Marketing Software 101: Know It Before You Test It

Marketing software has entered a new phase of its progression. With the advancement of new technologies, the industry is becoming more stratified. And as software providers are trying to figure out the wave of new tech, you should be well-prepared to work in this constantly shifting sector.

Understanding Marketing Software’s Functions

Let’s start with the “backend” of the topic. By that, we mean knowing what your client offers and what they aim to achieve via particular functions. This will allow you to refine the testing process and target the essentials first.

Say, you have a new feature to work with. Will your tests be better when you just do the routine checks? Or when you understand the business goal behind them? Recognizing what drives a function’s development translates into focused effort.

  • Pull new customers using personalization, task automation, or targeted campaigns to attract consumers.
  • Generate leads by guiding the journey of an interested party to turn them into a customer.
  • Deliver marketing and promotional materials via email marketing, social media, etc.
  • Manage customer relationships by assessing customer data, tracking interactions, overseeing communication channels, and analyzing user behavior.
  • Provide marketing attribution by evaluating marketing efforts and determining their impact.
  • Optimize listings, e.g., online directories, marketplaces, classified ads, catalogs, etc.
  • Automate marketing tasks, e.g., creating and sending email campaigns, scheduling, and publishing posts, tracking engagement and analytics, etc.
  • Direct marketing projects and events, e.g., webinars, conferences, or tradeshows.
  • Analyze marketing data by collecting, organizing, and applying various data analysis techniques to derive insights and metrics.
  • Conduct market research by utilizing tools and features to gather, evaluate, and interpret data on consumer behavior, market trends, competitor analysis, and customer feedback.
  • Finance marketing activities by providing budgeting, expense tracking, and financial reporting features.
  • Manage products and services by organizing product information, facilitating product launches, tracking inventory, monitoring pricing and promotions, etc.
  • Handle distribution channels via tools that streamline and optimize the distribution process, including inventory management, order fulfillment, tracking performance, etc.

Each of the above has a myriad of possible tests. And a grasp of a feature’s motive can guide your software testing services:

  • What to prioritize?
  • What approach to take?
  • What test design technique to pick?
  • What elements to cover (e.g., extra integrations or APIs)?
  • What improvements to apply?

Types of Marketing Software

All marketing software functions neatly bundle into three main types:

  • Marketing Automation Software – automates marketing tasks (e.g., email marketing campaigns, lead nurturing, social media scheduling, customer segmentation, etc.).
  • Advanced Workflow Automation Software – encompasses a broader range of operational processes beyond marketing, like campaign management and workflow optimization.
  • Marketing Intelligence Software – collects, analyzes, and interprets data from various marketing channels and sources.

However, those three categories entail a variety of solutions, each with a more narrow focus and specific purpose. There are many classifications, and we decided to use the one by HubSpot. Below, you will find a brief explanation of each category of platforms and tools with examples of such services.

Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

CRM tools centralize customer interactions, tracking sales, communication, tasks, and analytics. Ergo, they enable businesses to manage customer relationships effectively. An example you can learn about is Salesforce Sales Cloud. It guides sales processes, streamlines sales management, and integrates with other systems to provide actionable insights.

Online Advertising

Online advertising tools help create, manage, and optimize digital advertising campaigns across various platforms. Their goal is to reach target audiences and drive desired marketing outcomes. TapClicks is a good reference. It enables businesses to conduct and optimize their ad campaigns across multiple channels. And its integrations offer full campaign management and analytics.

Social Media

Social media software organizes businesses’ social media presence. Simply put, it lets them schedule posts, engage with followers, track performance, and gain insights for effective social media marketing. That and more is exactly what SproutSocial does. It also has numerous integrations that allow users to amplify their reach and possibilities.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

SEO software helps drive forward website and online content. It improves search engine rankings and increases organic visibility and traffic. For instance, Ahrefs is among the top web-based SEO tools. It analyzes a website’s search engine optimization, including backlink/traffic analysis, keyword research, and rank tracking.

Content Creation & Design

Such software focuses on creating visuals, graphics, and multimedia content. It also covers written materials to support marketing efforts. Consider Vyond, Anyword, and Semrush. One is for making animated videos, the other is an AI-powered copywriting system, and the last is an all-in-one marketing tool suite.

Video Marketing

Logically, video marketing software enables businesses to create, edit, distribute, and track the performance of videos. Contester is among such tools. It’s a video experience platform where marketers can enhance campaign results via interactive video experiences.

Event Marketing

This software facilitates the planning, promotion, and execution of events. Essentially, it provides tools for registration, ticketing, attendee management, and marketing automation. Cvent, for example, offers solutions for online event registration, venue selection, event management and marketing, etc.

Lead Capture & Conversion

Lead capture and conversion software helps businesses capture and convert website visitors. Primarily, it delivers tools for creating and optimizing lead capture forms, landing pages, and lead nurturing campaigns. Among such solutions is ZoomInfo SalesOS. By combining advanced technology, accurate data coverage, deep contacts, and data-driven insights, it helps sales reps hit targets, generate more leads, and improve lead quality.

Lead Generation

Lead generation software automates and streamlines the process of identifying and attracting potential customers. This is what Pipedrive does. It helps organize, manage, track, and improve the customer experience (CX) throughout the entire customer lifecycle.

Website & Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)

Website optimization and CRO software enhances website performance and UX. Particularly, it analyzes data, conducts tests, and implements strategies to increase conversion rates and improve website effectiveness. Consider Unbounce. It’s a landing page builder and platform that allows businesses to create and optimize landing pages, collect leads/signups, and boost conversions.

Lead Nurturing & Email Marketing

This software automates the process of sending targeted and personalized emails to leads. Such individual, organized, and timed “conversations” aim to turn potential into loyal customers. For instance, Keap is a CRM and automation platform that offers customer relationship management, marketing automation, sales automation, and client management software.

Marketing Automation

Marketing automation software enables businesses to automate and streamline their marketing tasks, campaigns, and workflows. ActiveCampaign falls under this category. In short, it grants email marketing, marketing automation, and tools to help automate repetitive/manual activities.

Data Reporting & Analytics

Data reporting and analytics software collects, analyzes, and presents data from various sources to provide actionable insights for informed decisions. Zoho Analytics is one such solution. Its self-service business intelligence and analytics software help businesses create dashboards, study data, and visualize/track key performance indicators.

Digital Asset Management (DAM)

DAM software provides a centralized platform for organizing, storing, retrieving, and distributing digital assets, e.g., images, videos, and documents. Bynder offers many related tools to manage digital files and assets across teams.

Team Communication & Collaboration

Such software facilitates real-time communication, file sharing, task management, and collaboration among team members. For example, Kosy is an all-in-one communication platform that connects remote teams through continuous audio, video, and text channels, allowing for efficient work.

Project Management

Project management solutions assist in planning, organizing, and tracking projects. They offer tools for task management, scheduling, resource allocation, and collaboration. Monday, unlike the toughest day of the week, helps manage tasks, projects, and processes, fueling collaboration. And customizable workflows, dashboards, and visual boards mean departments can find what suits them perfectly.

Marketing Software’s Tech Stack

Technologies of the business world mostly overlap. But the vital point to note is not what tech is present. It’s always about how it’s implemented.

  • Web development technologies: delivering engaging landing pages, forms, and dynamic content.
  • Mobile app types and technologies: creating branded apps for loyalty programs or push notification campaigns.
  • Client-server architecture: retrieving user information or serving personalized content based on user preferences.
  • Databases: storing customer profiles or tracking campaign performance metrics.
  • Cloud computing: relying on cloud-based platforms for email marketing campaigns or storing and analyzing customer data in the cloud.
  • Microservices architecture: separating customer management, email automation, and analytics into individual microservices.
  • Data analytics and business intelligence: applying data analytics to segment customers, measure campaign ROI, or identify trends and patterns in user behavior.
  • Integrations and APIs: integrating with a CRM API to sync leads or using social media APIs for posting content.
  • AI and ML: using ML algorithms to analyze customer behavior and recommend personalized product recommendations or using AI-powered chatbots for customer support and engagement.

Types of Testing for Marketing Software

While you need to be well-versed in all testing types required by the ISTQB board, each sector has its “quirks.” So before you get used to marketing peculiarities, you’ll likely start with the following tests.

Functional & UI Testing

  • Test the functionality for creating campaigns, setting targeting parameters, and tracking performance accurately.
  • Verify that the users can create, schedule, and send emails successfully to correct recipients.
  • Check the consistency of the user interface elements, such as fonts, colors, and layouts.

Smoke & Regression Testing

  • Test the login functionality, securing successful login and account access.
  • Verify that critical features, e.g., email campaign creation, contact management, and reporting, are working properly after software updates or changes.
  • Check data integration and synchronization for precise data flows between modules/systems without any loss or corruption.

API Testing

  • Validate the authentication and authorization mechanisms of the API.
  • Test different API endpoints and verify they return the expected responses, including proper error handling and status codes.

Compatibility Testing

  • Test the marketing software across various web browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, etc.).
  • Verify compatibility across different operating systems (Windows, macOS, Linux).
  • Check compatibility with different versions of mobile devices (iOS, Android).

Accessibility Testing

  • Verify that the marketing software complies with accessibility guidelines, such as providing alt text for images, using appropriate color contrast, and implementing a keyboard.
  • Test the software with screen readers and other assistive technologies.
  • Check that all interactive elements are accessible by keyboard.

End-to-End Testing

  • Test the customer journey, including signup, email campaign creation, delivery, and tracking.
  • Verify that data accurately synchronizes between different modules, such as CRM integrations.
  • Validate third-party integrations, such as social media platforms or marketing automation tools.

Acceptance Testing

  • Involve end-users (if possible) or stakeholders in testing and ensure the marketing software meets their specific requirements, such as custom fields, reporting metrics, or segmentation capabilities.
  • Test specific use cases or scenarios stakeholders provide, thus covering business needs.
  • Verify that the software aligns with the defined acceptance criteria, meeting all contractual obligations, such as service-level agreements (SLAs).

Tips for Effective Marketing Software Tests

Advice for superior QA services is universal. So we kept the points highlighted by our QA engineers as the most critical.

Learn About the Industry

Knowing your sector lets you understand the context of testing. By freely navigating niche standards, trends, and user expectations, you can:

  • Design more effective test cases.
  • Identify critical issues.
  • Ensure that the software meets industry-specific requirements.

This knowledge empowers every specialist to deliver high-quality products and contribute to the company’s overall success.

Study the Product

Truly understanding your product allows you to deeply understand its functionality, purpose, and intended users. In practice, you can:

  • Develop targeted test scenarios.
  • Anticipate potential issues.
  • Provide valuable feedback for enhancement.

Since marketing tools often imply multi-layer collaborations and numerous integrations, you can smartly prioritize your tasks to avoid burnout.

Encourage Knowledge Sharing & Maintenance

With no comprehensive documentation, moving forward will be difficult. If there are no knowledge-sharing practices yet, you can take the initiative by:

  • Launching the knowledge base.
  • Storing test suites.
  • Assisting with writing SRS, etc.

This will make everyone’s job easier, elevate your skills, and demonstrate your quality-oriented mindset.

Keep Your Documentation in Order

Clean documentation equals smooth workflow. Organized docs and structured cases/reports can do wonders for:

  • Collaboration.
  • Knowledge sharing.
  • Effective communication with stakeholders.

So make sure other team members understand your files (and so do you when you return to some old, rarely used documents later). It will help you maintain consistency, traceability, and reproducibility of tests.

Always Run Negative Testing

Marketing software is actively evolving (just like its users). Thus, negative testing is essential for:

  • Uncovering potential vulnerabilities.
  • Discovering flaws.
  • Identifying edge cases that could negatively impact UX.

By deliberately testing for failure scenarios, you can find and address issues before they occur in real-world usage. This way, you secure the product’s robustness and reliability, safeguarding the brand reputation and customer satisfaction.

To Sum Up

The never-ending change is the lifeblood of the IT sector. And yes, you might consider it a nuisance. But the truth is, change points to progress. So instead of looking for something remotely stable, you should embrace the flow of technologies. Just stay focused and continue being your best self.

Good luck, and keep learning.

Daria Halynska: