’s fate. So, don’t hurry. Yet, if you need to, focus on critical, high-risk, and user-valued aspects. Cover them first. And move to the rest later.

Bug Report Creation

Make sure your team exhaustively documents discovered defects or anomalies. It’ll offer more workable feedback to developers. Hence, they can fix issues faster and for good.

Support Stage

Breather out. You’ve made it. But it’s not over yet. The support stage isn’t as “fierce” as the previous one. Yet, it’s equally weighty. As it focuses on maintaining and optimizing the desktop testing automation process.

  1. Document step-by-step instructions for tests’ execution and troubleshooting.
  2. Regularly review test reports and verify test results to ensure accuracy and reliability.
  3. Continuously update and maintain automated scripts to accommodate changes.
  4. Extend coverage to encompass newly developed features or modules.

Use this phase to celebrate your success and find areas to work on. And in the next round, you’ll do even better.

QA Process Implementation: a Quick Guide from QA Madness

Desktop Automation Testing Tips from QA Madness Team

Now that we’ve covered the particularities of the desktop automation testing process, we move on to the really good stuff. This is a collection of practical insights our specialists have gathered over the years. These tips have done wonders for us and our clients. And they are guaranteed to upgrade your testing procedures.

Make Sure Automation Is Viable & Beneficial

When you implement automation testing for your desktop application, you should precisely know what you’ll get from it. Think of it this way: the initial cost of AT is on the hefty side. You ought to cover:

  • Infrastructure.
  • Tools.
  • Training.
  • Maintenance.
  • And hiring costs.

And since you invest so much into it, you gotta make sure it’s worth it. So, automate only those aspects that bring tangible benefits, like improved test coverage, faster feedback cycles, and reduced manual effort.

You’ll get the most out of automation when you apply it where it’s really needed.

Get the Right Talent on Your Team

This one is self-evident. You can come up with a perfect automation strategy. Get the best desktop automation testing tools on the market. And create a compelling environment for your team. But if you don’t have people who can make use of it all, you’ll be left disappointed.

Expertise is fate-sealing. That’s why it’s paramount to pick specialists who have:

  • Proven experience.
  • Rich skills.
  • Knowledge of your preferred frameworks and tools.
  • Proactiveness and creativity.
  • And, in the best-case scenario, a healthy obsession with quality.

At least, that’s how we approach our candidate selection. And we fully trust our team to deliver results that surprise our clients with their desktop app testing mastery.

Alternatively, you could help your development crews level up if needed. So, be sure to allow for enough time and resources for them to refine their capabilities.

Determine the Optimal Coverage

Test coverage is basically how many functionalities or requirements your automated tests verify. And when we talk about optimizing it, we mean:

  • Targeting critical areas first to secure a healthy basis.
  • Focusing on high-risk elements to prevent intricate issues.
  • Aligning testing with business priorities to advance user satisfaction.
  • As well as determining where automation should be omitted.

So, center on high-impact features, complex workflows, and frequently used functionalities. And don’t forget that some things desktop automation testing tools just can’t handle.

Prepare Detailed Test Cases

Test cases are like patient history. The better it’s documented, the easier it’ll be for the doctor to help.

With thorough test cases, you:

  • Let your team know exactly what and how to do.
  • Promote a unified understanding of what your product needs.
  • Have a proven roadmap via which you can adapt and improve the testing process.
  • Can troubleshoot much faster and with greater accuracy.

Create comprehensive test cases that:

  • Cover various scenarios, edge cases, and boundary conditions.
  • Define test inputs, expected outcomes, and acceptance criteria.
  • Incorporate both positive and negative scenarios, etc.

But don’t “go crazy” with this. Detailed documentation is an asset. Yet, if your team invests too much effort in it, they’ll have less time for actual testing. Strive to strike a balance between what’s useful and what can be left for later.

Select Suitable Tools

Choose automation testing tools for desktop applications that fit your project requirements and team expertise. Consider factors like:

  • Cross-platform compatibility.
  • Support for desktop application frameworks.
  • Scripting language support.
  • Reporting capabilities.
  • Community support and documentation.

With so many tool options available, you’re likely to feel a bit overwhelmed. And when you’re not sure which equipment to pick – turn to your team. Their expertise and investment in your project will help guide you during testing software selection.

Maintain the Suite & Update the Scripts Regularly

Remember we said that automated scripts do exactly what you tell them to? That also means that they’re static, in a way. So, in order to keep them useful, you need to update them.

You should regularly maintain your automation suite to keep pace with changes in the desktop application. Also, it’s a good idea to conduct periodic reviews. You’ll be able to identify obsolete tests and optimize test coverage further.

Review the Results & Adjust the Strategy

And don’t forget about the core of your testing efforts – the testing strategy.

  • Review test results to identify patterns, trends, and enhancement areas.
  • Analyze test failures to pinpoint underlying issues and address them promptly.
  • Adjust your automation strategy based on feedback from the team.
  • Iterate and refine your automation approach to enhance its productiveness.

It might sound odd, but a piece of advice personally from us: don’t stay satisfied with what you’ve got. Seek opportunities for improvement. Strive for more. Make that extra step. And it will all pay off.

To Get the Results You Expect From QA Automation, Follow These Expert Insights

Automation Testing Tools for Desktop Applications To Consider

Last but not least, here’re a few desktop automation testing tools you should look into. Each presents a set of useful features and has proven its high status.


  • Is open-source.
  • Works as a standalone app without installing Appium, making it more accessible.
  • Supports major programming languages like Java, Python, Ruby, C#, etc.
  • Can be integrated with popular CI/CD tools.
  • Has a rich and helpful community.

Katalon Studio

  • Offers built-in capabilities for both codeless and scripted testing.
  • Has the ability to detect and spy Windows objects.
  • Supports cross-platform testing on web, mobile, API, and desktop.
  • Is easy to set up and configure.
  • Provides a smart element-locating mechanism.

Ranorex Studio

  • Supports a wide range of desktop technologies (WinForms, WPF, Qt, Java, Delphi, SAP, UWP, MSAA/UIA, CEF, .NET Core, and Office).
  • Supplies both script-free and code-based functional test automation tools.
  • Can simulate real user interactions.
  • Works with data-driven testing, enabling users to run the same test with different data.
  • Has incredible object-recognition capabilities.


  • Can automate everything visible on the desktop screen using image recognition.
  • Is compatible with a wide range of desktop operating systems.
  • Presents an integrated visual scripting API.
  • Is open-source.
  • Has great test reusability features.


  • Is SOC2 certified, ensuring data security for users.
  • Offers a cloud-hosted solution, taking care of the infrastructure.
  • Is an AI-powered test automation tool that utilizes machine learning.
  • Supports different testing types, including functional, regression, and visual testing.
  • Is a no-code tool.

In case you’re working under a certain budget right now, consider combining a few tools to supplement missing functionalities. It might be a bit tricky to work out the details of mixing them. But quality is always a priority. And it should never be compromised.

To Sum Up

Desktop apps are quite special. And that means that automation testing for desktop applications shouldn’t take a “conventional” approach. But while proven-and-tested methods thrive on stability, there’s no improvement if nothing changes. And that’s true for most things in software development (and life).

So, rely on authentic expertise. Use best practices. Seek reliable solutions. Yet, at the same time, don’t be afraid to experiment. Try new things. And strive for more. It worked for us. And it will work for you. It’ll turn your project into an unforgettable experience for people.

Seeking QA expertise to strengthen your desktop app?

Contact us

Daria Halynska

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