Test Scenario: Definition, Purpose, and How to Create

It is easy for a newbie to get mixed up with QA terminology. What is a test scenario? What is the difference between test scenarios, test cases, and test scripts? This article will help you figure out everything about creating and using test scenarios.

Introduction to test scenario definition

To make things clear, we need to start by defining the term “scenario”. In software development, a scenario is a user journey while using an application or website. A tester job is to find out how people interact with the functionality and what problems they can face.

A test scenario is a set of manual or automated test cases that helps determine the positive and negative project characteristics. It provides an overview of what needs to be tested by a QA company.

The main purpose of a test scenario is to check the entire system performance from the end-user point of view. A tester needs to put themselves in a user’s shoes. It gives them a clear idea of actual scenarios the software will have to cope with after release.

Test Script, Test Scenario, and Test Case: What the Difference

Before moving on to a detailed test scenario analysis, it’s important to understand how it is different from a test case and test script. In short:

  • A test scenario is any functionality that a software testing company can examine. It is also called a Test Condition or Test Possibility.
  • A test case is a document that lists the steps a QA engineer needs to execute.
  • A test script is a short program written in a programming language. It is used to test a part of the functionality of a software system.

Find more details about the differences in the table below.

Test Scenario vs Test Case vs Test Script

Sometimes you need more than one type of documentation. It depends on the project. Each type complements the other and makes the testing process more productive.

How to Write Test Cases: a Comprehensive Guideline

When to Use Test Scenarios, Cases, and Scripts?

  • For tasks that are performed repeatedly, use test scripts.
  • For certain functions or testing new ideas, use test cases.
  • For imitating users’ behavior and assessing the scale of the work, use test scenarios.

Importance of creating test scenarios

A test scenario is a general view of what needs to be tested. It helps:

  • To assess the actual situation on the project.
  • To see the full scale of work and prioritize it correctly.
  • To provide sufficient test coverage before product release.

Thus, it becomes possible to test all core elements and find bugs at the early stages. Thus, users aren’t going to face serious problems after the release.

Peculiarities of a Test Scenario Usage

A test scenario has several advantages for the software testing process:

  • It ensures that all the key functionalities will be tested. It is especially important for large applications or those intended to scale in the future.
  • It saves time. A test scenario doesn’t require such a detailed description as a test case does: one-line description is sufficient.
  • It reduces the probability of errors. Test scenarios are usually written after brainstorming, so the chance of missing any behavior is minimal.

In some cases, test scenario usage is an ideal decision, while sometimes you can do testing without them. Let’s look at both options.

When to use test scenarios:

  • if you need to check the full functionality of the application;
  • if you need to quickly determine the scope of testing work and prioritize it correctly;
  • if you need to think about users’ behavior.

When not to use test scenarios:

  • if you don’t have much time, or the site/application is unstable.

How to Create a Test Scenario

The skill to create a test scenario surely comes with practice and understanding of a product you are testing. There are the basic steps to follow below.

Step 1. Data collection

Examine the documentation related to a system under test:

  • Business Requirement Specification (BRS);
  • Software Requirement Specification (SRS);
  • Functional Requirement Specification (FRS).

Collect as much information about the tested product as possible.

Step 2. Defining test scenarios

List all positive and negative scenarios that cover all (or at least business-critical, depending on the specific request) features of the software. Ensure that these scenarios cover core user flows.

Step 3. Creating traceability matrix

Ensure that each requirement is covered by a test scenario.

Step 4. Approval

Get the scenarios reviewed by a team leader, supervisor, business analyst, or project manager, depending on the organization.

Best Practices for Writing Test Scenarios:

  • One scenario covers one requirement. If you need to meet several requirements, make sure that each requirement was previously checked separately.
  • If the number of test scenarios is too large or too expensive to conduct, prioritize them according to the client’s preferences.
  • Test scenario should meet the basic requirements: easy to understand and execute, accurate, traceable or mapped with the requirements, and unambiguous.

Test Scenario Examples

Let’s imagine we need to test a new delivery app. There are several test scenarios with the corresponding test cases you can apply. Find the examples below.

Test Scenario 1. Check the Login functionality.

  • Test Case 1: Enter Mail ID.
  • Test Case 2: Enter User Name.
  • Test Case 3: Enter Password.
  • Test Case 4: Enter Wrong Password.
  • Test Case 5: Enter Correct Password.

How to Write Test Cases for Login Page

Test Scenario 2. Check the Search Functionality.

  • Test Case 1: Check search results with valid input.
  • Test Case 2: Check the search sustainability to SQL injections.
  • Test Case 3: Check input for invalid values.

Test Scenario 3. Check the Cart Functionality.

  • Test Case 1: Verify that the user can add to the cart one or more products.
  • Test Case 2: Verify that the user can change the amount of product in the cart successfully.
  • Test Case 3: Verify the limit to the number of products a user can buy.
  • Test Case 4: Verify that the user can delete one or more products from the cart.

Often, it is enough to list only the test scenarios to assess the scale of the work:

  • Test Scenario 1. Check the Login functionality.
  • Test Scenario 2. Check the Search Functionality.
  • Test Scenario 3. Check the Cart Functionality.

When you have a list of test scenarios, it is clear how much work awaits the team, and you can start prioritizing tasks.

When to Use Test Scenarios, Cases, and Scripts?

You may use some test cases from scenarios in other (new) projects. You may also use the ready-made parts of a test case from one scenario in a completely different test case as well.

To Sum Up

With every new functionality, the number of test scenarios increases. The main task of a software tester is to learn how to use them effectively. To do this, you need to mimic real users’ behavior and correctly prioritize the features of the tested software.

Inna Feshchuk

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