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How to Use iOS 18 Update to Give Your App an Edge
Reading time: 5 min

How to Use iOS 18 Update to Give Your App an Edge

Mobile apps are all about ease of use and convenience. Nothing makes these two more prominent in your product than customization availability. Perhaps that’s why the new iOS 18 banked on fresh personalization and process simplification features. Today, we discuss Apple’s hot update and what it means for your applications.

iOS 18’s New Features & Their Implications

This article isn’t going to dissect and fawn over Apple�...

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black box vs white box testing
Reading time: 5 min

Black Box vs White Box Testing: Do You Need Both?

Software testing is a science full of specific terms and classifications. Black box and white box testing are among them. QA specialists run tests with a clear understanding of how a program or an individual feature has to perform. However, there are two ways this process may go. Usually, a testing specialist from an outsourced QA company doesn’t have access to code and doesn’t know how features work on the backend. They perform black box testing, interacting with functionalities via frontend while everything “in the box” remains secret. The opposite approach, white box testing, implies full access to everything in the app. A QA engineer can test an app mimicking real user behavior or “look inside” the secret “box” if needed. So let’s take a closer look at these types of testing and learn more about their particularities. ...
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QA Engineer job description
Reading time: 6 min

What Is the Role of a QA Engineer In the Team?

This post is co-authored with Olha Hladka, a QA Engineer at QA Madness. Today, we’d like to share some thoughts on the role of a QA Engineer in the team. It seems to be a simple subject to cover, but let’s try to dig deeper. Here are some questions we’re going to answer:
  • Who is a QA Engineer / QC Engineer / Tester in software development?
  • And what role does a QA Engineer play in the team?
  • Do their areas of responsibility vary depending on the team size?
  • What skills do you need to work in a small and in a large team?
  • What are the QA Engineer’s responsibilities in a dedicated QA team?
It’s time to find out the answers!

QA Engineer, QA Engineer, or Tester?

You might have already seen a well-known scheme that clearly sho...
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QA company
Reading time: 6 min

How to Keep Up With Deadlines, or Why Planning In QA Matters

It took some time to convince the vast audience that software testing is essential. There was a common belief that good code equals good user experience. As learned in practice, these two things may be unrelated at all. Now, we are facing a new issue: troubles with planning. Setting up a QA process takes time, and many specialists that engage QA resources at the later stages of product development don’t always fully realize that. So now, when the majority already knows why testing is essential, we have another tip to share: smart software testing planning greatly benefits the development process.

The QA Awareness: Why Software Testing Matters

Let’s start with a quick reminder about why the QA process takes such a significant place in the development pipeline. The benefits of running software testing before the release include but are not limited to the following points:
  • You are confident in the quality of the end produ...
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software testing trends
Reading time: 5 min

One Step Ahead: Software Testing Trends to Watch In 2021

Modern testing solutions are evolving and revolutionizing. QA is not just about finding bugs and errors anymore; it is a complex technical philosophy that also includes evaluation of a product idea, behavioral predictions, analysis of opportunities and threats, etc. So can we use only traditional and well-known testing methods to achieve progressive results? Of course, they remain the cornerstone of the software testing process. However, if you want to become more competitive in the QA field, you should stay one step ahead of your competitors and continuously enhance your professional skills. For this, you should keep up with software testing challenges and trends. So what is the future of software testing in 2021? We’ll share several assumptions. software testing trends

Top Testing Trends Driving the Industry ...

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load testing
Reading time: 6 min

Common Performance and Load Issues, or Why Performance Testing Matters

Performance and load testing are key piece of the great puzzle that is making your customers satisfied. A perfect user experience and high-quality product are what makes people satisfied enough to buy, use, and advise a product to others. So what are those performance and load bugs, and why everyone keeps talking about them – the answers are below.

Meet Performance Testing!

Performance testing is a type of testing that allows checking the overall behavior of a product (PC software, mobile applications, websites, emulators, simulators) under a certain workload. QA engineers apply performance testing services to estimate the following parameters:
  1. Response capacity – the speed of reaction to end-users’ actions/requests.
  2. Sensitivity – the analysis of unmeasured un...
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difference between emulator and simulator
Reading time: 4 min

Emulator vs Simulator: What Is the Difference?

Both emulators and simulators belong to virtual devices, but there is a significant difference between them. And since this difference affects the way we build a QA process, let’s dive deeper into the topic to investigate all of the pitfalls.

Why Do We Need Virtual Devices?

Effective testing and debugging always precede a successful release. For that purpose, a QA team needs to choose and exploit appropriate device testing solutions. The diversity of testing devices plays a significant role in the QA process because of the numerous operating systems, web browsers...
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how to become an automation engineer
Reading time: 5 min

How to Become a Test Automation Engineer

So, you are a QA engineer and targeting your goal to become a test automation specialist. The good news is you have already covered half of the journey towards becoming a professional in automation testing services. Understanding the core QA processes and manual testing practices is the base for further skills development. What to do next? Here are some things to add to your checklist.

Learn How to Code

On the one hand, it seems obvious. Coding skills are what opens the way to software automation testing jobs. On the other hand, some test automation engineers do just fine with using simple codeless tools. So what’s the golden mean? You can start with tools that don’t require coding skills to build automation scripts and gain knowledge of specific programming languages later on. Use tools like TestProject and ...
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qa metrics
Reading time: 8 min

Metrics in Software Testing: How Are They Helpful?

QA metrics are used to estimate the progress of testing and its results. Through metrics, we can track the status of QA activities, measure product quality and team efficiency, and optimize the processes. However, there is a tricky thing: metrics are useful only in context. The identical showings can have a totally different meaning in two projects. Thus, these numbers alone shouldn’t be the reason to compliment or discipline a team. So let’s find out how to use software QA metrics for the benefit.

Why Are QA Metrics Important?

QA testing metrics become decision points a Team Lead can use to estimate a team’s productivity over time and plan their work in the future. For instance, recording a number of tests added to a new release helps yo...
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Outsourcing QA vs Outstaffing vs Freelance
Reading time: 4 min

Outsourcing QA vs Outstaffing vs Freelance: Best Solution in 2020

Outsourcing, outstaffing, and freelance have been around for quite a while in the IT industry, covering a wide range of tasks – from copywriting to building agile teams and developing tech products from scratch. When it comes to software testing and QA, companies don’t always have enough in-house resources to handle the full scope of quality-related tasks. Some prefer to hire independent QA providers who can take a fresh look at the product, while others decide that involving on-demand resources will work better for the company. The remote cooperation models became widely adopted during the pandemic, bringing along new opportunities as well as new difficulties. So companies start seeking for long-term cooperation that, in addition to cost reduction, can offer high quality and ensure security. ...
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