Peculiarities of E-Commerce Testing

As a rule, a CMS chosen by a company has been already carefully tested, and the functionality isn’t buggy. There’s not much work for a QA company to do.

E-shop owners use extensions to enhance the standard features. These things can be incompatible with the main functionality or affect it in different ways.

The payment functionality requires special attention. E-commerce platforms have integrations with numerous payment methods, and each should work flawlessly.

It makes sense for big platforms to integrate e-commerce software with CRM, ERP, and other reporting and analytics tools. Thus, it is essential to check for interoperability.

We Test a Variety of E-Commerce Solutions

Types of E-commerce Software:
eshop logo


extensions logo


marketplace logo


ecom-tools icon

E-commerce tools

xaas logo


E-Commerce Platforms:
magento logo


shopify logo


shopware logo


woo commerce icon


bigcommerce logo


prestashop logo


The QA Madness team can test other solutions, too. Just let us know with what platform you work. We’ll gladly discuss the details and prepare a testing strategy for it.

E-Commerce Application Testing

In general, we can use the same e-commerce test cases for mobile platform and e-commerce website testing. There are just a few things peculiar to applications.

During e-commerce mobile app testing, it is essential to check compatibility with different operating systems, browsers and their versions, screen sizes, etc. It is also significant to check mobile-specific features, like screen rotating and user events that can interrupt your experience with an app – phone calls, notifications, etc.

One more case to check during mobile QA is the integration of payment features into applications that aren’t designed as e-commerce products. In other words, if an app displays a promo with a link to another resource or a Purchase button, this feature requires testing as a part of e-commerce functionality.

Let's start a new project together

QA Madness covers a full scope of the QA-related services. We run manual & automated testing for web and mobile projects and ensure continuous support at each stage of development.
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Things to Test in an E-Shop

E-shop features and loading speed are the main aspects to pay attention to during the quality assurance phase. Then come different types of performance tests, followed by smoke and regression testing before the release:

Design and features of item pages

Coupon and promo code validation

Order management

Purchasing functionality

Payment gateway

Price generation and calculations

Installation of extensions

Searching, sorting, and filtering

Forms, buttons, links, etc

Different traffic conditions

Core functionality check (after code changes)

Business-critical features verification (before going live)

E-Commerce Testing: Manual or Automated?

E-Commerce Testing

Suitable for working with the new features – when it is necessary to test a shop quickly, to check features that are known to have a lot of bugs, or to deal with unstable functionality.

E-Commerce Testing

Suitable for smoke and regression tests – when there is a scope of stable functionality, and you need to verify the core features after implementing some changes.

Benefits of E-Commerce Testing

Preventing purchase interruption that happens due to a defect.

Evaluating the functionality against an average and heavy load.

Verifying that a user path and all the features are clear for users.

Ensures vast test coverage, revealing bugs that are normally overlooked in scripts.

Let’s create a better e-commerce platform together.

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