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How to Use iOS 18 Update to Give Your App an Edge
Reading time: 5 min

How to Use iOS 18 Update to Give Your App an Edge

Mobile apps are all about ease of use and convenience. Nothing makes these two more prominent in your product than customization availability. Perhaps that’s why the new iOS 18 banked on fresh personalization and process simplification features. Today, we discuss Apple’s hot update and what it means for your applications.

iOS 18’s New Features & Their Implications

This article isn’t going to dissect and fawn over Apple�...

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Wooden block cubes on the baby blue background
Reading time: 13 min

The A to Z of Business-Boosting API Load Testing

Good communicators tend to do much better in life. And this applies to software as well. So, for your product to perform at its finest and conquer the market and the users’ hearts, API load testing is a must.

What Load Testing APIs Means for Your Business

To better understand the significance of today’s subject, let’s take a step back. As you know, APIs act as small communication centers for your software. They allow it to exchange data with other apps, services, and systems. And to briefly answer the question “What is API load testing?” – it’s the practice of evaluating how well an API handles its job. For example, it can investigate how many users your API can process, how it works with data it transfers in terms of speed and accuracy, etc. Basically, APIs are your communicators. And API load testing teaches them to be good ones. Now, instead of rambling about how important performance testin...
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A checklist with one item checked and a puple marker
Reading time: 14 min

Quality Assurance Audit – Proactivity that Brings Extra Value

You can’t know if anything is wrong until a problem pops up. That’s what someone who is fine with an alright product might say. This article, however, is all about proactivity that guarantees a gem of a project. Today, we talk about software quality assurance audit.

Quality Assurance Audit Process

Most likely, you already know what is a quality assurance audit. But if you need a refresher, let’s briefly review the QA audit’s meaning. Software quality assurance audit is the assessment of QA activities and processes within a software development environment. It’s carried out to check their efficiency, productivity, compliance, etc. To answer the question “What is a QA audit?” very concisely – it’s evaluating how good your quality-related activities are. If you feel like you need more info on this subject, feel free to check our page on software QA consulting and audit. But for now, we move ...
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A woman wearing glasses and a yellow sweater with a preoccupied expression
Reading time: 15 min

What Is Test Coverage in Software Testing and Why It Deserves More of Your Attention

What is the root of quality in software? A good budget, a smart strategy, customer centricity… All are valid answers. But they would be useless without skilled execution. From a QA perspective, quality is how well you examine your app. If you check every corner of your product and make sure it all works as needed, then you’ll achieve the results you envisioned. That’s why the value of your project is directly linked to your test coverage.

What Is Test Coverage?

Technically speaking, test coverage is a collection of metrics that determine how much of your app was investigated by your test cases. Let’s take a look at a brief example. Imagine you’re testing a calculator app with four functions:
  • Add.
  • Subtract.
  • Multiply.
  • Divide.
You run a few tests to check if the addition and multiplication features work properly. But you haven’t tested subtraction or division yet. This means you have low test cove...
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Two people talking and smiling
Reading time: 12 min

The Incredible Value of QA Consultants and When Do You Need Them

We all want change sometimes. And wouldn’t it be perfect to have a person who knew exactly what you needed to make your life better? Well, people would probably have to spend months with a psychologist for this. But for software projects, there exists a wizard who can precisely and quickly guide you through the toils of development. And their only task is to transform your SDLC into a smooth journey toward success. Today, we introduce you to not a being of myth, but a very in-demand specialist who knows how to productively bring ideas to life.

Who Are Quality Assurance Consultants & What Can They Do for You?

A QA consultant is a quality orchestrator. They provide expert guidance to improve QA processes, test strategies, and product value. In short, they analyze what you want to achieve. Then, they help you build procedures that ensure desired results. Here’s what you can expect from software QA consulting ...
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Two athletes fencing
Reading time: 14 min

What Your Team Should Know About Load Testing vs Performance Testing

You need to stress out your software. People like to avoid pressure. But it’s the only way to build resilience. Every great person has overcome great adversity. And every memorable product is one that you subject to professional scrutiny.

Today, we talk about how to turn targeted struggle into an asset. We’ll discuss performance vs load vs stress testing, their distinct benefits, and use cases.

Are Load Testing and Performance Testing the Same?

No. The terms are often used interchangeably. That’s just what happens in the IT chaos. And that’s why you may also come across terms like load performance testing or performance load testing. This duo seemed to have amalgamated together. But we need to make sure there’s no confusion. So, let’s get a closer look at what is load and performance testing separately.

What Is Performance Testing?

Performance testing is an umbrella term. It covers procedures related to checking your app’s operati...

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A person pointing at something in their notes with a pen, a laptop with graphs on the screen is in the background
Reading time: 15 min

Beyond the Basics: Insights That Revamp Your API Performance Testing

Software, just like humans, is a social creature. It can’t exist in isolation, or it would be like a single grain of rice for a meal instead of a fulfilling plate. That’s why APIs exist. They help connect your app with others, amplify its features, and make it overall more valuable to users. APIs act as bridges, linking your product with the outside world. From this, you can clearly see the point of performance testing for APIs. You’ve got to make sure your “bridge” can support lots of people, withstand storms and degradation, and offer a comfortable crossing experience. Today, we talk about how to transform your API from a wobbly rope overpass into a Sydney Harbor bridge.

The Fundamentals of API Performance Testing

API performance testing is a lot like being a star, followed by hundreds of interviewers and press workers. Questions and screams flying at you. Flashes of light distract you from getting your point across. And you just want to run away and hide under a...
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How to Use iOS 18 Update to Give Your App an Edge
Reading time: 5 min

How to Use iOS 18 Update to Give Your App an Edge

Mobile apps are all about ease of use and convenience. Nothing makes these two more prominent in your product than customization availability. Perhaps that’s why the new iOS 18 banked on fresh personalization and process simplification features. Today, we discuss Apple’s hot update and what it means for your applications.

iOS 18’s New Features & Their Implications

This article isn’t going to dissect and fawn over Apple�...

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Automated warehouse equipment photographed in the blue lights
Reading time: 21 min

How to Automate Regression Testing (According to 100 QA Experts)

You won’t find tips on automated regression testing here. This article is about proven practices from worldwide projects that will transform your development, not simply improve it.

For this piece, we’ve set up a meeting with our QA engineers. We compiled hours of talking from over 100 experts into a single, digestible post. Its purpose – to give you insights based on which you can automate regression testing in a way that advances your product and your business.

How to Get the Most Out of Automated Regression Testing

First things first. To get the most out of regression testing, you need to become best buds. So, we’ll begin by covering:

  • Automation regression testing misconceptions so you don’t waste your time on them.
  • Little-known truths about test automation regression testing that give you an edge.
  • Things you can use to upgrade your regre...
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A black keyboard and white lightning bulbs and gadgets against the half-orange half-violet background
Reading time: 17 min

IoT Testing at Its Finest: What You Need To Know

If you showed a smartwatch to someone from the 1400s, you’d probably be burned at the stake. Today, if you brought up the concept of smart cities, you’d likely hear something like: “It’s cool, I guess.” As we’re becoming more and more accustomed to technology, it impresses us less and less. But, perhaps, it’s a good thing. It pushes companies to create remarkable IoT products that are destined to have a wow effect. Yet, producing such a gem takes a lot of effort. And the only way of securing a bunch of users’ dropped jaws is by applying exceptionally skilled IoT testing services. That’s why, in this article, we’ll be talking about what your IoT testing should include to result in a project that sets an example for the rest.

The Objectives of IoT Software Testing

It’s common to associate IoT QA with only one goal – improving product quality. While that’s certainly the core mission, it’s not all. There’s much more ...
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