iOS App Testing Services

Looking for a crew to handle iPhone software testing? Leave this task to QA Madness! The team of QA professionals will run iOS app testing on real devices to ensure the correct functionality, stability, performance, and security. Launch the iOS app your audience will enjoy using.


Our specialists become full-fledged members of the clients’ teams soon after they join the projects. Each QA expert is as dedicated to your goals as you are. Our average retention on the QA software testing project is 3.5 years. Many clients have been working with our dedicated QA experts far more than that, and many choose to return with their new projects.

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iOS App Testing for Mobile Devices 

Testing apps on iOS is a critical step of the development process. Product teams should not skip this stage unless they are ready to prioritize timelines over quality and face the severe consequences of a lack of QA. With a proper testing strategy for your iOS app, you prevent a wide range of problems, varying from minor issues to critical bugs blocking the app’s work. Testing iOS apps guarantee the proper work on all Apple smartphones, customer satisfaction among your users, and a secure reputation for your brand.  

Types of iOS App Testing Services

Our QA team prepares a custom testing strategy for every iOS application. The exact scope of testing on iOS depends on the functionality, performance, and compliance requirements, as well as your timelines, goals, and other important details. The list of testing services included in the strategy is also included. If you have an iOS app that needs testing, you can reach out to us with a specific request, or the team will suggest the necessary iPhone app testing services after learning a little bit about your product and business goals.

Quality Assurance
iOS QA is always used as a synonym for “iOS app test,” but it entails a broader scope of quality-related services. Testing an iOS app is only a small part of it. Quality assurance is about constantly monitoring the iOS app’s behavior, working with feedback from users and stakeholders, looking for areas of improvement, and preventing any issues rather than solving them post-factum. With QA services for your iOS app, you get a solid backup with QA experts focused on quality as the object for investigation and the goal to achieve.
iOS manual testing is the assessment of an application’s quality through interacting with it directly – with an Apple smartphone in a QA specialist’s hands. Manual testing is essential for apps. It can be sufficient in some cases or become the basis for test automation later. Manual quality assessment allows QA engineers to estimate device-specific behavior and is especially valuable for checking the scenarios without clear pass/fail criteria, requiring subjective evaluation. It also works perfectly for modeling tricky scenarios – uncommon and unexpected but with the potential to break something in the app.
iOS app test automation can facilitate the QA process and accelerate releases. Teams can consider test automation when they already have stable functionality that won’t undergo any more changes. If there are test cases executed repeatedly at the end of every sprint, it makes sense to set up automated runs. It also works perfectly for time-consuming tasks, such as checking the same scenarios across multiple environments (devices, browsers, etc.). We can evaluate whether your iOS app is ready for automation. If yes, AQA engineers will start working on the strategy: select the testing tools for iOS apps, set up the framework, and prepare the scripts.
General Testing
This QA approach implies hiring a single specialist to run both manual and automated testing. Traditionally, tech teams divide these tasks into two separate roles. Yet, it’s been a few years since we’ve started practicing general testing. And hiring one person to test your iOS app may be a perfect solution for you. It works particularly well on small projects or if you need a universal player for your existing QA team. If you’re unsure whether it’ll work for you, our specialists will gladly help you figure it out during the introductory call.
Don’t skip the proper iPhone app security testing. Given how much personal data users are to share with apps these days, companies must guarantee their safety and confidentiality. With our cybersecurity services, you can detect current and potential threats, fix the issues, prepare a risk mitigation plan, check your organization’s security state, and more. Security assessment and proactive handling of threats will protect your iOS and business from financial and reputational damage.
Team Augmentation
Our specialists don’t only test iOS apps. The team also provides IT recruitment services, handling various kinds of requests. Whether you have in-house QA specialists or not, we’ll help you strengthen your team with the lacking expertise. Moreover, the recruiters can close other positions on demand. It can be outsourcing, outstuffing, or hiring an IT specialist remotely. Just share your requirements, and we’ll start seeking the right talent.

Let’s Start a New Project Together

QA Madness helps tech companies strengthen their in-house teams by staffing dedicated manual and automated testing experts.

Anastasiia Letychivska

Head of Growth

When to Use iOS App Testing Services

If you want to have stable applications that people keep on their smartphones and enjoy using, then you need iOS app testing services. To be more specific, only through testing can you ensure that the build going to production is free of critical bugs. QA is necessary throughout the product’s life cycle for as long as there are any changes in any part of the code. Still, there are several cases in which testing iPhone apps is more critical than ever.

New Product Development

Launching a new iOS application without testing is a highly risky strategy for any business. No matter how great your software engineers are, fresh code always behaves unexpectedly. It’s critical to ensure the app meets the requirements before releasing it.

After Major Code Changes

New code can contain bugs or affect the parts of the application that are already stable and working as intended. Testing features separately and as a part of the system ensures their correct work. Extra non-functional checks are also a must in this case.

Launching in New Markets

Entering new markets requires at least minor adjustments in your app. It’s essential, among other things, to run localization testing, check network connectivity, and conduct compliance testing to ensure the product is in line with local regulations.

Tech and Legal Updates

Both tech companies and governments introduce new requirements for digital products. In this case, companies need to adjust their apps to the new regulations or tech scopes. An extra round of iOS apps tests is critical as we’re speaking of code changes again.

Feedback Implementation

You may account for everything in your requirement. Yet, most likely, users and stakeholders will share some great ideas on how to enhance your product. Working with feedback entails additional quality reviews, feature suggestions, and testing of new features.

Post-Release Testing

If you already have a live product that hasn’t been checked, find QA experts to run at least one round of iPhone app testing. Even if everything seems to work fine, QA engineers know where to look for issues. And, unfortunately, there’s always something to fix.

Advantages of iOS App Testing Services

Having QA experts in your development team is critical. No one can deal with testing applications on iPhone better than people specializing in them. With professional iOS app testing services, you improve the overall user experience and, consequently, drive better business results. Even joining your team briefly for each sprint, a QA engineer allows other team members to focus on their core competencies while you discover a bunch of other advantages.

App Quality

Testing an app on an iPhone allows you to spot defects before they slip into production. It helps enhance reliability, performance, and overall experience with the app. It makes quality an extra factor when choosing your app instead of a competitor’s.


iOS app testing services provide access to expertise and resources that may be critical for a successful launch. From domain knowledge to a large bank of real devices, everything works to create an efficient development flow.

Real Devices

Testing iOS app on real devices enables your team to ensure all aspects of the app are checked – functionality, performance, security, and usability. With iOS device testing services, you don’t need to invest in building and maintaining the device bank.

Reduced Risks

Thanks to iOS apps testing, you get to minimize the risk of app crashes, performance issues, security vulnerabilities, logic gaps, and other problems. Preventing or fixing all of the above reduces reputational and financial risks.

Cost Savings

Cooperation with a QA company comes with lower hiring and management costs. Meanwhile, you get to accelerate the development process and avoid expensive mistakes by catching and fixing defects early in the development pipeline.


Through iOS mobile application testing, you ensure safety and compliance, which are critical for users. Release a digital solution that meets industry standards and regulations, as well as feels reliable and trustworthy for your audience.


Our expertise in iPhone application testing extends through various business domains, geographical regions, and tech scopes. Our clients are companies of different sizes and with different ambitions. This enables our QA team to gain skills and experience that fit nearly any request. On top of that, our QA experts keep track of the trends and tools to keep their skills and knowledge relevant.



Why Choose iOS Testing App Service at QA Madness

Your research of iOS app testing companies is likely to leave you with a long list of potential partners. How to choose the right application testing service provider for this task? Pay attention to the proven track record, terms of cooperation, and company’s highlights. Here are a few things that make our team stand out.


Our QA engineers have domain knowledge in a wide range of business domains and experience with a variety of tools and technologies. We keep extending our expertise and taking on new projects, both familiar and challenging.


We provide manual and automated QA, covering a full scope of testing types, from functional to exploratory to security and much more. You can request only a specific iOS testing service package or extend the request during our cooperation.


All QA solutions are tailored to your request. From the engagement model to the number of specialists involved, everything is decided based on your app’s scope, goals, and timelines. Needless to say, every iOS mobile testing strategy is custom.


The majority of our experts are Middle and Senior-level specialists who can work equally well independently and as a part of the team. You can request a specialist with a specific skill set or an ISTQB-certified QA engineer.


Our team is committed to quality, deadlines, and your business goals. The corresponding agreements will address all of this. The QA engineers are proactive: they don’t just report bugs but suggest app and process enhancements.


QA Madness in an ISO-certified company. We have a safe digital infrastructure for testing iPhone applications and a responsible team. You can be sure all your data stays secure and confidential, agreements are met, and quality is of the highest priority.

Our Featured QA & Testing Projects

Quality Assurance Setup and Testing for Mobile Gaming & NFT Platform

Quality Assurance Setup and Testing for Mobile Gaming & NFT Platform

The client was looking for a QA engineer with experience in mobile testing and knowledge of the gaming industry. They had a new and custom platform and needed to set up the QA process from scratch: define the coverage, prepare documentation, and integrate testing into the workflow.

  • Manual
  • Mobile
  • Gaming
  • NFT
QA Process Setup and Testing for the Meeting Platform

QA Process Setup and Testing for the Meeting Platform

The product was live, but the QA process was chaotic – without a clear flow or software testing specialists involved. The client sought an external audit and process setup so that other team members wouldn’t have to test the platform and severe defects wouldn’t slip to production.

  • Manual
  • Mobile
  • Web
  • Office Software
Quick QA Team Scaling for Supply Chain Software Company

Quick QA Team Scaling for Supply Chain Software Company

The company needed to expand its QA department rapidly during hypergrowth. They had high standards regarding the candidate requirements and an extensive list of responsibilities for the new team members. The main challenge was getting the right expertise while scaling quickly and smoothly.

  • Manual
  • Web
  • Mobile
  • Supply Chain
Full-time QA Support for the Marketing Platform Providear

Full-time QA Support for the Marketing Platform Providear

The QA team joined a few months into the development. The platform was new and developed from scratch. Thus, it required thorough analysis at all test levels and vast coverage. The team worked under frequently changing requirements and needed to adjust the testing strategy accordingly.

  • Manual
  • Web
  • Marketing
Testing Process Setup for the Cancer Research Software

Testing Process Setup for the Cancer Research Software

The client develops innovative desktop software products in the healthcare domain. The QA engineers tested two of their projects – software that operates the laboratory devices. The company needed vast test coverage and consistent documentation standardized by their rules.

  • Manual
  • Desktop
  • Healthcare
Testing of the Cloud-Based E-Commerce Solution

Testing of the Cloud-Based E-Commerce Solution

The company created a shipping storefront solution – a custom product that hasn’t been tested yet. The scope of tasks for QA engineers, in addition to running tests, included close analysis and the creation of a detailed functional checklist that would suit the first and subsequent test iteration.

  • Manual
  • SaaS
  • E-commerce

Let’s Start a New Project Together

QA Madness helps tech companies strengthen their in-house teams by staffing dedicated manual and automated testing experts.

Clients Testimonials

CEO at Dexter Agency

Our Approach to iOS Application Testing

We can share more specific information on the mobile iOS testing approach and solutions for your app after you share some details. In general, the quality assurance process entails five steps: test planning, design, implementation, stabilization, and delivery.


QA engineers study your app and prepare a testing strategy.

As one may expect, iOS mobile app testing begins with planning. After the official kick-off of our cooperation, QA engineers study your product using documentation, designs, tickets, etc., by interacting with it directly. This will help them understand the necessary test coverage, which will be the starting point for planning. 

The QA engineers will outline the requirements to test data and environments, testing resources (such as testing tools for iOS, bug trackers, devices, etc.), timelines, risks, and acceptance criteria. Everything is summarized in a strategy document – reviewed, agreed upon, and available to you during the entire QA process.


QA engineers prepare checklists and/or test cases.

When the coverage is agreed upon, specialists can write checklists or test cases for Apple app testing. The team can decide which ones to use collectively, or you can leave it to the QA engineers. Using these test artifacts will ensure that all important aspects of the app’s functionality and performance are tested. 

QA engineers also prepare or request test data and help set up the testing environments. This includes accesses, test users, details for iOS app performance testing, etc. The main task is to ensure that the settings allow QA engineers to closely mimic real user data and the environment. Otherwise, the team risks getting irrelevant feedback from the testing activities and letting some defects go unnoticed.


QA engineers run tests and report on the findings.

With documentation and environment ready, QA specialists can move on to executing iOS tests. They interact with the app, following the checklists and test cases, to verify that functionality, performance, and other aspects of the product align with what’s stated in the requirements. 

Every iPhone software test is documented. If there are any mismatches between the expected and actual behavior, they are described in detail in bug reports. These reports go to software developers, who look for the root cause of the defects and fix them.


QA engineers work on improvements along with developers.

Bug fixing also involves QA engineers. Or, it’s better to say the team needs an extra round of software testing following the defect resolution. As you already know, any changes in code call for repeated testing iOS app on iPhone. Hence, QA specialists run a round of change-related tests before deployment. 

Those entail retesting (repeated checking of the functionality after fixes), smoke testing (inspecting core functionality), and regression testing (verifying that a stable part hasn’t been affected by any changes). Only after passing these inspections can the team be certain that the iOS app build is ready to go live.


The iOS application or its new version is deployed to production.

Defects are found, fixed, and double-checked. The software build meets the requirements and acceptance criteria. Thus, it is ready to go live and be used by real users. QA engineers overview the deployment process and prepare to work with user feedback. 

With a proper testing app on iOS device, you shouldn’t worry about defects slipping to production. It’s highly unlikely. Yet, your audience may have some ideas on improvements, feature requests, or trivial defects. QA engineers work with these tickets, as well as prepare to start the new sprint.

Clients About Us

“QA Madness has established a smooth workflow through effective communication. The team is trustworthy, efficient, and hardworking.”
Jonathan Lopinot


Jon Lopinot

“Thanks to QA Madness’s efforts, we are able to resolve technical issues and keep our platforms optimized and bug-free.”
Marc Uitterhoeve

CEO at Dexter Agency

Marc Uitterhoeve

“QA Madness was seriously professional. They listened to our needs and gave us the kind of work we expected. As a result of their efforts, we can locate a bug in the test environment, which prevents issues from entering production. I would recommend them, 100%.”
Alessandro Ronchi

COO at Bitbull Srl

Alessandro Ronchi

"They’ve always been very professional, prompt, and available when we needed them. We’ve never had any issues or needed to go back and teach them how to meet our standards."
Alex Mathias

VP at Isadora Agency

Alex Mathias

"QA Madness has significantly reduced the number of bugs and issues in our final products. They’ve also improved our internal processes."
Jordi Dekker

Co-founder of Wezz E-Commerce

Jordi Dekker

"QA Madness generated extensive feedback that developers normally can’t see. We could never have gained this insight without their thorough functionality testing services. I appreciated how quickly they conducted testing despite the high volume of work it entails."
Wouter den Otter

CEO at SupportDesk

Wouter Den Otter

"They are an extremely valuable part of our extended team, and I couldn’t ask for more from a project management standpoint. QA Madness team is extremely professional when it comes to sticking to estimates, scopes, and quotes."
Noah Oken Berg

Co-founder of Above The Fray Design, Inc.

Noah Oken-Berg


iOS application testing can be challenging. It’s completely fine to have questions and doubts as you research mobile application testing companies and prepare for a collaboration. If you have any specific questions, reach out to us. Let’s discuss your iOS app and its testing in person.

How to find iOS app testers?

There are several strategies for finding app testing iOS specialists. In particular:

- Beta testing and freelance platforms.
- Online communities and forums.
- Social media outreach.
- Local meetups and personal recommendations.
- Research on professional iOS app testing services.

In each of the above cases, pay attention to the specialist’s or company’s specialization, app test iOS services, expertise, and feedback. Always have an introductory conversation before signing any agreements.

When do you need to automate iOS app testing?

A lot has been said about the benefits of automated testing. However, automation for the sake of automation is never a good idea. iOS app automation testing is highly beneficial under specific circumstances. You should consider automation in the following scenarios:

- You have frequent application updates and releases.
- An increasing work scope makes manual iOS QA testing too time-consuming.
- There are repetitive test cases executed for every build.
- A test suite includes complex scenarios that require a lot of data and interactions.
- You need to simulate specific conditions to evaluate performance.
- The app needs to be tested across multiple devices and iOS versions.
- Your team uses the CI/CD pipeline and relies on immediate feedback.

There are other scenarios that can prove test automation viable. Meanwhile, there are quality checks that cannot be automated (exploratory or iOS beta testing service, for example). It’s best to discuss your case with automated QA experts.

How to write a testing script for an iOS app?

QA engineers start by setting up their development environment. This involves installing the latest version of Xcode and configuring the necessary test targets within the project. Then, they choose a testing framework that works for this specific project.

Only after the preparations above are completed can QA engineers write test scripts. As a rule, they use test cases for manual testing, translating each into an automated iOS test – a piece of code that will simulate user interactions. It can be tapping buttons, entering text, verifying results with assertions, and other interactions with an app.

What are iOS app testing tools?

Automation testing tools for iOS mobile applications allow QA engineers to set up pieces of code that replicate user behavior and run testing much quicker compared to manual execution. There’s a variety of iOS testing tools, each catering to different aspects of the testing process.

For example, XCTest and XCUITest are the most widely used ones. Both are integrated within Xcode, Apple’s integrated development environment. They are ideal for working with apps’ functionality as well as iOS UI automation testing.

You can learn more about the iPhone testing software our QA specialists use and the ones that will work for your project during an introductory call. To provide comprehensive feedback, it’s essential to know more about your product and expectations from automation testing for iOS apps.

Ready to speed up the testing process?