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How to Use iOS 18 Update to Give Your App an Edge
Reading time: 5 min

How to Use iOS 18 Update to Give Your App an Edge

Mobile apps are all about ease of use and convenience. Nothing makes these two more prominent in your product than customization availability. Perhaps that’s why the new iOS 18 banked on fresh personalization and process simplification features. Today, we discuss Apple’s hot update and what it means for your applications.

iOS 18’s New Features & Their Implications

This article isn’t going to dissect and fawn over Apple�...

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A security guard is looking at the PC screen
Reading time: 13 min

What Productive Enterprise Application Security Testing Should Look Like

Enterprise applications (EAs) are more vulnerable to security threats than common mobile software. The latter have smaller size and reward prospects for hackers. So, you’d spend much less resources on protecting it. Plus, blackhats wouldn’t want to waste time on something “unfulfilling.” EAs, on the other hand, are huge structures with extra sensitive data and destruction potential. Think of it this way: is it more fun to light a firecracker or a big firework ensemble? The result a hacker can get from bringing down titans like enterprise apps is what makes EAs big targets. A malware planted into SolarWinds software compromised 18,000 enterprises and government entities. An insider leak c...
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A black keyboard with R, C, and M keys highlighted in green
Reading time: 26 min

A Collection of Tips and Best Practices for Outstanding CRM Testing

Most answers to the question “What is CRM testing?” are inaccurate. CRM testing isn’t just about “verifying the app functions according to requirements, locating and fixing issues, and making sure it fulfills business goals.” It’s much, much more. Proper software testing accompanies your project from the moment it even aims to go into development. It encompasses:
  • Planning.
  • Building a strategy.
  • Securing collaboration.
  • Executing analysis.
  • Maintaining and advancing the system.
  • Making quality the core of all processes.
So, let’s take a look at what CRM software testing is really about and how you use it to make your product thrive in one of the most competitive industries.

Types of Testing for CRM QA and Their Value

Having software that functions perfectly is no longer an achievement. Your team needs to be agile when testing CRM apps. They need to continu...
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A person writes something in their notebook in front of a laptop
Reading time: 28 min

The Challenges and Solutions of Enterprise Software Testing

Building and examining any software is a grand undertaking. But enterprise application testing might just make your heart stop with its intricacies. An enterprise application (EA) is the colossus of the IT world. And it needs colossal effort and expertise to take its rightful place as the king of all apps and a wise ruler of business processes. Today, we’ll explore these beasts in detail:
  • What makes an EA so complex, and how does it impact enterprise testing?
  • How do automation testing services make development easier?
  • What value can professional QA bring to such projects?

EA Diversity and Its Impact on Enterprise Testing Solutions

Enterprise applications are incredibly varied, not just in their purpose but in functionality and logic, too. So, before developing your enterprise app testing plan, you should factor in how an app’s specifics impact the testing process. That’s the only way to develop ta...
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A robotic arm tapping on a smartphone screen
Reading time: 44 min

How To Automate Mobile App Testing: The Definitive Guide for Your Team

Do you think automated testing (AT) plays the main role in achieving a highly productive SLDC? This may be the reason you’re not seeing the results you want from mobile automation. And the reality is that AT is the supporting character. Not the protagonist that drives everything forward. So, in this article, we’ll discuss:
  • How to make your mobile app automation testing an incredible heavy hitter.
  • Why AT itself isn’t the heal-all for every development hardship.
  • What really makes mobile app testing profitable.

Understanding Mobile App Test Automation

A good testing strategy always begins with an understanding of your product. Since we can’t really take your exact project to explain everything, we’ll begin with the next best thing – the app type. The main take away from this section would be that the kind of your application impacts how you test it.

Mobile Automation for Native, Hyb...

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A person writing software code on their laptop
Reading time: 20 min

API Automation Testing – A Small Thing With Immense Impact

The world would be a merrier place if people also had APIs. Just imagine being able to talk to another person specifically in a way that they would understand and receive. No miscommunication, mix-ups, or words left unspoken. Only a dialogue that’s always productive and pleasant. That’s what API does for your software. It allows its parts to converse and exchange data. And since info swap is what makes your product work, you must understand the significance of this function’s pristine execution. So, let’s talk API automation testing.

What API Testing Automation Gives You

To better understand the role of automation in API testing, we first need to start with a fundamental question: “What exactly is API automation testing?” Testing an API manually is often time-consuming and likely to introduce inconsistencies:
  1. QA engineers define test cases outlining expected user interactions and API responses.
  2. They manually send requests ...
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A group of people playing Jenga
Reading time: 29 min

Test Automation Strategy: A Step-by-Step Guideline for Your Team

Usually, the best things we do are those we do spontaneously. These spur-of-the-moment decisions give us an incredibly rewarding feeling, as, technically, we didn’t do anything, yet got to enjoy the outcome. This, fortunately, doesn’t work with a test automation strategy. Why “fortunately”? Can you imagine the amount of failed projects and lost talents if companies relied on impromptu ventures? If even the tiniest thing goes wrong, and you don’t have a plan B, a workaround, or a rollback procedure, you’re just stuck in a ruin of your own making. So, let’s figure out why everyone is raving about the importance of calculated thinking and how to apply it to your automation testing strategy to catapult your project forward.

The Purpose of a Test Automation Strategy

We’ll begin with a road trip. You pack everything you need. Pick the motels you’ll rest at. Choose the landmarks you want to visit. Plan your route according to the weather and traffic. A...
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A software engineer working at their PC with two screens
Reading time: 19 min

The Lies and Truths of AI Automation Testing Tools

AI technology is fun to watch. It went from being a miracle to being despised, to being somewhat actually useful. And now, while some bank on artificial intelligence, and some grasp onto how things were, we prefer to take a different approach. Instead of living in one’s memories or trying to ride the ever-changing tech wave, we prefer to adapt strategically. The crocodiles have found their perfect form. They’ve been the same for millions of years. But humans… we have a long way to go. And the secret to reaching your apex form is to evolve with your environment. Not against it. Not ahead of it. So, let’s take a realistic look at AI automation tools for testing. Where they stand now. How they can be useful. And what you should watch out for.

AI Technologies in QA Services

There once was a big hope that AI automation testing tools would relieve QA specialists from their duties. But, surprise, people aren’t that easy to outshine. And very soon, we came to ...
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A person holding a smartphone in their hand
Reading time: 51 min

The Full Guide On How To Test Mobile Apps You’ll Want To Save

Did you know there are over five million mobile applications? Now that’s tough competition. But not for the reasons you think. Half of all apps will be gone from users’ phones within a month. And half of those – within a day. So, you shouldn’t worry about other products stealing your thunder. You should, however, about making a project that people will want to stick with. And the ultimate council, your consumers, are really tough judges. But we got you. Our entire team summarized their expertise and real experience to deliver you this apex guide on how to do mobile app testing.

How Mobile App Type Impacts Testing

Before discussing how to test an app in a meaningful way, we need some context. It’ll help you better understand why we recommend what we recommend. It’ll help you grasp the technical side of ...
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Reading time: 20 min

Web3 Testing: Make Your Dream DApp a Reality with This Guide

Web3 is weird. But weird is good. Because it often signifies change (and by god, do we need it now). Everything humans ever come up with was odd at first. Then, it changed the world. And while many criticize the idea of Web3 for its crude, still-in-development state, nothing is made in seconds. Good things take time and effort. And good Web3 projects need expertise, creativity, and remarkable testing specialists.

How Is Web3 Testing Different from Traditional Testing?

The entire concept of Web3 is in progress. So are its testing procedures. But it doesn’t stop QA professionals from helping you create a noteworthy project. And while AI products collect data, our QA services act. The first aspect to pay attention to is Web3 testing’s eccentricities. dApps operate on decentralized (P2P) blockchains. This means that it’s difficult to control the entire testing environment and QA engineers:
  • May not have access to all nodes or the abi...
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