Refine Your E-Learning Software Through Testing

Seamless video and audio connection

No performance issues on production

Readiness for the growing demand for remote studying

Equal access for users regardless of the devices

Digital inclusivity for users with disabilities

Better functionality for end-users to enjoy

Easier scaling for your software in the future

A smart combination of manual and automated testing

Higher confidence in software that goes live

Particularities of EdTech Testing

The value of EdTech lies in supporting a continuous education process regardless of the circumstances. The purpose of EdTech is to ensure equal access to online learning for students from different locations and with different gadgets at their disposal. To make this possible, e-learning dev teams need to test some niche-specific features in their e-learning apps.

Video & audio

Acceptable video and audio quality is not enough for a seamless learning experience. It is critical for users to get the information correctly. Hang-ups and disconnections make it complicated or impossible while also causing distress. Proper functionality check is essential.



The real-time updates should be continuous and not disrupted by a poor connection. If network troubles occur, information should still remain available after the connection is restored. The progress and settings should not reset, neither should any information or files disappear.


EdTech products and services should be lightweight enough to access with devices that have basic specifications. Users of e-learning software come from different places and have very different paying capacities. These things should not impede their access to education.



EdTech solutions usually imply online communication. It means that software needs permissions to access device audio, webcam, and other features or apps. Thus, users should get popup messages and be able to configure the corresponding settings with minimum effort.

Testing Services to Refine Your E-Learning Software


Functional Testing


UI Testing


Performance Testing


Compatibility Testing


Payment Testing


Test Automation


Mobile [App] Testing

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Web [App] Testing

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Security Testing

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Accessibility Testing

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Network Connectivity

EdTech Software We Test

Web-based training platforms

E-learning mobile apps

Learning management systems

Virtual learning environments

Knowledge-sharing software

Note-taking applications

Live tutoring platforms

Classroom collaboration systems

Assessment and grading tools

Whether you plan to enhance an open source e-learning platform or specialize in custom e-learning development, the QA Madness team can assist with the quality assurance and testing part. We work with a variety of e-learning software products and services, including:

Testing Process with QA Madness

Introductory Call


Demo Meeting


Software Analysis

Work Model Selection



Agreement Signing

Customer Care engagement

Deliverables Provision


Education is the key to creating a better world. We want to provide digital experiences that will help today’s learners achieve their ambitions. Let’s do it together.

Contact us to discuss the details.

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    Our QA team detect issues in your software that might negatively affect its performance. That way you can fix these issues and get your product on the market as quickly as possible.
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