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How to Use iOS 18 Update to Give Your App an Edge
Reading time: 5 min

How to Use iOS 18 Update to Give Your App an Edge

Mobile apps are all about ease of use and convenience. Nothing makes these two more prominent in your product than customization availability. Perhaps that’s why the new iOS 18 banked on fresh personalization and process simplification features. Today, we discuss Apple’s hot update and what it means for your applications.

iOS 18’s New Features & Their Implications

This article isn’t going to dissect and fawn over Apple�...

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Reading time: 2 min

The other side of Virtual Reality. Devices

Last time we have discussed Virtual Reality as another dimension and today we want to talk about ways how to get into this wonderland. Well, it turns out that it's not so hard after all!  There is the whole world dedicated to that topic, but we won't bore you with a long list of all VR devices.  Let's hold this thought and learn  more about the top VR devices on the market these days.

Here we have two  groups  of  VR devices such us Tethered and Mobile. The first group is all about Sony PlayStation VR, HTC Vive, Oculus Rift.

The fall of 2016 was occupied by Sony PlayStation VR. With this device, you don't need a pricey gaming PC as an intermediary. Instead, it works with the PlayStation 4 console that you might already own.

Next going to be  HTC Vive, is the only VR system that tracks your m...

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Reading time: 2 min

Virtual Reality: One step closer to your dream

We are bumping into a concept of virtual reality (VR) more and more these days.But I'm pretty sure that not everybody understands what is VR exactly and how it works. Let's try to figure out this together.

Do you remember in biology class we were told that everything that we know about the world around us comes through our senses? In other words, our brain takes this sensory information and creates our own perception of reality. On another hand, if we will present to our senses made-up information, as a result we will get changed perception, basically new reality. In technical terms answering “what is virtual reality”  we will say that it is a three-dimensional, computer-generated environment which can be explored and interacted with by a person. That person becomes a part of this virtual world and able to manipulate objects or perfor...

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Reading time: 2 min

Madness BUGs Classification

Do you want to see the reverse side of the testers world? As you may know, we love to organize things (You betcha!). To Do Lists, schedules, graphics, classification, reports, boxes of things etc. Do you think it's boring? No way! Especially in the IT world! This desire made QA Madness team create fun and useful slang that we use with our co-workers. The other day, our testers created nicknames for each bug that they found during their work and use this classification daily. How's that happened and what they’ve made? See yourself: The story started on the moment when one of the developers couldn’t reproduce the issue reported by me. After investigations appeared that issue was reproduced only with my one test account and nowhere else. The developer called this issue “Unicorn” and I really liked this name. I shared it with my co...
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Reading time: 6 min

Magento Moment that Matters

Consumer trends show website visits via mobile devices are growing exponentially. It is estimated that nearly 50% of e-sales will be mobile, some markets may even reach 80% by 2021. However, the research Statista conducted in 2018 reveals that only 12% of users find shopping via smartphone convenient. Moreover, the area of mobile shopping demonstrates the highest cart abandonment rate - nearly 86%. Considering the data, we see a fast and convenient mobile store a moment that matters in the modern e-commerce industry. That is why our team shares some insights for the retailers to succeed in mobile sales, meet consumer trends and achieve the desired conversion. The tips we provide are supported by recent innovations of the Magento platform and our experience in testing e-stores, of course :)

Speed Matters

Another data by Magento exhibits the way we...
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Reading time: 8 min

How To Choose CMS. Why it is so difficult?

There are thousands of questions that need to be answered before starting your development process. Оne of them is a concern of the choice of the proper platform for the website.
Why choosing a platform is so difficult?
The answer may surprise you. The trick is that you can implement your project with any CMS, all of them will be suitable. For example, you can take Joomla  and  make the site of any type: online shop, content design, blog, portal, web services,  business card website etc. During this ... “mind battle”,  you’ll definitely run into people who insist that Joomla or Drupal - complete nonsense and your project would be better on another CMS.  In most cases, their devotion to the particular CMS is connected only to their personal preference. But this doesn’t mean that you need to take the first available CMS and make a website on it. Firstly, if you entrust your website development to the particular specialist, it is better to let...
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Reading time: 1 min

Disadvantages of Magento

Our previous article was devoted to the Magento advantages and why this platform is one of the best on the eCommerce market. This time, we decided to reveal the dark side of Magento. Here is a short list of the main disadvantages of Magento:
  1. Complexity. Magento system has a very large and complex structure. So, to build online store, you will need  really strong and professional teams of developers and testers.
  2. Cost  of development. Usually, Magento site development requires a large investment of time and knowledge, which justifies its high cost.
  3. Time. Customisation of Magento store takes longer than customisation of other eCommerse platforms.
  4. Hosting. You should know that Magento takes a great space so hosting on the shared servers could lead to slow speed of the website. As a solution, might be a robust dedicated hosting server which also will t...
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Reading time: 2 min

Why Magento is the best platform for E-Commerce?

Nowadays there is a large variety of eCommerce platforms to suit every taste and request. But such diversity brings confusion for web store owners as to which eCommerce platform will be good enough for their business. In order to simplify  your choice, we have compiled a short list of the most important advantages of Magento. Look it out...
  • Feature-Rich.  Practically none of the existing platforms do not have such a plurality of functional features as Magento has.
  • Phenomenally Scalable. The size of your store doesn’t matter,  Magento is able to accommodate everything.
  • Safe And Secure. With Magento, you can be 100% confident in the security of your online store.
  • One Common Backend System. You can run numerous websites on the same common backend system. Each of your websites can have a different design and even domains, but controlled by a single unifie...
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Reading time: 1 min

Are You Mobile Friendly?

Are you sure in mobile friendliness of your web store? Have you checked it for bugs before launch? Google launched a new algorithm designed to elevate the rankings of mobile friendly/responsive websites. Of course, in order to benefit from increased mobile search rankings, you need to check that your Magento site is actually mobile friendly. And the only way to do it is mobile app testing.

Why Is This Important?

QA Madness has seen a lot of websites without responsive design for smartphones and tablets, and we must say it doesn't look good. Nowadays, websites with mobile friendly design play a significant role in the eCommerce world, because every day more and more people choose to use mobile devices. Having a mobile friendly Magento site gives customers the opportunity to be more liberated in time and place to make a purchase.  And, as a result, this option may improve ...
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Reading time: 2 min

The Brief Guide To The Evolution of Magento

Magento is still one of the most popular eCommerce platforms, even though there are dozens of other tools available to use in custom web design and development in the world. Magento is an open-source platform, it’s an affordable choice for a whole range of business websites, from small local stores all the way up to huge international chains. QA Madness constantly receives orders for the testing of Magento site, and attention to this platform just increasing. Have you even known how it's started?

Here's a brief Magento history:

Magento officially started development in early 2007 by company called Varien (Roy Rubin and Yoav Kutner). Seven months later, on August 31, 2007, the first public beta version was released. It was originally going to be called ‘Bento’ however, another company had already trademarked the name. Instead, they fused it with ‘Mage’ to form Magento, the name which the platform still ...
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