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How to Use iOS 18 Update to Give Your App an Edge
Reading time: 5 min

How to Use iOS 18 Update to Give Your App an Edge

Mobile apps are all about ease of use and convenience. Nothing makes these two more prominent in your product than customization availability. Perhaps that’s why the new iOS 18 banked on fresh personalization and process simplification features. Today, we discuss Apple’s hot update and what it means for your applications.

iOS 18’s New Features & Their Implications

This article isn’t going to dissect and fawn over Apple�...

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Reading time: 20 min

Web3 Testing: Make Your Dream DApp a Reality with This Guide

Web3 is weird. But weird is good. Because it often signifies change (and by god, do we need it now). Everything humans ever come up with was odd at first. Then, it changed the world. And while many criticize the idea of Web3 for its crude, still-in-development state, nothing is made in seconds. Good things take time and effort. And good Web3 projects need expertise, creativity, and remarkable testing specialists.

How Is Web3 Testing Different from Traditional Testing?

The entire concept of Web3 is in progress. So are its testing procedures. But it doesn’t stop QA professionals from helping you create a noteworthy project. And while AI products collect data, our QA services act. The first aspect to pay attention to is Web3 testing’s eccentricities. dApps operate on decentralized (P2P) blockchains. This means that it’s difficult to control the entire testing environment and QA engineers:
  • May not have access to all nodes or the abi...
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An orange typewriter with black keys
Reading time: 11 min

Automation in Moderation, or How to Automate Localization Testing

The approach to automating localization testing differs from the one you’d apply for other testing types. It’s critical to consider the specific scope of tasks and elements for testing. Otherwise, you’re very likely to end up with a product that has:
  • Gibberish instead of informative texts.
  • Offensive content.
  • Compromised UX.
  • Underwhelming user satisfaction, and more.
Localization is among very few aspects where automation should be done in moderation. It doesn’t mean that you should restrict yourself. It’s more about applying automation testing (AT) carefully. So, allow us to explain why and guide you through the genuinely valuable approach to automating localization.

Benefits of Automated Localization Testing

Localization is a complex process. It involves translating textual and multimedia content, adapting user interfaces, and even customizing colors. And while localization has sp...
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Reading time: 15 min

The Complete Guide To Mobile App Localization Testing

Imagine you have two identical apps. One uses your native language. And the other one is written in a tongue you’re proficient at. Which would you choose? Over a decade-long research shows that most people prefer the first option. In fact, their study titled “Can’t read, won’t buy” (a very telling name) found that 65% of consumers go for products in their language. This proves two things:
  1. Users value authentic comfort.
  2. Localization is not just necessary but can be a competitive advantage.
So, let’s get to know mobile app localization testing specifics and how to create a strategy that results in customers dreaming of other services being like yours.

The Importance of Localization Testing for Mobile Applications

Without proper localization, a lot can go...
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A colored brick wall with a table plate saying "Accessible Entry"
Reading time: 15 min

Automated Accessibility Testing: Exposing the Myth & Supercharging Your Product

You’ve been lied to about automated accessibility testing. Its impact has been exaggerated in hopes of hooking you with the shiny benefit of securing impeccable accessibility easily. But in QA services, there are no shortcuts. There’s skill, determination, and hard work. So, here’s what you can really do with automated accessibility testing tools and how you can use them meaningfully.

Can Accessibility Testing Be Automated?

Yes. But it won’t be the magical solution you’re hoping for. Automated accessibility testing is very different from your standard automation of, say, functional tests. The core difference is the limited powers of AT tools in this context. No software can comprehensively evaluate how comfortably a differently-abled person would navigate your service. You’ve probably seen a few articles with sections titled “What is automated accessibility testing”. And the explanation following it is akin to: “It’s the process of ensuring th...
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A dog sitting at the table with a desktop computer and a cup of coffee atop
Reading time: 11 min

10 Best Practices for Integration Testing That Bring Value To Your Business

What do oxygen and integration testing have in common? We need them. And we barely think about them. Integration tests are a part of any project. They have become such a staple of software testing services that they kind of went backward. We don’t pay much attention to them. They’re just there for proper product functionality. They’re obligatory. And that’s that. But there’s a big difference between using something because you have to and using something because you want it to matter. Today, we talk about making your integration testing a merit, not a check box.

Know Your Integration Tests & Their Quirks

To this day, there’s still a bit of confusion on the subject of unit vs integration testing. What exactly defines a unit within a system? How many elements should integration tests include? Most definitions in the IT sector have an arbitrary taste to them. But it all gets worked out in practice. Thus, our QA experts have highlighted the value ...
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A notepad with lined pages and a "Checklist" header at the top
Reading time: 12 min

The Definitive Accessibility Testing Checklist for Your Software Products and Services

A product that stands out is trivial. A product that genuinely cares about its users is sensational. Over the years, we’ve seen many projects create exceptional features and spectacular UX. But with time, the novelty wears out. The competitors implement similar traits. And people continue to look for something else. And we know what they want – to feel valued. We’ve already discussed how user-centricity and quality culture can help you capture people’s hearts. Yet, there’s one more thing – accessibility. So, we’ve created the ultimate accessibility testing checklist to make your product feel like a true friend and bring users joy. Read on for a:
  • Basic manual accessibility testing checklist.
  • Website accessibility testing checklist.
  • Mobile accessibility testing checklist.
  • Device-specific accessibility testing checklist, and more.


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A working space that features a desktop PC, a closed laptop, a smartphone, headphones, and a vase with flowers
Reading time: 23 min

Automated Testing for a Desktop Application: Benefits, Particularities, and Actionable Tips

There’s no good without the bad. So, if you’re contemplating automation for your desktop app, wanting to enjoy all its benefits – think twice. Because it comes with quite a few struggles. That is if you don’t implement it the right way. And that’s why we’re here. Let’s discuss everything you need to know to turn automated desktop application testing into an endeavor that amplifies your project’s value.

Desktop Apps Are Special, Their Automation Should Be Too

The core principles of automation testing services are immutable. But (!) to achieve superior results for your project, you’ll need to shift your approach to it. It’s like carving a sculpture. First, you need a good base. Yet, it’s how you work on the details that affects the outcome. So, let’s figure out some of the details for desktop automation testing. As compared to, say, web apps, desktop applications: ...
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A black-and-white picture featuring a person holding a red puzzle piece in their hands
Reading time: 11 min

Your Guide to Automated Integration Testing

Automation is a dilemma. Do you need it? Is it worth it? Allow us to cease your hesitations. Automation testing services are a true gift to your project’s performance and your team’s development. But you need to know what to do with them. Because for a solution to actually solve something, you need to understand how to realize it. So today, we set out to discuss everything you need for profitable automated integration testing.

What Is Automated Integration Testing & Is It Better Than Manual?

We don’t believe that data dumping is a good way to learn. So, let’s explore everything incrementally. First, integration testing. It’s the process of verifying that individual software modules work correctly as a group. When you begin validating your product, you start with unit testing (assessing the tiniest testable elements). You check them in isolation before moving on to finding out whether they can cooperate with each other. After, ...
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Running track for two sprinters
Reading time: 20 min

Change Your Mind About Unit VS Integration Testing To Support Your Product’s Progress

Software complexity is going up. User-centricity is taking over. And businesses get lost in all the tiny and mammoth tasks. We get so caught up in the bullet-speed progression of technologies that we forget something very simple: Fundamentals are still fundamentals. Pay them due attention and they’ll bless you with easier and trust-worthy development. That’s why today, we’ll honor unit vs integration testing. They’ve become so common that we rarely talk about them now. What’s more, we don’t treat them as something critical. And we need to change that. Because this duo of “basic” tests will be the backbone of your entire project.

What Is Unit Testing?

Unit testing checks how a piece (unit) of code works. Briefly, you take the smallest testable component and run it to see if it does what it should. In simple terms, a unit test could be equated to you examining a screw. Does it have imperfections? Is it easy to use? Will it hold the shelf in place? It�...
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