Android App Testing Services

Let’s test your Android application on real devices and operating system versions. The team of QA experts will find bugs, check performance and security, and share actionable feedback on your product, ensuring excellent user experience before your app reaches the market.


Our specialists become full-fledged members of the clients’ teams soon after they join the projects. Each QA expert is as dedicated to your goals as you are. Our average retention on the QA software testing project is 3.5 years. Many clients have been working with our dedicated QA experts far more than that, and many choose to return with their new projects.

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Android Testing for Mobile Devices 

Testing an Android application is a critical step in developing your product. Given the diversity of Android smartphones, testing is essential to identify issues related to compatibility, performance, and usability. We use real devices backed by reliable cloud testing platforms to cover various screen sizes, resolutions, and hardware configurations. The QA engineers testing your Android app will focus on real-world scenarios, simulating actual user behavior. Our shared goal is to catch potential problems before they affect your users and design a consistent and reliable experience across the Android ecosystem.

Types of Android App Testing Services

Proper app quality isn’t just something your audience deserves. It’s critical for user retention and your business success. Our services cover a full cycle of quality assurance activities to address different aspects of your app’s functionality, usability, and performance. Besides manual testing, we can set up automation, run security checks, and more.

Quality Assurance
Android QA service is the overall process of ensuring your app is top-notch. We learn everything about your app and check it meticulously, looking for defects, issues, and potential for enhancements. QA engineers not only detect and prevent issues. They can suggest changes related to the app design, logic, features, etc., that don’t pose serious problems but can perform better. Android QA testing specialists can also set up and improve work processes and act as consultants.
Manual app testing for Android involves in-person interaction with the Android app to identify defects and assess usability. QA engineers simulate real-world user scenarios to uncover potential issues using their hands and brains. Manual testing is the foundation of QA. It can be self-sufficient or act as the background for further test automation. Manual testing is especially valuable for evaluating user experience, exploratory testing, and testing complex scenarios that require human judgment.
Automated testing for Android applications utilizes specialized software tools to execute test cases and compare actual results with expected outcomes. This approach improves testing efficiency, accuracy, and repeatability by eliminating manual intervention. Android test automation is particularly effective for regression testing, performance testing, and repetitive test cases. By automating test processes, organizations can achieve faster time-to-market and increased test coverage. Yet, automated testing can only be used in complex with manual testing.
General Testing
General testing is a relatively new practice that puts a single specialist in charge of manual and automated Android applications testing. This works exceptionally well for small projects and for teams that already have QA specialists but want to extend their expertise. General QA engineers possess the skills and knowledge in both areas and can add flexibility to the process. They can take on tasks from either area depending on the workload and specific needs at the given time.
Our services to test Android security include a full range of checks. There are Android app security testing, secure source code review, mobile penetration testing, and more. Our team also provides cybersecurity consulting and cyber risk management services. Regardless of the request, we’ll make sure your Android app is completely safe and secure for both users and you as a business. Cybersecurity experts will assess the security posture, identify potential threats and risks, and recommend measures to protect your app.
Software Team Augmentation
Team augmentation means boosting your company with talent – additional skilled personnel that will supplement an existing development or testing team. It is a flexible approach to address project-specific needs, skill gaps, or increased workload. We’ll cover the hiring part, and you’ll be able to accelerate project timelines, enhance expertise, and improve overall project outcomes.

Let’s Start a New Project Together

QA Madness helps tech companies strengthen their in-house teams by staffing dedicated manual and automated testing experts.

Anastasiia Letychivska

Head of Growth

When to Run App Testing on Android

The earlier you start testing, the better. You don’t need to wait until the developers finish writing the whole application. On the contrary, involve QA specialists at the planning stage or at least when you have a basic functional product. If you are behind any of these phases, it’s best to run testing in an Android application later than skip it. Yet, some cases call for special attention and an extra round of testing.

Before App Launch

Make sure no critical defects slip into production, affecting user experience and the first impression of your audience. It’s best to start Android tests early to prevent bugs from piling up as developers add new code. Launching without testing is a risky move.

Before Major Updates

If you plan to release new features, test them before enabling them in the live build. The same goes for changing performance and security configurations. Every new build rollout calls for a proper Android test, but it’s even more critical during big, significant updates.

During OS Updates

When Android rolls out a new operating system version or announces an update, it’s time to test how your app behaves in these new environments. Any changes have a potential impact on the stable product. It’s better to prepare your app for the new OS and test it immediately.

When Adding Integrations

Integrations can be considered the same as new features. They often take less time to implement and work between two stable products. Nevertheless, integrations mean altering code, which can trigger unexpected changes in the app’s overall behavior.

When Having Low Ratings

Application ratings can be subjective. Still, there’s a lot of valuable information in user feedback. If your app’s rating is consistently low, it’s a sign to look for the reason behind it. Android testing service will provide objective feedback on problems and potential improvements.

When Entering New Markets

Entering new markets might require localization. More importantly, it will require compliance with local legislation, payment methods, technologies, services, etc. Even if you don’t plan to add all those integrations, it’s critical to check for security, compliance, and compatibility.

Business Advantages of Testing Android Applications

By investing in comprehensive testing, you can significantly improve your application. This, in turn, helps you enhance user satisfaction and reduce development costs. Testing for an Android application helps identify and address issues, acting as a preventive measure for a myriad of problems that can otherwise be damaging to your business in terms of reputation and expenses.

Device Compatibility

The variety of Android devices is a challenge for companies. With mobile Android testing testing, you can make your app ready to use on nearly any smartphone. You’ll have a vaster reach and a happier audience.

Better Functionality

Android software testing aims to catch defects early, preventing them from piling up inside the app and getting into production. In other words, the main goal is to create flawless functionality or its closest version.

Increased Performance

Performance is one of the many aspects QA engineers check during Android app testing. By inspecting the app’s behavior and response under different traffic conditions, you define bottlenecks and can fix them.

Cost Efficiency

Android QA services are more about preventing defects than just catching them. Software bugs can result in missed commercial opportunities, dissatisfied users abandoning your product, and costly fixes later.

Increased Adoption

A high-quality Android app catches attention. In other words, an adequately tested application is more likely to drive user satisfaction and retention, have better reviews, and continuously attract new users.

Improved Security

Security is a critical factor that directly influences user satisfaction and business performance. Detecting vulnerabilities will let you protect user and commercial data, prevent breaches, and maintain trust.


Our team brings extensive expertise in testing Android applications. Each mobile QA specialist has a deep understanding of the Android platform that ensures thorough testing and accurate results. We stay updated with the latest Android OS versions, devices, and testing tools. They are skilled in identifying various issues, from compatibility and performance to usability and security problems. Strengthen your team with QA expertise to create better Android applications.



Why to Choose QA Madness for Android Application Testing

When researching Android app testing companies, you’ll likely end up with a long list of potential partners. So, how do you choose the right service provider? Focus on their proven track record, terms of cooperation, and key strengths. Here’s what sets our team apart: we combine deep expertise with a commitment to delivering quality results that consistently exceed expectations.


We are a full-cycle QA company. In other words, you can request all types of testing for Android apps and quality-related services in one place. There’s no need to hire several providers for testing your mobile software.


Our company has been working with businesses of different sizes and specializations from around the globe. Our portfolio includes cases from various industries and features software products of different complexity.


Our team comprises specialists with diverse backgrounds, skills, experience, domain knowledge, and seniority levels. You can request experts for different QA roles and ISTQB-certified specialists.


We seek a personal approach to each client. Choose the work model that suits you best, change it later, scale the QA team up or down, order extra services, etc. – mobile testing as a service is always tailored to your needs.


The QA engineers are committed to your business goals just like the rest of your team. We value transparency and clear communication, respect deadlines, and find the best solutions for the given conditions.


Client safety and security are of the utmost importance to us. You can be confident your commercial data and project details are secure. We guarantee this by agreements and ISO certification.

Our Featured QA & Testing Projects

Quality Assurance Setup and Testing for Mobile Gaming & NFT Platform

Quality Assurance Setup and Testing for Mobile Gaming & NFT Platform

The client was looking for a QA engineer with experience in mobile testing and knowledge of the gaming industry. They had a new and custom platform and needed to set up the QA process from scratch: define the coverage, prepare documentation, and integrate testing into the workflow.

  • Manual
  • Mobile
  • Gaming
  • NFT
QA Process Setup and Testing for the Meeting Platform

QA Process Setup and Testing for the Meeting Platform

The product was live, but the QA process was chaotic – without a clear flow or software testing specialists involved. The client sought an external audit and process setup so that other team members wouldn’t have to test the platform and severe defects wouldn’t slip to production.

  • Manual
  • Mobile
  • Web
  • Office Software
Quick QA Team Scaling for Supply Chain Software Company

Quick QA Team Scaling for Supply Chain Software Company

The company needed to expand its QA department rapidly during hypergrowth. They had high standards regarding the candidate requirements and an extensive list of responsibilities for the new team members. The main challenge was getting the right expertise while scaling quickly and smoothly.

  • Manual
  • Web
  • Mobile
  • Supply Chain
Full-time QA Support for the Marketing Platform Providear

Full-time QA Support for the Marketing Platform Providear

The QA team joined a few months into the development. The platform was new and developed from scratch. Thus, it required thorough analysis at all test levels and vast coverage. The team worked under frequently changing requirements and needed to adjust the testing strategy accordingly.

  • Manual
  • Web
  • Marketing
Testing Process Setup for the Cancer Research Software

Testing Process Setup for the Cancer Research Software

The client develops innovative desktop software products in the healthcare domain. The QA engineers tested two of their projects – software that operates the laboratory devices. The company needed vast test coverage and consistent documentation standardized by their rules.

  • Manual
  • Desktop
  • Healthcare
Testing of the Cloud-Based E-Commerce Solution

Testing of the Cloud-Based E-Commerce Solution

The company created a shipping storefront solution – a custom product that hasn’t been tested yet. The scope of tasks for QA engineers, in addition to running tests, included close analysis and the creation of a detailed functional checklist that would suit the first and subsequent test iteration.

  • Manual
  • SaaS
  • E-commerce

Let’s Start a New Project Together

QA Madness helps tech companies strengthen their in-house teams by staffing dedicated manual and automated testing experts.

Clients Testimonials

CEO at Dexter Agency

Our Approach to Android Application Testing

The QA Madness team can run different types of testing, choosing the most appropriate mix for your Android app. The process details can vary slightly depending on the work scope, timelines, and requirements. Nevertheless, we have an established, tried-and-true approach to Android apps testing that includes five phases.


Devising a testing strategy.

The initial stage involves thoroughly analyzing the Android app for testing: its functionalities, target audience, and potential risks. QA engineers define clear and measurable testing objectives, identify critical functionalities, and prioritize them. These steps enable us to reach extensive test coverage and set the foundation for the following procedures. 

We also decide on the optimal team structure, select tools, and define what environments will work best. All these things are essential to consider for efficient test execution. A well-structured test plan outlining the scope, objectives, and strategies is a roadmap for the entire Android platform testing process.


Setting up the testing process.

QA engineers develop a checklist or Android app test cases that comprehensively cover the app’s functionalities, user interactions, and potential edge cases. They employ various test design techniques to ensure all aspects, including complicated and unevident cases, will be addressed. 

If clients don’t provide the test environment to work in, the QA engineers help set it up by providing the requirements. It’s essential to simulate real-world conditions to get objective and helpful feedback. A well-structured test design further facilitates clear communication and collaboration among team members throughout Android mobile app testing.


Executing tests and reporting the findings.

When everything is set up, QA engineers move on and begin to test your Android app. They interact with the application directly to evaluate its quality and identify defects. Depending on your needs and app readiness, we may run manual and automated tests. Most often, these two techniques ensure comprehensive test coverage when combined. 

The results of testing an Android app are summed up in detailed bug reports. These documents include pass/fail criteria, defects, unexpected behaviors, and visual materials. The reports are submitted to software developers for defect resolution. We prioritize clear and effective communication as it eases and speeds up bug fixing.


Working on improvements for the build.

Identified defects are prioritized based on their severity and impact on the user experience. After the fixes, QA engineers do the retesting, repeating the core checks from Android functional testing and other suites again to verify the fixes. If the application works correctly, they move on to other types of change-related testing. 

Smoke testing verifies that the core functionality is intact after code alterations. Regression testing of Android applications ensures that new changes do not introduce unintended consequences in the rest of the stable functionality. These checks help ensure the application’s stability and reliability.


Deploying the app or its new version.

After the process of apps testing for Android is complete, you get a comprehensive test report. This document provides a detailed overview of the testing activities, including test coverage, defect metrics, and overall app quality assessment. The QA engineer can explain key findings, recommendations for improvement, and potential risks. 

QA engineers often overview the deployment and can check the critical functionality in production if needed. If it’s an iterative development process (which most companies use these days), the delivery is followed by the new planning phase – planning the test activities for the next sprint and starting testing Android apps (their new builds, to be more specific) again.

Clients About Us

“QA Madness has established a smooth workflow through effective communication. The team is trustworthy, efficient, and hardworking.”
Jonathan Lopinot


Jon Lopinot

“Thanks to QA Madness’s efforts, we are able to resolve technical issues and keep our platforms optimized and bug-free.”
Marc Uitterhoeve

CEO at Dexter Agency

Marc Uitterhoeve

“QA Madness was seriously professional. They listened to our needs and gave us the kind of work we expected. As a result of their efforts, we can locate a bug in the test environment, which prevents issues from entering production. I would recommend them, 100%.”
Alessandro Ronchi

COO at Bitbull Srl

Alessandro Ronchi

"They’ve always been very professional, prompt, and available when we needed them. We’ve never had any issues or needed to go back and teach them how to meet our standards."
Alex Mathias

VP at Isadora Agency

Alex Mathias

"QA Madness has significantly reduced the number of bugs and issues in our final products. They’ve also improved our internal processes."
Jordi Dekker

Co-founder of Wezz E-Commerce

Jordi Dekker

"QA Madness generated extensive feedback that developers normally can’t see. We could never have gained this insight without their thorough functionality testing services. I appreciated how quickly they conducted testing despite the high volume of work it entails."
Wouter den Otter

CEO at SupportDesk

Wouter Den Otter

"They are an extremely valuable part of our extended team, and I couldn’t ask for more from a project management standpoint. QA Madness team is extremely professional when it comes to sticking to estimates, scopes, and quotes."
Noah Oken Berg

Co-founder of Above The Fray Design, Inc.

Noah Oken-Berg


Do you still have questions about our mobile application testing service and Android app tests specifically? Find answers to common queries below. Contact our team for more specific information on the testing process, expertise, timelines, cooperation models, etc.

What is Android testing?

Android testing is a systematic process of evaluating and verifying the application: its functionality, performance, and overall quality. Testing involves a series of checks to ensure the app works as intended. When testing apps on Android, QA engineers inspect their behavior across different devices, operating systems, and network conditions.
The goal of software testing for Android apps is to identify bugs, performance issues, and security vulnerabilities so that software developers can fix them before the app is released to the public. With testing, the team can enhance user experience, improve app reliability, and protect sensitive user data.

How to do Android testing?

You need to start by analyzing software requirements and designs. This is necessary to prepare the test strategy and documentation, like test cases and checklists. If there’s no documentation or it isn’t complete, QA engineers run exploratory tests to get familiar with the app’s functionality.
Primarily, QA specialists set up manual QA. The work usually starts with functional testing for Android and UI testing. Then, QA engineers run Android performance testing and other checks, ending with regression and retesting. If there are repetitive tasks, there’s a background for Android test automation. A comprehensive testing strategy is always a combination of both.
Mobile device testing services also entail feature suggestions and other software improvements that aren’t linked directly with defects. The task of the QA engineer is to detect quality issues and propose solutions. Sometimes, such solutions mean adding something new or modifying the existing and working parts to improve them.

What is unit testing in Android?

Unit testing is a fundamental practice that involves testing individual, isolated code units within an Android app. These units typically consist of methods or classes that perform specific tasks. The primary goal of unit testing is to verify that each unit functions correctly and, as expected, independent of other parts of the application.
By writing and executing unit tests, the team can ensure that their code adheres to specific requirements, produces correct outputs, and handles various input conditions. This granular approach to testing prevents defects from propagating to higher levels of the application.
Unlike the rest of the testing types, this mobile device testing service is handled by the development team and is always automated.

What are Android testing tools?

By “Android testing tools,” people usually imply software applications designed for Android application automation testing. These tools offer a range of features to facilitate and accelerate testing. They cover various testing aspects, including unit testing, integration testing, UI testing, performance testing, and more.
There are also various tools used during manual Android application tests. In addition to bug trackers and management tools, there are tools for cross-platform testing, UI checks, accessibility testing, and many more. Hence, in a broader sense, Android app testing software entails everything in the QA setup that can be used during the testing process.

Ready to speed up the testing process?