This Is Why a Professional QA Team Should Test a Banking App

3 years ago

Every banking app has a multifaceted structure. It’s a maze of functions, policies, regulations, and designs. To ensure the accuracy…

How to Prevent a DDoS Attack

3 years ago

It can take ten years to build a reputation and only a few-minute cyber incident to ruin it. That's the…

A Brief Guide to QA Automation for Taxi and Delivery Apps

3 years ago

Logistics is often mentioned on the list of industries greatly affected by the pandemic, finding its place among businesses that…

How Many Test Phases Are There? A Comprehensive Explanation for Tech Leads

3 years ago

At first sight, it may seem that the Software Testing Life Cycle includes just five phases: Sleep > Eat >…

QA Madness Stands With Ukraine!

3 years ago

On February 24, at 5 am, the Russian army, backed with the support of Belarusian authorities, started a full-scale invasion…

Why Automated Testing Is a Game-Changer In Quality Assurance for Healthcare

3 years ago

The healthcare industry has a complex ecosystem that requires advanced tech solutions to both simplify the daily routines and deal…