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How to Use iOS 18 Update to Give Your App an Edge
Reading time: 5 min

How to Use iOS 18 Update to Give Your App an Edge

Mobile apps are all about ease of use and convenience. Nothing makes these two more prominent in your product than customization availability. Perhaps that’s why the new iOS 18 banked on fresh personalization and process simplification features. Today, we discuss Apple’s hot update and what it means for your applications.

iOS 18’s New Features & Their Implications

This article isn’t going to dissect and fawn over Apple�...

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Black wheelwork or similar gear
Reading time: 22 min

A Guide to Implementing Success-Driven Functional Automation Testing

Everyone says that automated testing is expensive. Yet, at the same time, you can’t afford not to use it. You certainly should consider the costs involved. But more attention should go to what happens when your project is devoid of automation. So, today, we discuss its application in the most profit-driven area – functional automated testing.

What Is Functional Automation Testing?

Let’s avoid fancy term descriptions and focus on what’s important. Functional testing means checking whether a product does what it should. For example, when a user clicks “Add to cart,” the app should include the selected item in the personal account. To check this functionality, you open the application, add a product to the cart, and see what happens. That’s how you’ll know whether this feature works. Functional testing automation follows the same principle. But it uses tools and frameworks to streamline this process. Instead of performing the described action over and over again...
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A person at their desk looking at the PC screens
Reading time: 20 min

Using AI in Test Automation to Avoid Pain and Up Project Quality

AI has made it a full circle. It was a miracle. Then it became a controversial trend. Finally, it transformed into the core of productivity. And now, AI expertise is among the top skills tech companies are looking for. Despite still being in development and not having established regulations, the field of artificial intelligence has already found tons of uses with the most popular one being automation. Interestingly, over one-third of organizations still struggle with applying it. So, there’s no point for them to turn to AI-based automation testing. Yet, with the current IT landscape, if you’re not using it, you’re missing out. In that regard, this article has two goals: showing you why AI is worth a try and how to implement it in your project.

Understanding A...

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A workplace in an open-space office with several PC screens on each table
Reading time: 21 min

A Guide for Product-Refining Automated Web Testing

The research that shows that users prefer apps to websites is misleading. Sure, people mostly interact with applications on their phones to chat, search for info, pay, etc. But what do you think is easier for any person: install an app, register, figure out how it works, or just visit a web page? Users enjoy websites because they’re simple and familiar. And for businesses, it’s often the first, defining step toward recognition and success. So, it’s no wonder they have to be near perfect to impress the modern customer. Today, we discuss the role of automated web testing in making your online presence prominent and your project triumphant.

What Is Web Automation Testing?

Let’s start with the basics (they are the backbone of everything, after all). Automated web application testing is the use of tools to optimize your QA processes and advance your product’s quality. These tools automate scenarios you rely on to check your app’s behavior. If we talk about ...
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A wooden balance board with people figures and money on the opposite sides
Reading time: 14 min

Modern Quality Control in Software Testing and Using It For Your Project’s Benefit

Quality control is obsolete. The spread of Agile, DevOps, and shift-left approach has pushed traditional QC out of businesses’ practices. We now have continuous improvement, user acceptance testing, and total quality management. Each of them strives to eliminate post-factum checks. And the ultimate goal for organizations today is to be as proactive as possible. Yet, quality control testing isn’t lying curled up in the corner and barely breathing. It’s the most alive it’s ever been. You just may not have noticed how it has changed. So, let’s find out how to use it now.

What Is Quality Control Testing?

Originally, QC was a dedicated, post-release phase where a team checked a product’s quality. The purpose of this retroactive inspection was to see how well the preceding activities were carried out. For example, you could pinpoint how effective your testing was by looking at how many defects were present after completion. Quality control in software testing acted as ...
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A security guard using a smartphone
Reading time: 20 min

Mobile Security Testing Guide: Insights From Cyber Resilience Experts and Organizations

Be honest, if your phone disappeared right now, your world would be in shambles. Data access, payments, GPS, calls, apps… We rely on our devices for nearly everything. And for many, that small metal gadget is the difference between feeling secure and comfortable and wanting to cry in the corner. And the number one threat to your customers’ happiness and your business’ prosperity is poor mobile app security testing. For over five years, cyber security issues have been the number one risk for companies. And as more people become increasingly aware of the cruciality of digital protection, their demands for online safety grow sharper. So, today we discuss the big and tiny things that make your mobile security testing meaningful and practical.

What Is Mobile Application Security Testing?

On the technical side, mobi...
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Robotic hands holding a virtual mobile device.
Reading time: 15 min

What Makes Up High-Quality Automated Android Testing

Teams have a love-hate relationship with Android. It’s highly customizable and has an incredibly vast community and toolkits. It’s indeed a very flexible OS. And that’s where the hate part comes in – working with devices that could rival human cells in their quantity. For that reason, automated Android testing has become a staple in QA resources. But there’s something else that should take its place: high-quality, expertise-driven automation. Yes, automated software testing services are, without exaggeration, a miracle for many companies. Yet, it wouldn’t lead anywhere without skill and domain mastery. Today, we discuss the little things that make your Android automation testing go big.

The Nuances of Android App Automated Testing

First and foremost, your team needs to know Android quirks by heart. And they need to understand them like basic math (one plus one isn’t two and a half). In the worl...
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A person holding an iPhone in their hand
Reading time: 13 min

Overcoming the Fruity Quirks of iOS App Automated Testing

Apple applications are easy to test. Compared to Android, that is. But when it comes to automated testing for iOS, that’s an entirely different kind of battle. This fruity operating system is cluttered with peculiarities no other OS has. And working with it calls for precise expertise and practices. Today, we discuss the special approaches to iOS automation testing that turn it from a brave fight into QA delight.

Key Challenges in iOS Automated Testing

First, we need to get to know the source of pain for QA engineers automation testing iOS apps. We’ll focus on the OS’s peculiarities. But you also need to keep in mind the universal challenges of working with automated testing (AT).

Device Fragmentation

Apple has well over a hundred mobile devices for...
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A camera, binoculars, and a notebook placed on a wooden table
Reading time: 14 min

How to Use Exploratory Software Testing for a Lot of Extra Quality

Result-driven QA isn’t always about planning and strategizing. Sometimes, the best thing for your product is getting a cup of coffee and playing around with it. This relaxed approach to testing, though well known, is still not as widely used as it should be. So, today, we discuss the miracles of exploratory software testing and how and when to apply it.

What Is Exploratory Testing?

Exploratory testing is an improvisational investigation of your app. QA engineers rely on their skills and knowledge to look around it without following defined test cases or scripts. Typical QA procedures are highly structured. And you can only systematically look for issues you can predict. Exploratory testing, by definition, strives to cover the unknown, obscure processes or user paths. Such a Voyager-esque method lets you better secure critical areas and add an extra layer of quality to your product. Yet, exploratory testing isn’t necessarily a supplementary addition to a regular QA proces...
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A PC screen
Reading time: 19 min

The Guide That’ll Make You Excited About Running Android UI Testing

A flimsy UI doesn’t lead to customer frustration, negative reviews, and high churn. When people encounter a sub-par interface, they just move on. They won’t waste time and energy on interacting with a project in any way. So, while in life we try to control our first impressions, in software, they’re everything. In fact, UI/UX issues are top-of-the-list reasons for deleting an application. That’s why every company making an Android app deserves utmost respect (and gentle condolences). They have to meet strict user expectations. And they must navigate the insanely diverse technical landscape of the little green man’s OS. Today, we talk about doing all this with grace and in a way that makes users go heart-eyed.


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