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How to Use iOS 18 Update to Give Your App an Edge
Reading time: 5 min

How to Use iOS 18 Update to Give Your App an Edge

Mobile apps are all about ease of use and convenience. Nothing makes these two more prominent in your product than customization availability. Perhaps that’s why the new iOS 18 banked on fresh personalization and process simplification features. Today, we discuss Apple’s hot update and what it means for your applications.

iOS 18’s New Features & Their Implications

This article isn’t going to dissect and fawn over Apple�...

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eHealth Software Testing
Reading time: 6 min

Fundamentals of eHealth Software Testing

The traditional interactions between patients, doctors, and pharmaceutical companies are no longer relevant in the digital age. See your doctor, get a prescription, take your meds, and report back to your doctor if you experience any side effects. This was the cycle throughout the treatment period. But during these unprecedented times of digital transformation, technology is driving change and innovation in the healthcare industry. Electronic systems hold a vast amount of patient data, and they are being adopted by an increasing number of medical facilities. Digital health services such as telemedicine, chatbots for patient triage, AI-enabled medical devices, and electronic health records are reshaping how patients engage with health professionals, how data is shared among providers, and how treatment plans and health outcomes are decided and administered.

The Importance of eHealth Software Testing

In line with global digitization, healthcare institutions are increasingly ...
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Reading time: 6 min

QA for Media and Entertainment: How to Test Your Digital Platform

The media and entertainment industry is on the rise. In a way, we can say something like this about many niches. Still, taking into account easy access to technology and the internet, restrictions regarding social interactions, an abundance of content released every day, and an increasing number of options for digital entertainment, one can say without a doubt that entertainment apps and services are among the most frequently used.

Brief Overview of the Entertainment and Media Market

In 2017, 67% of smartphone users utilized gaming, entertainment, news, and sports apps, coming back to the apps 2x to 3x times a day, according to Ipsos MORI research. 55% of people reported using entertainment apps while relaxing. PWC predi...
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Reading time: 6 min

How to Write a Bug Report: a Brief Guideline

Out of all the test artifacts, there is a one software tester encounters every day. It is a bug report – a document describing a problem, its severity and priority, and the steps that allow reproducing this problem. Using bug reports, developers can quickly identify what part of code works incorrectly and fix it. A well-written bug report guarantees efficient cooperation between a developer and a QA team. Therefore, creating good bug reports is one of the most important skills for a software tester. So how to make a bug report that will make developers happy? We’ll share some tips based on the experience of our QA specialists.

How to Write a Good Bug Report

When it comes to documentation writing, there is a universal rule you can use: make it simple. The simpler, the better. However, simple doesn’t mean short. Bug reports should feature the details that let a reader understand the nature of a defect. In other words, there should be enough information to se...
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Reading time: 13 min

EdTech Software Trends and Quality Tips to Keep In Mind

EdTech services are becoming more widely used by both academic and corporate sectors. The digitalization of education started a while ago, and it gained a powerful boost in 2020. Due to the circumstances, schools, universities, and companies were to adapt their learning and training curriculums to the available online methods. Despite inconveniences and inequality concerns, this experience reminded (and to some, revealed) the true potential of educational technology software. The present climate opens immense possibilities before EdTech software companies. However, the competition also becomes more intense. The creation of a product that will attract attention comes with thorough research, careful implementation of logic and features, and, of course, lots of testing. Our CTO has already shared some information about ...
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Reading time: 6 min

Best Approach to Fintech App Testing When Under Pressure

Fintech is a growing industry with an increase in investment and technology that’s expanding like never before. The global fintech market has an expected annual growth rate of over 23% between 2021 and 2026 to reach a market value of US$324 billion by 2026. This may be a staggering estimation, but infrastructure-based technology is transforming the future of the financial services industry. Because of emerging technologies, Fintech companies are able to deliver low-cost personalized products that are resulting in an increase in customer expectations. AI interfaces and chatbots are redefining customer service, while Fintech solutions look to replace legacy online and mobile banking systems. However, for Fintech companies to be profitable, they need a successful platform, skilled developers, and QA to offer a competitive product while adhering to strict industry regulations. The latter should entail, among other things, ...
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Reading time: 7 min

Managing the Obscure Boundaries Between Development, QA, and DevOps

As technology has advanced so have the processes with IT organizations. DevOps is fast-becoming the pinnacle framework for software development companies with the promise increased business agility, accelerated product delivery, and higher product quality. Moving away from the traditional waterfall approach that included labor-intensive tasks such as manual software testing, DevOps streamlines, automates, and shortens the development life cycle. This has become a necessity in today’s increasing competitiveness in the software app market. The transition of software practices encompasses more than just process change or the adoption of different tools. People sit at the heart of efficient processes and DevOps is built on the foundation of eliminating barriers between roles.

Modernized Characters in a Modern Process

The success of DevOps starts with a refreshed mindset regarding key roles within the software life cycle. This involves having the right people with the right skil...
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Reading time: 7 min

Bug Severity vs Priority, or How to Manage Defect Fixing

Bug severity and bug priority are two closely related notions. Still, these are two different terms describing slightly different sides of a defect. It is essential to distinguish severity and priority for everyone engaged in the development process. A clear understanding of the difference makes it easier to find the best answer to the question “What to fix first?” that can cause tension between QA engineers, developers, and stakeholders. Hopefully, this article will explain the basics and help to clear the air.

What Is Bug Severity?

Bug severity is the extent of the impact a particular defect has on the software under test. The higher effect this defect has on the overall functionality or performance, the higher the severity level is.

Levels of Bug Severity

  • Blocker (S1). Such an error makes it impossible to proceed with using or testing the software. For instance, it shuts an application down.
  • ...
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Reading time: 7 min

How to Choose the Right Devices for Compatibility Testing?

Device and software fragmentation are among the key factors to pay attention to during the development of a new software product. There’s no guarantee that a website or an app will run smoothly on all the existing devices by default. Even slight differences in hardware and software specifications can significantly affect the end-user experience. Thus, it is essential to run cross-device, cross-platform, and cross-browser checks. All these activities fit under the umbrella term compatibility testing services. Theoretically, the more devices you use for manual software testing, the wider coverage you can achieve. Testing software on more devices should allow finding and eliminating a maximum possible number of defects. This idea sounds reasonable, but it doesn’t always work that way in practice. On the ...
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Reading time: 6 min

How to Reach the Right Level of Automation?

Test automation still causes a lot of debates. Known for its efficiency, software automation testing services can generate highly accurate results, accelerate product time-to-market, improve the team’s overall efficiency, and optimize development expenses in the long run. However, the only way to derive these benefits is to implement AT smartly. What does ‘smartly’ mean in this context? Automation has its optimal point, and exceeding it can have an adverse impact on efficiency. The potential of test automation isn’t infinite, so it is important to automate only what’s really necessary and know when to stop. Automation coverage and the probable benefits vary from product to product. In this article, we’ll explain the basics of smart automation to help you understand this subject a little bit better.

Manual vs Automated Testing

We’ve mentioned in some of the previous blog posts that m...
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