
Check the latest testing insights, trends, and best practices on the QA Madness blog.

How to Use iOS 18 Update to Give Your App an Edge
Reading time: 5 min

How to Use iOS 18 Update to Give Your App an Edge

Mobile apps are all about ease of use and convenience. Nothing makes these two more prominent in your product than customization availability. Perhaps that’s why the new iOS 18 banked on fresh personalization and process simplification features. Today, we discuss Apple’s hot update and what it means for your applications.

iOS 18’s New Features & Their Implications

This article isn’t going to dissect and fawn over Apple�...

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Agile regression testing
Reading time: 5 min

Best Ways To Apply Regression Testing In Agile Environment

Today, when most companies are looking for solutions to minimize products’ time to market, in-house teams and QA testing companies are challenged more than ever. QA specialists are facing the need to develop a solid strategy for continuous testing that would keep up with changes in requirements and rapid updates in the product’s system. Regression testing services in agile are what can help teams focus on new functionality and, at the same time, maintain stability at all stages of the product increment and updates. Without a doubt, regression testing in software engineering plays a huge role. Still, there is a significant gap in understanding how to apply regression testing in agile environment – where to rely on manual software testing services, when to add automation, how to plan ...
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Adhoc testing
Reading time: 5 min

Adhoc Testing: A Complete Guide

If you are engaged in software development or QA, you have probably heard about Adhoc testing. However, if you have never used it in practice, you may have quite a few questions and concerns regarding it. In this article, our QA company is going to share the experience and knowledge we have regarding Adhoc testing with you!

What Is Adhoc Testing?

Before giving a comprehensive ad hoc testing definition, let’s dwell on two types of testing approaches to help you grasp the idea behind Adhoc testing:
  1. Structured – this approach assumes that every step of the testing process (from the creation of test cases to their execution) is scripted. Thus, structured testing requires QA specialists to follow the given script while testing the product.
  2. Unstructured – this form of testing, on the contrary, doesn’t require a script. It is usu...
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QA trends in 2020
Reading time: 6 min

The Future Is Here: Top Software Testing Trends 2020

Our blog posts are available in audio! Listen on the go and when you want to learn something new but don’t feel like reading.

As more and more organizations across different sectors start recognizing the importance of Quality Assurance for the success of their products, the popularity of QA testing keeps evolving. Meanwhile, the effectiveness of the testing lifecycle also grows thanks to the introduction of new, smarter solutions. As a professional QA company, we find our mission in helping organizations ensure the excellent quality of their products and sati...
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Reading time: 5 min

Manual Testing Guide for Beginners

Our blog posts are available in audio! Listen on the go and when you want to learn something new but don’t feel like reading.

Software testing is one of the most essential steps on the way to the project release. There are two primary ways to test an app. One way is done by a program, which is known as automatic testing. Another way is manual software testing, meaning that it is processed by a human. While each method has its advantages and disadvantages, their goal is the same: to ensure the quality of the software. Ready to start a tester career? Well, that’s a gr...
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Create a perfect QA testing strategy
Reading time: 6 min

QA Strategy – What’s Inside?

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The role of QA strategy in agile is hard to undervalue. In a nutshell, QA or quality assurance is all about ensuring the quality of the final product is high enough. Respectively, the quality assurance strategy is a combination of techniques and actions necessary to test the final version of the software in order to detect weak sides and prevent mistakes before the product is delivered to customers. The main reason why software QA strategy matters so much is because it plays a significant role in customer satisfa...
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Reading time: 9 min

To the Depth of Magento 2 Import with FireBear Improved Import and Export

The article is created by FireBear content writer.

Be it partial or whole database extraction and implementation, what one can make of them? How to execute such processes to benefit an e-commerce business? If you happen to miss anything about the Magento 2 import and export, the post will cover for you with every detail on the matter.

What are import and export within Magento 2

The basic principle of any data structure is to provide users with access to the maximum of its parts. Magento 2 is a multilevel modular platform that includes numerous data units. Many of them are of various nature and fall under diverse logic patterns. No wonder there are lots of details that must be considered before making a universal solution for successful data management. Export and import within Magento 2 work with entities as definitive...
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Reading time: 4 min

Selenium Automation Testing. Best Practices

What is Selenium Testing

Selenium is the most popular open-source testing tool used in automation testing services today. Bringing immense benefits, selenium testing offers robust, browser-based automation for end-to-end testing. So, before you think this is the answer to your testing prayers, its important to remember that great toolsets don’t necessarily guarantee great success. Ultimately, the best results come from finely tuned implementations and application of best practice methods.

Selenium Best Practices

We could write books about Selenium’s features, but the real value lies in how your DevOps team untaps the value of the powerful Selenium automation testing tool. Teamwork Communication and collaboration across ...
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guide to GUI testing
Reading time: 7 min

How to Test the Graphical User Interface: a Comprehensive Guide

Our blog posts are available in audio! Listen on the go and when you want to learn something new but don’t feel like reading.

Most people interact with software applications on a daily basis, whether it’s on a tablet, smartphone, or computer. And, because of the rapid growth in mobile technology, the web and app development industry is more competitive than ever before. This is why popular software programs are visually appealing, easy-to-use, and stable. The only way to achieve this, apart from the effective development, is with thorough UI testin...
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Reading time: 4 min

Top Bug-tracking Tools of 2020: Four Friends of Yours

Every QA engineer seeks to make the most of their working time. The more tasks, projects QA testers have, the more seriously the question arises: how to systematize information about all the tasks, bugs detected, working hours accounted. Several ready-made solutions have already become promising assistants for QA specialists and developers in the project management -- issue tracking software better known as bug tracking tools. Have you ever seen a QA engineer without a bug tracking system? It seems it is a dying breed. Any beginner or experienced QA engineer needs a good bug tracker to ensure the quality assurance process operates smoothly. But how to choose the one and only — always by your side, helping to build plans for the future? Yes, we’re still talking about the bug tracker :) So, we are here to help you and reduce your time searching for the perfect defect tracking tools in the diverse world of bug tracking solutions. We created a small review of our favorite bug track...
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