IoT Testing

IoT Testing at Its Finest: What You Need To Know

Reading Time: 12 minutes

If you showed a smartwatch to someone from the 1400s, you’d probably be burned at the stake. Today, if you brought up the concept of smart cities, you’d likely hear something like: “It’s cool, I guess.” As we’re becoming more and more accustomed to technology, it impresses us less and less. But, perhaps, it’s a good thing. It pushes companies to create remarkable IoT products that are destined to have a wow effect.

Yet, producing such a gem takes a lot of effort. And the only way of securing a bunch of users’ dropped jaws is by applying exceptionally skilled IoT testing services. That’s why, in this article, we’ll be talking about what your IoT testing should include to result in a project that sets an example for the rest.

The Objectives of IoT Software Testing

It’s common to associate IoT QA with only one goal – improving product quality. While that’s certainly the core mission, it’s not all. There’s much more IoT testing services can do for you.

  • Ensure that all components of an IoT system function correctly and meet the required standards.
  • Identify both current defects and potential vulnerabilities that could affect the system in the future.
  • Maintain a high level of quality and reliability across all system components via a proactive IoT testing process.
  • Confirm that the system can scale effectively to support business growth with an all-encompassing performance testing.
  • Build consumer trust by ensuring that devices and systems perform as expected, are secure, and provide reliable results.

We could never answer the question of “what is IoT testing” with “it’s a process doing this, that, and something else” (you’ve seen these kinds of explanations before). That’s a very technical and overwhelming definition. Considering the bigger picture and the real-life results, QA for IoT is all about driving and supporting the prosperity of your business.

What Makes IoT QA Testing Unique

While the goals of IoT testing may seem rather generic, its processes are quite distinct. Specifically, software testing services for interconnected devices (and apps) are a lot more tricky than anything else. The key word here is “interconnected”. Many things work in tandem. So, you need to check how each component functions alone and together with everything else.

The Core Components of IoT Testing

When we talk about IoT testing’s components, we mean stuff that makes such a product work.


Testing IoT devices means checking how the gadget itself operates. And these primarily include:

  • Sensors that collect data from the physical world. They measure various parameters such as temperature, humidity, motion, light, and more.
  • Actuators that perform physical actions based on commands from the system, such as turning on a motor, opening a valve, or adjusting a thermostat.
  • Hardware-software interactions that work via embedded software or firmware, which controls the device’s operations.

So, taking the example of smart watches, Apple Watch would be the primary “test subject” here.


IoT networks are infrastructures that enable the communication of a device with everything else. This can involve other interconnected devices, routers, cloud services, etc. On this layer of IoT testing, you’d focus on:

  • Connectivity to evaluate the ability of IoT devices to establish and maintain connections over various network types.
  • Data transfer to make sure the device and other systems can communicate.
  • Latency to secure real-time responses.

For an Apple Watch, its network would be the connectivity protocols, such as Wi-Fi, the cloud, which allows the device to exchange data, and widgets via which you can access info.


The IoT backend is the infrastructure and services that support the operation and management of IoT devices. For example, it could be:

  • Cloud services that provide the infrastructure for data storage, processing, and analytics.
  • Databases that are used to store and manage the data collected from IoT devices.
  • Data processing that involves analyzing and interpreting the data collected from IoT devices.

An Apple Watch’s backend would include Apple’s servers, HealthKit and ResearchKit, and iCloud.


An IoT app is the user-facing interface through which people interact with IoT devices. These are usually provided via:

  • Mobile apps, like the Apple Watch App.
  • Web apps, like Apple Health Web Dashboard.

Here, IoT application testing would mean checking how the Apple Watch interacts with native apps, like Heart Rate and Messages, third-party software, etc.

As you can see, IoT systems have lots of layers. And that’s exactly what makes IoT QA special (and challenging).

Difficulties of IoT Testing

Speaking of challenges, let’s give them some love, too. Difficulties in IoT QA testing are nothing to be afraid of. It’s not their purpose. Quite the opposite. When we’re aware of the issues we might encounter, we do everything we can to prepare for them and come out stronger and better on the other side.

We’ll discuss the main obstacles so that you can arm yourself well and decide whether your team will be able to handle them.

  • Due to the diversity of devices and platforms, you’ll have to test on a (very) wide range of device combinations and configurations.
  • To secure proper hardware-software integration, your team will have to precisely mimic real-world scenarios. You don’t want to repeat Therac-25’s mistakes.
  • For real-time data processing, testing needs to ensure precise synchronization across all components, identifying and mitigating issues under various conditions.
  • You’ll also have to replicate real-world conditions, like physical obstructions, signal variation, and interference, to secure reliability.
  • Accounting for environmental factors is necessary, too. You’ll need to test your device under nonideal conditions (increased temperature, pressure, etc.) to prevent degradation or malfunctions.
  • Security and data privacy issues are among the top threats to IoT systems. Testing must ensure strong security measures are in place despite limited device resources. Can you imagine a critical healthcare gadget getting hacked? Well, it’s very much possible.
  • Network and connectivity are the most unstable variables for IoT testing. But it’s beyond crucial to ensure their stability. You need to check your product across varying network conditions and settings.
  • You must also consider your project’s scalability and performance over time. Testing should verify that systems can handle increased data loads and traffic without compromising performance.
  • It’s important to include accessibility in your IoT QA strategy. IoT devices are very often used by people with disabilities or certain conditions. So, you’ll have to confirm that your app is usable by anyone. This means assessing it with multiple interaction methods and assistive technologies.
  • Compliance testing is required if you want to avoid legal penalties, recalls, and reputational damage. Devices must meet various global standards and regulations, which can also change over time.

Do you remember the saying “United we are strong”? Well, for IoT, this linkage is probably the biggest weakness. Every challenge that exists for QA quadruples for IoT testing. Hence, the effort going into these products also increases.

So, if you need help with securing a flawless product, which is how we prefer it, don’t hesitate to partner with an IoT software testing company. Their expertise and readiness will help you avoid nearly all worries and troubles.

What Skills Are Needed for Impressive IoT App Testing Services

Now that you know what hurdles may lie ahead, let’s talk about what tech stack will help you deal with them. To competently handle IoT app testing services, you QA engineers should have ample skills. In fact, it might be tricky to find a single person proficient in all aspects. But it’s completely reasonable to divide this knowledge and duties between a few specialists.

  • Understanding communication protocols that dictate how devices collaborate is needed to validate data transmission, reliability, and error handling.
  • Familiarity with embedded systems and firmware allows you to identify issues like device malfunctions, memory leaks, and performance bottlenecks.
  • Proficiency in IoT platforms and cloud services is necessary to test end-to-end communication, data integrity, and scalability.
  • Skilled handling of network protocols and tools is imperative for testing network traffic, analyzing data packets, and diagnosing connectivity issues.
  • Simulation and virtualization tools allow you to create and test IoT environments without physical hardware. This is valuable for testing different scenarios, network conditions, and user interactions.
  • Understanding databases (SQL and NoSQL) is essential for testing data consistency, retention, and retrieval speed in IoT contexts.
  • Proficiency in version control systems and CI/CD tools is fundamental for automating testing, managing changes, and ensuring continuous integration and deployment.
  • A deep understanding of security testing tools and techniques is crucial to identify vulnerabilities such as insecure communication, authentication flaws, and data breaches. Note that IoT security testing services are often detached from general IoT testing due to the unique skills needed for building cyber resilience. In other words, you’re likely to look for a separate specialist.
  • Knowledge of scripting languages and automation tools can be helpful for creating test scripts, streamlining repetitive tasks, and improving testing efficiency. Without IoT automation testing, your SDLC has the potential to introduce delays. So, securing an automation expert on your team should be a priority.
  • While not always mandatory, understanding AI/ML can add significant value to IoT testing efforts. It can be used for automated anomaly detection, predictive maintenance, and pattern recognition.

Locating specialists in the above disciplines may be difficult. To keep up with your deadlines and not spend lots of money on hiring and onboarding, you can consider working with an IoT testing company. Over 80% of organizations trust outsourced QA with their products. So, you can be sure that you’ll find your desired talents and advance your project.

Essential Testing Types for IoT QA

IoT testing isn’t that different from, say, mobile app testing in terms of what you do. In other words, any software has to undergo functional testing, for example. What will vary is the time and effort needed to ensure a good product.

Consider security for an educational app and an industrial IoT device. You’ll have to spend a lot more time testing the latter because of its critical role and functions.

So, here are the testing types our team recommends to focus on for your IoT project.

  • Functional testing ensures that all features of the IoT device or application work properly.
  • User interface testing validates the UI of IoT applications, ensuring that elements are accessible, responsive, and function correctly.
  • Compatibility testing checks the device’s interoperability with different hardware, software, network environments, and platforms.
  • IoT performance testing evaluates the system’s speed, scalability, and stability under various conditions.
  • Security testing identifies vulnerabilities related to data transmission, authentication, and authorization.
  • Usability testing assesses the ease of use and user experience of the IoT device or application.
  • Regression testing confirms that recent changes or updates to the IoT device or application do not affect existing functionalities.
  • Acceptance testing verifies the IoT product works in real-world scenarios as expected by stakeholders or end-users.

Do note that the above testing types center on the software side of your product. Hardware is a part of an IoT system as well. And it, too, is to be evaluated. Hence, when you assemble your team or work with a QA company, make sure that the specialists can cover the hardware components too. For example, QA Madness can take care of it if you provide your device.

Best Practices for IoT Testing

We have a little tradition – providing you with actionable best practices wherever possible. This time, we’ve asked our QA engineers who’ve worked on IoT projects to share their insights. Here’s what they recommend for implementing productive testing.

  • Design test cases that replicate diverse real-world conditions and usage patterns.
  • Begin testing in the early stages of development and perform it continuously to identify and fix defects sooner.
  • Integrate security testing into the development process from the beginning to identify vulnerabilities early.
  • Focus testing efforts on the most critical and high-risk components to optimize resources and ensure that the most important parts of the IoT system are thoroughly evaluated.
  • Ensure that testing covers all components of the IoT system, including devices, cloud services, mobile apps, and network infrastructure.
  • Leverage cloud-based platforms to simulate different environments, scale test efforts, and access a wide range of testing tools and resources.
  • Automate repetitive and time-consuming tests to save time, reduce human error, and improve coverage.
  • Regularly perform security testing throughout the product lifecycle to detect new vulnerabilities and ensure ongoing protection.

Don’t forget that best practices are a guideline, not a rule. So, if you think that some of the above tips won’t be of much value to your project, don’t feel pressured to use them just because. Always consult with your team, stakeholders, and partners on what they think will be the best for your product.

IoT Testing Tools

IoT testing would be insanely tedious and time-consuming without the great QA helpers. And because of IoT testing tools’ central role in development, you should treat them with respect and care. Specifically, you should conduct a detailed evaluation before settling on a particular tool.

Without proper research, you might end up with a tool that has perfect reviews but doesn’t work for you. You can also waste your money on an option that doesn’t fully cover your testing needs. Lots can go wrong here. So, it’s best to collaborate with your team and use the collective knowledge of your product to select the most suitable tools.

Here are a few options that demonstrate what you should look for.

Functional & Performance Testing

  • Testim. A no-code test automation platform for web and mobile applications, including IoT devices.
  • Appium. An open-source automation framework for native, hybrid, and web mobile apps that’s applicable to IoT applications.
  • JMeter. A popular performance testing tool that can be used to test IoT devices and systems.

Security Testing

  • OWASP ZAP. An open-source web application security scanner that can be used to test IoT devices and their associated web interfaces.
  • Nessus. A vulnerability scanner that can identify security vulnerabilities in IoT devices and networks.
  • Metasploit. A penetration testing framework that can be used to simulate attacks on IoT devices and systems.

Network Testing

  • Wireshark. A network protocol analyzer that can be used to capture and analyze network traffic from IoT devices.
  • Fiddler. A web debugging proxy that can be used to intercept and inspect network traffic between IoT devices and servers.

Simulation & Emulation

  • Cooja. A simulator for Contiki OS-based IoT devices.
  • OMNeT++. A discrete event simulation framework that can be used to simulate IoT networks and devices.

IoT Platform Testing

Cloud Testing

  • BrowserStack. A cloud-based testing platform that can be used to test IoT applications across different devices and browsers.
  • Sauce Labs. Another cloud-based testing platform with similar capabilities to BrowserStack.

Remember that a tool’s status or popularity aren’t the only metrics. Its features, trustworthiness, learning curve, and the ability to handle what you need are what you should focus on when choosing your QA engineers’ “assistants”.

IoT QA Testing with QA Madness

Now, let’s talk about how you can get a strategic edge over others. After all, we don’t want your product to be another one in the pile of “good stuff”. QA Madness’ priority is making you break away from the crowd with IoT testing that results in an uncannily impressive app.

Advantages of Outsourced QA IoT Testing

After over ten years of completing hundreds of projects, we’re 110% sure that people are your way forward to new horizons. Your team is the one making decisions, supplying ideas, and executing the tasks. So, a successful project should always begin with a good crew. The rest will follow.

For example, here are some of the perks you can expect when working with our QA corps:

  • Immediate access to experienced QA professionals with knowledge in ample testing areas. For instance, QA Madness has over 150 experts ready to join your project.
  • Diverse talent pool of experts from various backgrounds, skill sets, and experiences. This diversity enriches the testing process and lets you make use of distinct perspectives.
  • A wide range of testing services, from functional and non-functional testing to localization and usability testing. All in one place.
  • Access to the latest tools and technologies that QA companies already have in place. You can benefit from ready-to-use QA resources for efficient processes and reduced testing cycles.
  • Unbiased perspective that provides objective project evaluation and testing. External specialists can identify issues that an in-house team might overlook due to their close connection with your project.
  • Easy scaling of the testing team up or down according to project needs. This flexibility allows you to adapt to changing requirements without the complexities of hiring or laying off staff.
  • Faster time-to-market as outsourced testing teams work in parallel with development crews. You get double the manpower, fostering continuous testing and faster issue identification.
  • Cost efficiency by avoiding expenses associated with recruiting, training, and maintaining an in-house team.

If any of the above values struck a chord with you, don’t keep yourself hanging. These aren’t some “perks” you might get. They are proven results of working with passionate professionals. And you can achieve each and every one of them with the click of a button.

IoT Testing Process

In case you’re wondering how your cooperation with a QA partner would go, there’s really nothing to worry about. QA Madness, for instance, has a very straightforward process that ensures comfort, control, and transparency. Most importantly, we tailor each testing solution to your project. We simply don’t believe in reusing or mixing QA processes. Everything’s better when it’s custom-made.

  1. An initial meeting to understand your project requirements, expectations, and goals.
  2. Detailed discussions about the scope of work, timelines, resources, pricing, and service levels.
  3. After you approve the work plan, we sign the contracts that ensure your peace of mind and protection.
  4. Then, the QA team studies the software, its architecture, functionalities, and use cases.
  5. We create essential test documents, such as test plans, test cases, and test scripts.
  6. The crew executes the testing process according to the defined plan and reports the located issues.
  7. After developers fix the defects, the QA team performs retesting to verify that the defects are resolved.
  8. It’s followed up by regression testing to make sure changes haven’t introduced new bugs.
  9. When the software is released to the market, the QA team continues to monitor its performance.
  10. Depending on the chosen cooperation model, the partnership could involve further testing cycles, maintenance, or extended support as required by your needs.

Whether you need to set up the testing process, find the right people for your team, or evaluate your QA’s productivity to optimize it – we’ve got you covered.

IoT Testing in Practice: A Case Study

To better understand how a partnership with a QA provider looks, here’s an IoT testing case study from our practice.

FightCamp developed an app that integrates with boxing equipment. They wanted to deliver core features of exceptional quality for their users. So, they reached out to our team.

Our main task was to maximize the app’s functions, cover negative and edge cases, and check how it worked for varied screen sizes. After getting familiar with the project to offer precise tests, we got to functional and UI testing.

After checking the application and reporting the identified issues, we also ran:

  • Cross-device testing.
  • Negative testing.
  • Regression testing.
  • Occasional smoke testing.

We capitalized on the above as it allowed us to swiftly cover devices prone to UI bugs. After our work was done, the app’s crash level was close to zero, and the stability level was nearly 100%. We’re proud to see our client reach such impressive results with their product.

That’s how working with a QA company goes. People get together, listen, collaborate, and create an IoT app that customers want to keep using.

To Sum Up

The new generation of consumers isn’t amazed by technology. They expect nothing less than perfection. That’s why our IoT QA aims to transcend beyond what we consider “flawless”. As they say, the best thing about quality is that it can always be improved.

And today, being excellent isn’t enough. Continuously refining your product and surprising users with values they didn’t know they wanted – that’s what our IoT testing process is all about.

Get a quality boost for your IoT apps

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Daria Halynska

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