Essential Background and Skills
The tech industry is very dynamic. Getting a job in the IT segment implies constant learning and mastering your skills. Employers often have different requirements regarding the preferred background and qualifications of a mobile QA specialist.
Many companies that provide software testing services gladly employ entry-level specialists, offering on-site training and opportunities for growth. Some, however, will ask if you have a degree in computer science, UX design, or related field. The list of things that help you start the career in mobile QA includes:
- knowledge of basic testing types and techniques;
- certifications that prove your knowledge;
- experience with gadgets and passion for new tech;
- knowledge of mobile testing tools.
Tech skills aren’t the only part of the formula that defines a competent QA specialist, meaning that recruiters always pay attention to soft skills as well. So what will be a bonus for candidates with little practical experience?
- Analytical thinking – focus on user perspective and ability to apply the previous experience of using/testing similar apps.
- Creativity – modeling uncommon “what if” scenarios and experimenting with possible user flows.
- Attention to detail – a thorough inspection of software to find bugs that are not obvious.
- Flexibility – being able and comfortable with different testing techniques and methods.
- Business-oriented approach – understanding business goals and ability to explain tech moments in terms of business value.
- Communication skills – explicit reporting and ability to find common ground with developers, stakeholders, C-level executives, to listen well and ask the right questions.
- Motivation – desire to become a team player and a better specialist.
Training and Learning Resources
You can start learning mobile app testing with free resources to figure out whether you like this kind of occupation. Microsoft Virtual Academy, edX, and Coursera will do just right. There are other free options as well, in particular:
- ASTQB (short for American Software Testing Qualifications Board) provides free resources, including glossaries, syllabi, webinars, and podcasts.
- AST (Association for Software Testing) has a YouTube channel where you can learn new things and get some valuable insights into the QA niche.
- IIST (The International Institute for Software Testing) also has a Free Training section on their website, where you can find numerous webinars.
You can also find a training program, online or onsite. Courses, in addition to well-structured and relevant material, usually offer Quality Assurance Engineer certifications and opportunities for employment upon completion.

Certifications to Consider
Experience and skills are more valued than certificates, but proper certification is a considerable career booster. Most certifications are vendor-neutral, so you get a document stating that your knowledge and skills fit for dealing with a full range of testing tasks in different niches. Some of the popular certifications are listed below:
- ISTQB Certification. The International Software Testing Qualification Board offers several entry-level programs and doesn’t require a tech background or experience.
- CSTE (Certified Software Tester) by The International Software Certification Board (ISCB). To enroll, candidates should have a tech degree and experience in software testing.
- IMTQN (International Mobile Testing Qualifications Network) is one more standardized testing certification designed for specialists that want to work in mobile QA.
- CMAP (Certified Mobile App Professional Tester) is an entry-level certification positioned on a broader foundation level program. You should know the general testing techniques before you focus on studying mobile testing.
There are also numerous courses that focus on more narrow areas (security or cloud testing, for example) and vendor/platform-specific certifications. They will come in useful when you have some experience and decide to deepen the knowledge of specific in-demand tools.
So, a certification is not a must, but it is a bonus for a freshman mobile QA specialist that will help to attract the attention of recruiters of a good software testing company.
Job Requirements
A quality assurance specialist approaches mobile testing keeping in mind general testing methods and techniques. However, they should be aware of the peculiarities that are applicable for mobile applications only, from environments to UX and tools used. It means that recruiters will have higher expectations about your skills and knowledge.
In addition to the testing basics, you are expected to be familiar with:
- mobile operating systems (Android, iOS, etc.) and their versions;
- telecommunication basics (to model network conditions with different capabilities, including switching between different data transfer types);
- telephony functions (to check the interruptions and background mode);
- mobile-specific features and types of user interactions (e. g. landscape & portrait modes, various input options, etc. to check cross-platform support and accessibility), etc.
The required technical skill set varies from project to project, depending on the niche and scope of tasks a mobile QA specialist will have to cover. So the list of qualifications of a senior specialist may sound impressive, but motivated and energetic QA juniors are still in-demand. If you are just starting the career, soft skills, along with an ability to write concise testing scenarios and explicit test reports, will be enough.

What’s Next?
With basic knowledge of mobile QA and some experience/document that proves it, you can start looking for a job. There are several options for beginners to consider:
- Find out whether a provider of the courses you finished assists with employment.
- Look for internships in IT companies, even if they aren’t high-paid.
- Register on freelance platforms, sign up for easy tasks and small projects.
- Ask friends who work in a QA company, whether they have a referral program.
Also, post a CV on a job portal. You can look up vacancies on different platforms and corporate websites, but recruiters are quicker to find candidates than post job descriptions.
The career path of a mobile QA engineer is flexible. If you are just starting a career, you’ve got enough compelling tasks to work on and stuff to learn for at least a couple of years. And after you outgrow the beginner level, start looking for more opportunities. For example:
- Learn new tools – emulators and simulators, performance, network, etc.
- Learn automation. Manual testing is a background for automated test scripting.
- If interfaces and graphics are your passion, well-developed strategic thinking will help you become a great UX Designer.
- If you like the way tech aspects of software interweave with business strategy, consider a Business Analyst position.
- Master your managerial skills to become a Team Lead, a Project Manager, or a DevOps Manager.
Bottom Line
There are three components to the formula of a great mobile QA specialist: familiarity with different mobile devices, analytical skills, and knowledge of mobile testing & QA. The good news is that motivation and persistence matter more than your background. The sooner you start learning, the sooner you’ll become a tech prof QA industry needs. Good luck!