Full-Time QA Support for the Marketing Platform Provider


brkfst is a platform created by the world’s first performance branding company Within for bringing together marketing and creative specialists. With its help, companies can find creators who provide video content and imagery for digital promo campaigns on Facebook and Instagram. In addition to publishing creative briefs, a company can use platform resources to design visual content on their own. The web app also offers analytical tools for tracking and monitoring campaign performance.


We joined the project a few months after the development started. It was a new product developed from scratch. Therefore, the QA team was to check thoroughly different levels of the software system and cover a variety of testing types.

One more highlight of the project was the frequently changing requirements. Due to the market specifics, the client had to reconsider some of the demands and product specifications during the software development process.


Under fast-changing requirements, the QA team chose to apply an exploratory approach first. Exploratory testing is simultaneous learning, test design and execution that is always performed manually. Some of the following manual inspections of the platform’s native features relied on the test cases as well. QA engineers also checked integration with other tools and extensions via APIs.

The testing process included the following stages:

  • The team conducted functional tests to detect the features that had defects and therefore didn’t behave as expected.
  • QA engineers ran GUI testing, which was meant to verify the correct functioning of graphical elements – buttons, links, input fields, forms, etc. that allow users to access the backend features.
  • Smoke tests were necessary to learn if the core product functionality functions adequately (a user can access the website, register or log in, install the application).
  • Accessibility tests were performed to verify that the software is usable by people with disabilities (including vision impairment and other physical or cognitive conditions).
  • We also ran cross-browser and cross-platform tests for the web and mobile versions of the platform. The purpose was to ensure the seamless experience with the web app regardless of the device used to access it.
  • API testing allowed us to ensure the functionality, performance, and reliability of the Application Programming Interfaces that enable communication and data exchange between different software systems.
  • Finally, we conducted regression tests to verify that stable and already defect-free functionality hasn’t been affected by the changes and new bugs haven’t appeared.
Inna Feshchuk: