What is the root of quality in software? A good budget, a smart strategy, customer centricity… All are valid answers. But they would be useless without skilled execution. From a QA perspective, quality is how well you examine your app. If you check every corner of your product and make sure it all works as needed, then you’ll achieve the results you envisioned.
That’s why the value of your project is directly linked to your test coverage.
Technically speaking, test coverage is a collection of metrics that determine how much of your app was investigated by your test cases.
Let’s take a look at a brief example. Imagine you’re testing a calculator app with four functions:
You run a few tests to check if the addition and multiplication features work properly. But you haven’t tested subtraction or division yet.
This means you have low test coverage because only two of the four features (50%) have been tested. There’s still a chance that subtraction and division might have bugs. Yet, you wouldn’t know since those areas weren’t covered by your tests. To ensure high test coverage, you’d need to check all features of the calculator.
So, simply put, test coverage is about what portion of your product was investigated.
Code coverage is a specific type of test coverage. It measures how much of your code is executed during testing. The point of code coverage is to make sure your tests include different parts of your code. Why is that significant?
So, code coverage helps you see which areas of your app are not being tested at all.
A crucial thing to remember is that good code coverage doesn’t automatically mean good test coverage. If you flip the switch and the light turns on, you can say that it works (you executed the code). But what you didn’t check is:
To sum it up:
Both of these are pivotal to your product’s quality. And prioritizing one over the other is a mistake. You can’t choose between “what to examine” and “how to examine it”. Code and test coverage are equally important and should always be viewed as interlinked entities.
It’s nice to know what test coverage is. But what of it? This little section will explain the massive benefits test coverage offers.
But do note one thing. Test coverage becomes an advantage only when it’s high, around 80% and up. Checking ten out of a hundred features in your app is like taking a vitamin when you’re paralyzed – not much help.
So, the perks of high test coverage are that it:
As you can see, test coverage is not just something QA engineers use for their processes. It can give meaningful insights into your quality assurance, upgrade project value, and advance your business.
Before we go into details on how to ensure good test coverage and how to work with test coverage metrics, we should address something.
The trickiest thing about securing high coverage is finding talent who can do so. You can have millions of test cases that still result in poor coverage. Or your team may decide to go for 100% test coverage without realizing that it’s often wasteful and unnecessary.
So, if you don’t have a skilled crew, you’re very likely to run into some troubles.
Overall, before doing anything, you need to make sure you have the right specialists. That’s the number one rule for achieving triumph with your product in all its aspects.
To understand how well your test cases perform, you need to analyze your test coverage percentage. There are quite a few ways to do so.
As you can imagine, the last option is the most common. Test coverage tools are simple to use. They are also quick and more accurate compared to other methods. But they may make mistakes. For example, with dynamic code execution, exception handling, asynchronous code, etc., test coverage tools might miss some bits of the code.
So, you shouldn’t dismiss manual testing services for good test coverage right away.
You can also understand where your tests lack by using a variety of coverage techniques. These act as divisions of test coverage, handling different parts of your software (code, features, user requirements, etc). And when you combine them, you get a holistic perspective on your overall coverage.
The above are also often called test case coverage metrics. From them, you can calculate the total coverage percentage. There’s a bit of confusion when it comes to defining these metrics. And it’s quite common to mix them up with types or techniques to ensure decent code coverage.
To make sure you don’t join this puzzled party, let’s take a look at a few test coverage metrics examples.
Test design coverage metrics focus on how well the test design covers various elements of the software, such as functionality, risk, and scenarios. This includes:
So, these metrics help assess the quality of test design.
Test coverage metrics in Agile are used to ensure that testing keeps pace with the continuous development and delivery cycle. These metrics help track the progress and completeness of testing within sprints. They typically focus on:
Here, test coverage metrics are aimed at making sure the tests are aligned with the iterative nature of the methodology.
Test automation coverage metrics assess the extent to which automated tests cover the codebase, functionalities, and scenarios. They let you track how much of the testing process is automated. Key metrics include:
From all that, you can see that test coverage metrics in software testing can be very different and relate to various concepts. Yet, they all have a single purpose. They act as quantifiable measurements used to assess something. Returning to our original test coverage metrics (risk, product, compatibility coverage, etc.), they simply allow you to generalize the overall coverage of your app.
Now that we’re done with this little test coverage fallacy, let’s move on to a more significant aspect. Specifically, you need to know how to establish your own “good coverage”.
Begin by assessing the risks associated with the product. Identify which areas are critical for functionality, user experience, security, and business success. Higher-risk components require more thorough testing, while less risky ones might need lighter coverage.
Ask questions like:
Align coverage with your business goals. If the product must be delivered rapidly, you’ll focus on critical functionality. If reliability is key, comprehensive testing becomes a priority. Define the scope of what “sufficient” means in terms of customer expectations and product stability.
Testing goals can include:
Utilize different test coverage metrics to quantify how much of the code or functionality is being tested. Depending on the nature of the product, aim for:
Keep in mind that 100% code coverage doesn’t always guarantee a bug-free product. Focus on handling important use cases rather than aiming for arbitrary numbers.
Map test cases to requirements, user stories, or features. Ensure that each requirement has corresponding test cases to verify it. This helps achieve functional coverage and ensure that the product meets the intended functionality and the user’s expectations.
Sufficient coverage is not static. It evolves as the product grows. Continuously assess coverage after each sprint or release to ensure that newly introduced features are tested and existing test cases are updated as needed.
Use feedback from production environments (e.g., bugs found in production) to identify areas that may need better coverage.
Look at industry standards or similar companies in your domain for coverage benchmarks. While every product has unique needs, industry benchmarks can serve as a baseline for defining sufficient coverage.
Overall, remember that good test coverage doesn’t mean running a lot of tests. You can have relatively few cases that handle a big portion of your product. It’s just a matter of finding experts who can design tests with ample reach.
Speaking of the importance of skills for test coverage, let’s also take a look at poor coverage markers. If you observe any of the below troubles in your project, it’s time to revamp your QA processes.
Alright. Enough about the bad.
Let’s finish on a positive note. And a useful one. We’ll discuss real-life practices that help you advance your test coverage.
Test coverage analysis in software engineering is used to evaluate the effectiveness of your QA efforts. It’s not calculating the percentage of the coverage. 40% is clearly not good, so what now?
Test coverage analysis is about dissecting the metrics you use to locate the root cause of poor results. Maybe your code could be better, perhaps your QA engineers need to upskill, could be that your overall testing strategy is disorganized – insufficient test coverage can result from thousands of reasons.
The point is to find out why and establish a remedy plan. And that’s the true value of test coverage analysis. It lets you:
And you don’t really have to pay money for specialized tools or expertise. All you need is to get your team together, gather their perspectives and insights, and use data from your development to evaluate your project. Of course, you can always partner with a QA company. An objective, unbiased investigation holds a lot of value on its own. But it’s definitely not obligatory.
Lastly, here are a few tips from our QA experts on how to improve your test coverage. The QA Madness team has worked with hundreds of clients. And we’ve nailed down the best practices that bring in refined results.
Last but not least, assemble a team that can correctly execute your vision. No matter how bulletproof your plan is, without skilled experts, it’ll be no more than a fancy document.
Test coverage is an incredibly valuable asset. It’s not another “QA mumbo jumbo”, as some may put it. Test coverage is useful in many ways. And it can help your team and your business create a targeted improvement strategy. You only need to know how to work with it.
So, we hope this article helped you better grasp this practice. And if you want to turn test coverage into its true powerhouse form – our team is always here.
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