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How to Use iOS 18 Update to Give Your App an Edge
Reading time: 5 min

How to Use iOS 18 Update to Give Your App an Edge

Mobile apps are all about ease of use and convenience. Nothing makes these two more prominent in your product than customization availability. Perhaps that’s why the new iOS 18 banked on fresh personalization and process simplification features. Today, we discuss Apple’s hot update and what it means for your applications.

iOS 18’s New Features & Their Implications

This article isn’t going to dissect and fawn over Apple�...

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A person writing software code on a PC
Reading time: 16 min

Don’t Take Software Integration Testing for Granted – Run It Like This

Test early. Test often. A principle all companies should live by. And most of them do. But it seems a certain type of testing has been left out of this golden rule for remarkable projects. Integration testing is such a common part of any SDLC that it has been demoted to a routine check. And it really shouldn’t have been. Allow us to tell you why.

What Is Integration Testing in Software Engineering

The best way to explain integration testing in software engineering is to compare it to its cousins, so to speak. First come unit tests. They’re conducted to check how the fundamental aspects of software work. You take the smallest elements of a program (units) and execute them to ensure that the basics are functional. Next are integration tests. Integration testing verifies the interactions between components to ensure they work together. Basically, you gather up related units that comprise a module and determine whether...
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A silver laptop surrounded by black letters
Reading time: 19 min

Make Your Product Feel Homey with These App Localization Testing Tips

When you think about mobile app localization testing, what comes to mind first? Probably translations, currencies, date formats… And you’d be correct in tending to these aspects. But that doesn’t do justice to the impact of these tests. Thoughtful localization testing creates a home. A home where everything is familiar and cozy. A home which you keep in your memories and always want to come back to. That’s the feel your mobile app will have with these localization testing insights.

Localization Testing for Mobile Applications Is Now a Need

Let’s be honest. When it comes to mobile apps, people are used to having a lot of options and jumping from one product to another. And where there’s demand, there’s supply. Businesses follow trends. They pay attention to customer wants. And they make great projects. But how many of those projects do consumers actually care for? Well, you need to make them care first. And localization testing can do this for you. It can turn ...
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A person paying with a card
Reading time: 13 min

Make Your Clients Happy To Pay with These Payment Gateway Testing Insights

To pay or not pay – that should not be the question. Because today, customers expect instantaneous request fulfillment. It may not always be possible, but that’s what any user wants. And a slight delay in transaction processing can cut your revenue in half. As nearly 80% of consumers won’t proceed with a service that loads slowly. So, today, we share insights we’ve gathered for over ten years of testing payment gateways to a utopian state.

Reasons to Run Payment Gateway Testing

You probably already know that the impact of high-quality testing goes beyond the absence of errors. QA services are a multifaceted medium that will often surprise you with its perks. And when you hire QA engineers, you make one of the best investments in your product’s future. Let’s take a look at what they can do with payment solution testi...
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A person is using a laptop and holding a smartphone in the other hand
Reading time: 22 min

Testing AI-Powered Applications: Forget the Turing Test, Welcome QA

With the AI apps gaining $2.5 billion in revenue in 2022, the competition in the field is beyond fierce. And you’d think there’d be abundant data on developing AI-powered products of high quality. Yet, surprisingly, there’s very little info on the subject. There’s even less info on the impact of software testing services on AI. We might have a guess for why that is. But that’s not why you’re here. So, let’s dive into why you need remarkable testing for your AI app and how to make it such.

Why Testing AI-Powered Apps Isn’t the Talk of the Town

The biggest threat to AI-powered applications is settling for okay results. Companies know that AI components have unique values. And they use them to drive their businesses forward. But it just as well can be a part of the marketing strategy that lets people know an organization is “trendy.” Why are we bri...
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A group of people with team hand pile
Reading time: 16 min

Working with Dedicated QA Teams: Answering Your Whys & Hows

Testing is irreplaceable. And the way you approach it is everything. From the Therac-25 disaster to Boeing 737 Max crashes – you know that quality assurance can make or break your business. Hence, for your product to be superior, you need a QA team that can support your vision. What kind of a team it should be? Let’s find out.

Testing Done By Developers Is a Double-Edged Sword

As a QA company, we know the value QA professionals hold. But we don’t stray away from the realities – you may not always be able to hire QA engineers. There are a few cases when it is more or less acceptable.

When Developer Testing Might Work

Delegating project v...
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A medical laboratory
Reading time: 17 min

Automated Software Testing for Medical Devices – A Guide for Visionary Products

In the 1900s, the average human lifespan was 32 years. Today, it has reached about seven decades. Revolutions in healthcare saved billions of lives. And the optimization of medical devices secured millions more. So, if you’re developing software for such a wondrous gadget, you ought to do anything to ensure its success. While you’re under pressure to deliver, without exaggeration, a perfect product, you also need to think about:
  • Deadlines.
  • Available resources.
  • And keeping the sanity of people working on this complicated project.
But then, automated medical software testing appeared to solve all your problems. Yet, automated testing (AT) is only effective when you set it up right. So, let’s talk about how to make AT worth your while.

Challenges in Medical Device Soft...

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A healthcare professional is holding a smartphone
Reading time: 15 min

Everything You Need to Know About Healthcare App Testing to Do It Right

Testing expenses can take up 40% of the overall software development budget. You shouldn’t be surprised by such figures. How so? Because testing is, arguably, the most quality-defining process for your product. And for healthcare applications, QA can literally be the difference between life and death. So, today, let’s talk about how you can make sure that your software is tested outstandingly well and what your team should know to do it.

Understand the Specifics of Software Apps

When it comes to healthcare software testing services, there are many overlapping aspects and similarities. But to create an exceptional product is to know its specifics. So, whether you’re developing a web app or a medical device, testing needs to be tailored to the unique characteristics of eac...
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A laptop on the table with an ISTQB logo on it, with a plant standing on the left and a mug standing on the right from the laptop
Reading time: 12 min

Nine Reasons Why You Need ISTQB-Certified Software Testers

Remember the sorting hat from Harry Potter? The ISTQB certification works in a similar way. It decides whether a person is worthy to join the ranks of legitimate QA experts. And Hogwarts ATSQA is an organization offering exams designed to validate the skills and knowledge of software testing professionals. So, when you want to hire QA engineers, look for ISTQB’s mark of excellence. Then, you can be sure that the specialist you’re looking for is not just an enticing resume but a true talent.

Unbiased Recognition of ISTQB-Certified Testers

ISTQB certification directly proves a QA specialist’s proficiency in software testing. Yet, you might think: “How can a single document ensure that this tester is what I want?” Well, it’s never about a “piece of paper”. It’s about the dedication that went into obtaining it. For example, to get the Expert Level certification, a person ...
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A person is using a laptop, an emerald stethoscope lies on the table near them
Reading time: 14 min

Prescribing Quality Assurance: Solving Key Challenges of Healthcare Software Testing

Contrary to what Occam’s Razor teaches us, not all complicated things have simple solutions. Healthcare software is among the most intricate systems there are. And to create a truly good product, you need to understand its difficulties. Not only that, you ought to know exactly how to solve them. So, today, we dive into the challenges of healthcare software testing and ways to overcome them.

What Makes Healthcare Testing Distinct?

Let’s cut to the chase. The biggest distinction of healthcare software testing services is their complexity. From EHR (Electronic Health Records) to medical imaging software – making reliable, accurate, and user-friendly software is a task to behold. If you’re wondering why exactly it’s difficult, here’re the three main aspects our QA engineers highli...
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