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How to Use iOS 18 Update to Give Your App an Edge
Reading time: 5 min

How to Use iOS 18 Update to Give Your App an Edge

Mobile apps are all about ease of use and convenience. Nothing makes these two more prominent in your product than customization availability. Perhaps that’s why the new iOS 18 banked on fresh personalization and process simplification features. Today, we discuss Apple’s hot update and what it means for your applications.

iOS 18’s New Features & Their Implications

This article isn’t going to dissect and fawn over Apple�...

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Reading time: 1 min

Disadvantages of Magento

Our previous article was devoted to the Magento advantages and why this platform is one of the best on the eCommerce market. This time, we decided to reveal the dark side of Magento. Here is a short list of the main disadvantages of Magento:
  1. Complexity. Magento system has a very large and complex structure. So, to build online store, you will need  really strong and professional teams of developers and testers.
  2. Cost  of development. Usually, Magento site development requires a large investment of time and knowledge, which justifies its high cost.
  3. Time. Customisation of Magento store takes longer than customisation of other eCommerse platforms.
  4. Hosting. You should know that Magento takes a great space so hosting on the shared servers could lead to slow speed of the website. As a solution, might be a robust dedicated hosting server which also will t...
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Reading time: 2 min

Why Magento is the best platform for E-Commerce?

Nowadays there is a large variety of eCommerce platforms to suit every taste and request. But such diversity brings confusion for web store owners as to which eCommerce platform will be good enough for their business. In order to simplify  your choice, we have compiled a short list of the most important advantages of Magento. Look it out...
  • Feature-Rich.  Practically none of the existing platforms do not have such a plurality of functional features as Magento has.
  • Phenomenally Scalable. The size of your store doesn’t matter,  Magento is able to accommodate everything.
  • Safe And Secure. With Magento, you can be 100% confident in the security of your online store.
  • One Common Backend System. You can run numerous websites on the same common backend system. Each of your websites can have a different design and even domains, but controlled by a single unifie...
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Reading time: 1 min

Are You Mobile Friendly?

Are you sure in mobile friendliness of your web store? Have you checked it for bugs before launch? Google launched a new algorithm designed to elevate the rankings of mobile friendly/responsive websites. Of course, in order to benefit from increased mobile search rankings, you need to check that your Magento site is actually mobile friendly. And the only way to do it is mobile app testing.

Why Is This Important?

QA Madness has seen a lot of websites without responsive design for smartphones and tablets, and we must say it doesn't look good. Nowadays, websites with mobile friendly design play a significant role in the eCommerce world, because every day more and more people choose to use mobile devices. Having a mobile friendly Magento site gives customers the opportunity to be more liberated in time and place to make a purchase.  And, as a result, this option may improve ...
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Reading time: 2 min

The Brief Guide To The Evolution of Magento

Magento is still one of the most popular eCommerce platforms, even though there are dozens of other tools available to use in custom web design and development in the world. Magento is an open-source platform, it’s an affordable choice for a whole range of business websites, from small local stores all the way up to huge international chains. QA Madness constantly receives orders for the testing of Magento site, and attention to this platform just increasing. Have you even known how it's started?

Here's a brief Magento history:

Magento officially started development in early 2007 by company called Varien (Roy Rubin and Yoav Kutner). Seven months later, on August 31, 2007, the first public beta version was released. It was originally going to be called ‘Bento’ however, another company had already trademarked the name. Instead, they fused it with ‘Mage’ to form Magento, the name which the platform still ...
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Reading time: 1 min

5 Reasons Why Your Online Customers Are Looking But Not Buying

Here are some possible reasons:

1. Your Store Policies Are Not Clear or Are Too Restrictive

Buying online is convenient, but people look for brick and mortar style assurance, too. They want to know they can easily return products or contact someone about trouble with your service.

2. Not Flexible Shipping Options

Free shipping is big with shoppers, and is quickly becoming an industry standard. Maybe this isn’t within your budget, but you may be able to shift some numbers around to make it fly. Testing will reveal what works best for you. Just make sure customers are aware of your free shipping option if you offer it.

3. Not Mobile Friendly

If you haven’t overhauled your design in the past two years, here’s your likely problem. Studies show that mobile shoppers acco...
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Reading time: 4 min

Hide And Seek With Bugs, or 8 Most Common Issues In Magento Website

Magento, as one of the leading eCommerce platforms, is used to create the most successful and high-quality online stores. The great variety of eCommerce websites, make quite serious competition on the market and the main point that will help you to be on the Toplist is Quality. Without proper testing, "sketchy" websites may face a number of challenges after launch. Based on our experience, we have compiled a list of the most "popular" bugs that we faced during Magento testing. Here are the most common of them:

Bug #1: You can’t rate the product or write a review for it.

It’s not the most critical bug, but it still can bugs people. The lack of opportunities to share their experiences with others can bring customers to the idea that you don't want to have truthful reviews on the website, so this may push for the idea that something is wrong with your product. ...
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Reading time: 4 min

QA and Testing News: Double Secret Life Of Superheroes, Who Are They?

What is your association with term "superhero"? For many of you, the image of superhero will remind you about the feeling of reliability and protection. Each superhero stands against the evil force by day and night. I'll reveal one amazing secret to you today... At the spare time, between fights against crime, brave superheroes protect your websites and apps! Yes, superheroes working as testers for a long time! Think about it... They are hidden in the shadows. No rest, no peace, no sleep until they capture a villain and hand them over to the authorities. They are the Keepers of your reputation in the Digital World! Nevertheless, who are they? Let the Secret be revealed!

Who: Captain America

How to find out: supercorrect, strict, the true patriot. His mind is only about the "quality, quality, quality", and is better not to joke with him.  Havi...
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Reading time: 5 min

12 Most Favorite Software Testing Tools

Software testing is the process of evaluation a software item to detect differences between given input and expected output. Software testing is a process that should be done during the development process. In other words, software testing is a verification and validation process.

This article is devoted to highlighting the most popular software testing tools nowadays.

Performance Testing Tools:

Here are some important tools to test the performance, load and stress of the website/application. These tools ensure that your website/application will run under high performance and less load & stress.

Apache JMeter is a 100% pure Java desktop application designed to load test functional behavior and measure performance...
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Reading time: 4 min

Breaking Bad in your code or how software bug can make fun of you?

First of all, what is “software bug”? Everyone understands that it isn’t an insect ( well, not anymore, anyway :-) ). According to Wikipedia: software bug is an error, flaw, failure, or fault in a computer program or system that causes it to produce an incorrect or unexpected result, or to behave in unintended ways.” Some bugs can be detected easily during development. But some bugs might be found late in the development process. There have been many attempts to classify the bugs. Most of these represent the general classification which is valid in the cycle of software development and evolution. The classification scheme given in Orthogonal Defect Classification defines eight categories of defects as assignment, checking, algorithm, interface, timing/serial, function documentation, and build/pack/merge. Most everything in such classification understandable, useful and boring. But, sometimes, going through a code, you may face a dark horse from the bug's world. There are ...
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